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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Other than the usual lazy analysis that having other life interests equates to not caring enough about football, I didn’t see anything in that article that suggests Josh Rosen is anything like Jake Locker. From all I’ve seen Josh Rosen is a deeply curious about many things, including how to be great in football. It’s a fallacy to believe that because someone has multiple interests they are incapable of sticking to and becoming an expert in any of them.
  2. Two episodes in, it’s fantastic. Killer soundtrack, complex characters, funny and dark. Looks like it could be full of surprises.
  3. Yeah, okay. One old, roided, cranky player wants more money than he's worth to justify poor life decisions that have permanently damaged his vital organs = GM may have a personnel problem.
  4. Many great movies listed already, but for me it's The Naked Gun
  5. Watched him a lot. If he played with a half-decent QB, let alone on a good team, he'd be a consensus Top-20 pick. Moore is difficult to evaluate since his job was to "get open fast and stay open." - By far the best player on Maryland. - Not tall (5' 11") but physical (215 lb). - Most of the time he was the only true receiving option. - Won't be the fastest WR but gets separation with quick moves. - Good, willing blocker. Could be a decent special teams player on coverage and punt returns. - I believe he has a ton of potential growth when he's not expected to do everything. Very coachable and smart. Could be a great Julian Edleman replacement for NE/Brady (I hope this doesn't happen). I think he would thrive in a west coast offense (Rosen) or something improvisational (Mayfield, Jackson).
  6. How is jewelry an investment? Land, stocks, bonds, beanie babies but not jewelry.
  7. Benrus put up a clock and will make the Bills pay for it.
  8. And if those teams don’t want to trade? I haven’t read the rules but I’m pretty sure the Bills can’t force any other team to give up their pick. Though they could build a time machine to lose a few more games last season.
  9. Very impressive study. Reinforced my desire to get Rosen and Jackson, made me feel better about Mayfield (but still nagging doubts) but made me more confused about Rudolph. Well, “Every 2017 throw of a quarterback available to me was graded.” That’s pretty comprehensive.
  10. If you liked Tabula Rasa you might like Hotel Beau Séjour (Netflix). Belgian miniseries, same directors, writers. Stay with me, murdered teenager tries to solve her own murder. Dark, suspenseful and well written. I have have a longer list of recommendations in this thread. (Mostly to fish for recommendations of those I share similar tastes)
  11. You’re probably glad I didn’t try to explain the plot. Night Manger is excellent. Could have been convoluted but found it well plotted. I think Hugh Laurie is a supremely underrated actor. The Bridge — Wait to find Danish/Swedish version. Look forward to your recommendations as well. I find I’m a hard grader and can easily give up on shows.
  12. You may not be familiar with speed times, but two tenths is lifetime. If you've seen LJ play so much and not see the differences, I don't know what to tell you.
  13. I don't see the difference. I hope he gets it together, changes his life/attitude and finds success on the field. We could always use more success stories.
  14. Not identical at all and LJ is (much) faster than TT, running a 4.34 last March.
  15. Then I don't get your negative attitude. Why wouldn't you want to encourage Manzeil? Encouragement doesn't cost anything and could have great benefits. I'm sure anyone trying to tackle life issues could use the help regardless of circumstance.
  16. Jeez, let's at least give Manziel a chance to make a comeback. He seems to have done many things to get his life together and deserves our encouragement not our scorn.
  17. OMG. So many what ifs, it's almost as if you can't always control who you want and how they'll turn out.
  18. Still would like to know how Bills force Giants to trade down to #12 when they have several players that would be great for their team. No doubt there are countless Giants fans who would go nuts if the Giants made that move but go ahead, dream a little.
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