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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. 100% guilty, not a doubt in my mind. If there was even a chance he didn’t do it, there would have been a dozen books trying to prove otherwise.
  2. A very good resource and I enjoyed the pre and post-game commentary. Good luck and hope the site returns someday.
  3. Delaware was mentioned as it’s generally nicer, less crowded and consequently, more expensive. However, if you don’t expect too much, don’t mind some crowds, don’t want to spend a fortune and would like activities, Ocean City could work. Beaches are good, a nice variety of restaurants (upscale like Liquid Assets to cheap eats) and many fun bars (Mackys, Ropewalk, Fishtails, Seacrets - which is an experience day, night and late night). Every place can get very crowded and reservations are rare, so try to avoid peak times or you’ll wait at while. Arcades, boardwalk, amusement park is decent, lots of mini golf, etc. evolution Brewery in Salisbury, visit Town of Berlin, see the wild ponies down in Assatauge (which is cool). Lots of nice golf courses (Rum Point, Lighthouse, Eagles Landing, etc). Many other things you’d expect in a tourist area. OC has cabs, Uber and a free drunk bus that runs the length of the city. Try not to drive, especially if drinking. Hotels run run from pretty crappy to OK, as they are what you’d expect for hundreds of people tracking in sand day and night . Hilton and a few others are “nice” but expensive. Otherwise, Airbnb is a bet but they fill up fast.
  4. What kind of vacation do you want?
  5. This dude is equating a demonstration against police brutality with racist comments. That’s all you need to know about this guy.
  6. So, if your employee said those things you would tell your customers they are over-sensitive? That’s would be defending what he said. Perhaps you should look in the mirror and decide whether you are OK with comments like these.
  7. Perhaps you should look up how the capitalist corporate structure works. No one forced John to take his company public and no one forced him to make racist comments that could lose many people money and jobs. He got what he deserved yet you seem to be defending him.
  8. Bo never played a full season due to baseball and averaged less than half the number of per game carries than say, Eric Dickerson. However, every time he touched the ball he was threat to score. In other words, he was amazing and we can only wonder what he would have done for not baseball and the freak injury. I think the Top 10is fine though personally I’d put Tomlinson at #10 and shift the rest down. Probably bias it’s but I think TT is #11, Emmitt Smith, is way too high and feel anyback would have been very good in that offense. Same could be said for TT but I think the offense was great because of his skill set.
  9. The author laments that Lee is "often maligned in these 'politically correct' days, yet his article outlines several significant errors Lee made just at Gettysburg. So, perhaps the criticism is justified? At the end, the author calls him a man of "integrity" for taking the blame for Pickett's Charge. Who else should have taken the blame? His slaves? One of history's greatest lessons that is continually ignored: location, location, location
  10. They look like a crime story cliche: "These four will play hapless meth dealers who will be caught mid-way through season one when they got high at work, started fighting about the splits and one of them complained to the cops trying to get cheeseburgers."
  11. Agree on the Jimi Hendrix Experience, I could listen to Redding and Mitchell all day. Not so sure about other comments, though. The Who were super tight group, no weak links, so I'm not sure who you mean. Entwistle was a superior bassist ("lead" guitarist of the band), Daltrey one of the greatest lead signers, Keith Moon was a magician and Townsend created some of the most iconic rifts. Same for the Beatles. I'll agree that none were a Top 5 on their instruments, but all were superior in their own right. Personally, I get a little worked up when Ringo doesn't get his due. The guy revolutionize the rock drummer, so many innovation and methods that are now taken for granted. A great influence on many greats after him. It's hard to ever envision anyone taking his place. Rolling Stones - I do agree about the entire band to a point but that may have more to do with their longevity and turnover. Wyman was good but could have been substituted for any number of bassists.
  12. ^ This. My favorite Beatles album and probably Top 5 on any given day. Nearly perfect. While not a radical departure from previous albums, the move in a new direction is noticeable. Up to that point they were all very confident songwriters but perhaps an added dose of maturity (and drugs?) pushed them to break out into new territory.
  13. I like Peterman because I believe he has potential. I also would not be surprised he gets cut at the end of camp. What I really don't get is how fans can be so violently sure one way or the other. What makes sports fun is that there is a fine line between a very good and very bad player. Someone could have all the skill in the world but it never comes together; while others are able to squeeze out every ounce of potential to become a valued member of the team. It was painful to watch the San Diego game but even if it's impossible to excuse the overall result, you have to admire his ability to bounce back. He was a good college player, he played well in his first pre-season and worked his way to two starts (coaches choice and injury). Moreover, according to every report, Peterman seems to have made notable improvements through OTAs. He may never be a full-time starter, and may not make this year's team, but it's impossible to say he won't at least be a reliable, career back-up like Frank Reich, which would be pretty could for a 5th Rounder.
  14. My rooting interests (ranked): 1. Iceland 2. England 3. Sweden 4. Senegal 5. Austrailia 6. Mexico 7. Nigeria 8. Spain 9. Denmark 10.Switzerland
  15. My eyeball test says he's plenty big for a WR, as anyone who has seen him take on SEC and ACC defenses. Any WR would be jealous of his yards after contact. Let me provide additional facts: Over three seasons, Lamar Jackson ran the ball 655 times (Saquon Barkley: 671), attempted 619 passes and was sacked over 100 times yet he didn't miss ONE game (and hard to find where he missed any significant snaps). That's more than tough enough to play WR. Having said that, I also think he would be a very good QB who will strike fear into defenses.
  16. Lamar Jackson is 6'3" 216 - he's bigger and faster than most WRs and had more rushes than most SEC/ACC running backs without ever missing a game to injury. I think he has the body to withstand the punishment. Kapernick took his team to the super bowl and then got black balled.
  17. I don't blame the networks for maintaining the pre-game, I'm just perplex why anyone would continue to watch. There is so much decent, hourly content available that by the time the game arrives I don't get why anyone would endure a stale, uniformed pre-game show.
  18. Personally, I don't see a reason for any pre-games shows. The shows are pre-internet dinosaurs.
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