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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Do you assume that all or most reported sexual assault is “character assassination?” You say “these days,” as if the concept of character assassination is a new concept. When did it start? 2016? 1066? How is this “the media’s” fault? Who is this “media” you speak of? Is more prevelent at the New York Post or Info Wars than say the Sun in England, or maybe in Australia or Russia Today? Actually, save it, I know exactly where you get your talking points.
  2. I think it was a fair story and unless there is any further action by the accuser, the matter is settled. I was addressing the general comments about sexual assault.
  3. It's dispiriting and appalling to see more than a few posters who equate #Metoo with "Fake News." The horrifying part is dismissing the fact that sexual assault is an all too common occurrence. Patricia is a public figure, he is subject to public scrutiny and this is part of his public life. it's not a "witch hunt" to report what happened.
  4. You clearly clearly have a strong opinion on women speaking out on alleged sexual assault. It’s not “taking sides” to report something that happened. Even you would have to admit that a woman reported an assault by three men and a grand jury thought there was enough evidence to warrant a trial. Those are facts. The reporter also explained what happened next, which I thought was fair to Patricia and the woman. Yes, he is innocent in the court of law. Yes, he very well may be entirely without fault and the woman made up the whole thing. But we also cannot assume we know anything else and mostly because the writer posed questions we may never know.
  5. That is a very well done story. Here are the facts: - Patricia was arrested and a grand jury indicted him. Yes, there is often a low bar for indictment but apparently enough evidence to warrant a trial. - The woman declined to go to court. We only know that she didn’t want to go through the process. She did NOT say “they didn’t do it” nor did the prosecutors make a case that they did. Therefore, innocent until proven guilty. - I thought the writer did a very good job explaining the awkwardness of the situation and didn’t appear to take anyone’s side. Exactly! Wait, what do you mean? She made up the entire thing and doesn’t want to talk about it. Or She he was brutally assaulted and now deeply traumatized? Or . . .
  6. Changing the gameplan is NOT a scouting failure but a guide to HOW to change the game plan on the fly. Generally, game plans in any situation should not be a rigid playbook that is followed regardless of the circumstances. Instead, it's a general framework that can be messaged and tinkered until he right combination is found.
  7. I'm not overly concerned about the starting WRs but depth is more an issue. Granted, much will depend on what Daboll draws up but I believe McCarron will throw more and WRs will be more likley put into a position to succeed. If it was based solely on lack of talent the Bills would be out-of-luck, but I don't think that's the case with the current receivers. Benjamin is a solid receiver. Last year didn't have much going for it. KB probably didn't mesh with TT, the defense planned for him, could used more practice time with the starter, he got hurt, etc, etc. It's not know if he'll get on the same page with McCarron but there's a good chance to work an entire off-season they'll be a decent combo and could easily get to 65+ catches. Performance Potential: 2017 - 5/10 Projected 2018 - 7/10 Zay Jones - I have faith that his talent will overcome whatever issues he had last year. It seems to be all mental and if he could work that out, Zay will be a solid contributor with 45+ catches. 2017 - 2/10 Projected 2018 - 6/10 TE - I think the Bills will get a lot of Clay and Nicklaus' Grandson. They both played well last year and if healthy, they'll continue to do so in 2018. 2017 - 7/10 Projected 2018 - 7/10 Third WR - 2017 was a mess, with a few flash in the pan performances but no one able to solidify the position. Assuming lack of PED won't harm his ability, Kerley is better than anything the Bills had at this position last season and has the potential for 40+ catches. Holmes is decent 4th WR but the depth after him gets cloudy but there's a chance one of the draft picks could set up.
  8. How does that story make it into onto the Fox News wesite? Who the !@#$ cares?
  9. I think that has more to do with contrarian, hard-headed dislike for the front office than anything to do with the facts of the matter. Rosen or whoever was “their guy” and this is the complaint de jour.
  10. It matters what people say on any platform: It’s naive to think it doesn’t have an impact and would have had severe implications if it was determine to be a pattern of behavior. When the tweets were first reported it’s very likely everyone thought, “Uh, oh.” But that disapated when we learned of the context, there were just a small handful, he was 15 and most were immature not “racist.” The next question was, “Is this a pattern, how do people who now know JA feel about it?” If it’s a shock and “No way, that’s not the guy we know” then he’s likely in the clear. If the people said, “Yeah, I’m not surprised, then it could be a big problem.” Most teams, especially this Bills organization, do not want a player who could cause problems. However, there is a bit of silver lining in the tweets. It quickly became obvious that no one believed the tweets reflected Allen’s character and that the reverse was true. Multiple sources said Josh was kind to everyone and a few cited specif examples of going out of his way to help those in need. Moreover, Josh was embarrassed, owned up to it and quickly made it clear that it did not reflect what he believed. To me, this was good hear, because other than a few general articles, I knew little of his personality. Last, the tweets seemed to surprise the Bills, they had got to know him and their investigation into his background seemed incongruous. But let’s be clear, if there were some lingering questions when the tweets came out that detected a pattern, I have no doubt the Bills and other teams would have taken a walk on him. Because these things matter.
  11. When he's running for his life a QB isn't worried about footwork. There are a handful of NFL QBs who could make those throws.
  12. As long as the Bills are picking above #23, I'm agnostic who they pick
  13. The ultimate goal of most editors/writers is to ensure their publication makes money. The publication makes money due to advertising, which is based on readership. Readership can go up when an article circulates virally. In other words, in re: to this article, mission accomplished, they did their job. If you don't like an article, don't do the publication any favors.
  14. Agree. I think one of the reasons to have Allen sit is that early in the season is that AJ McCarron would probably play better with a crappy Oline. Yes, AJ hasn't taken many NFL snaps but he's had time to learn NFL offenses and probably would play better with the current lineup. Still sucks for AJ but in the long run it might make more sense for the team. If AJ doesn't perform with the current lineup, it could be worth seeing what Allen could do.
  15. I like and respect Trapasso but he seems to get too locked into a narrative without much consideration of circumstance. There is reason to believe Allen will improve with coaching and a decent supporting cast that would certainly help with all three of these “flaws.” On most snaps Josh is running for his life, and without the toughness to shake off tackles and athleticism to avoid the rush he would’ve been sacked much more often. Put Rosen or Rudolph behind that line and they might not be considered top prospects. While Mayfield was a scrambler it seemed to be more style than necessity and he often seemed to have at least one receiver open. Only Jackson seemed to encounter consistent pressure as Allen. Yes, you can see Allen taking the extra chance which was often the cause of an interception or bad throw but so often it seemed he was trying to make something happen. To me, his team lived and died on his ability to will them to a win. That’s a ton of pressure on one player. Again, see Jackson compared to other QBs.
  16. Many (most?) ex-player president we’re pretty bad at the job. Playing the sport is not a prerequisite to being a club president. Yup, too many posters ignore facts. I have no idea what you mean.
  17. I have no idea but it’s irritating that posters don’t understand she OWNS both teams.
  18. Kim Pegula isn’t married to the owner, she is the owner.
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