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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Part of me would take him back but I would not question the Bills if they said, "Hell No."
  2. Watched him often, he has the potential to be a superstar. No guarantee he will turn out that way but doesn’t make sense to dismiss his generational athletic ability.
  3. “A rookie’s first pre-season game confirms what I thought of him.”
  4. New rule could lead to a much better product on the field. For whatever reason, football tackling technique is generally atrocious. Players seem to practice the right way and then get stupid on the field by trying to be a human missile, laying the hardest hit that makes the highlight real. I'd rather see smart, sound, safe tackling.
  5. The Allen reports are encouraging but instead of measuring him against AJ and NP, how does he look compared to Tyrod and the rest of the league’s starters? In other words, how many other QBs would he beat out? Too soon to tell but I believe that would be a much more useful standard and a better indicator of how well the Bills offense might perform this year.
  6. In his junior year I was all-in on Josh Allen to the Bills. Then throughout his senior year my enthusiasm waned. His bowl performance and senior bowl again sparked my interest but my gut said Rosen was the guy, to the point I was surprised the Bills picked Allen. Now I’m back as an Allen booster.
  7. Five Academy Award Nominations for Best Actor - Won Two Nine Golden Globe Nominations for Best Actor - Won Four Nominated for a Tony Award for Best Actor Plus numerous awards and nominations for directing and producing. My favorite Hanks movies: - Splash - Bachelor Party - Big - A League of Their Own - Apollo 13 - Toy Story (all of them) - That Thing You Do (written, directed, starred, and composed four songs) - Green Mile - Castaway - Road to Perdition - Catch Me If You Can - Bridge of Spies - Sully - The Post Myrna Loy . . .
  8. Here's the entire press conference, word for word. https://www.npr.org/2018/07/16/629462401/transcript-president-trump-and-russian-president-putins-joint-press-conference It's all there. And if you can't read:
  9. Senator Bob Corker Tenn. [Putin] gained a tremendous amount. Here he has been ostracized on the world stage. … It was almost an approval, if you will, a public approval by the greatest nation on earth towards him. … I would guess he's having caviar right now. Senator Jeff Flake Ariz. I never thought I would see the day when our American President would stand on the stage with the Russian President and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression. This is shameful. Senator Susan Collins Me. The president’s statements today in Helsinki demonstrate his continued refusal to accept the unanimous conclusions of U.S. intelligence leaders and the bipartisan findings of the Senate Intelligence Committee. This position is untenable and at odds with the forceful response this moment demands. Senator Lindsey Graham S.C. If it were me, I’d check the soccer ball for listening devices and never allow it in the White House. Senator Charles E. Grassley Iowa President Trump missed an opportunity to publicly press President Putin on whether he would agree to extradite the defendants to the United States to answer the allegations in court. Senator John McCain Ariz. No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant. Senator Rob Portman Ohio The president’s comments in today’s press conference were troubling. He failed to stand up to Vladimir Putin on some of the most critical security issues facing our country and our allies. Senator Tim Scott S.C. As Americans, we stand up for our interests and values abroad; but I fear today was a step backwards. Senator Ben Sasse Neb. This is bizarre and flat-out wrong. The United States is not to blame. America wants a good relationship with the Russian people but Vladimir Putin and his thugs are responsible for Soviet-style aggression. When the president plays these moral equivalence games, he gives Putin a propaganda win he desperately needs. Senator Patrick J. Toomey Pa. .@POTUS' blindness to Putin’s hostile acts against the US and our allies—election meddling included—is very troubling. Senator Jerry Moran Kan. The president missed an opportunity to publicly condemn Russia for election interference or offer strong support for the NATO alliance. The problem with our relationship is not American actions but rather Russia’s duplicitous behavior. Senator Lisa Murkowski Alaska Sadly President Trump did not defend America to the Russian president, and for the world to see. Instead, what I saw today was not “America First,” it was simply a sad diminishment of our great nation. Senator Dan Sullivan Alaska I disagree w/ President’s remarks following Helsinki Summit. Specifically, do I believe the professional and patriotic men and women of our intelligence community, including the Director of National Intelligence, or a mafia regime leader like Putin? It’s not even a close call. Rep. Paul D. Ryan Wis. 1st Speaker of the House The president must appreciate that Russia is not our ally. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers Wash. 5th Republican Conference Chairwoman Russia is not a friend to the United States or our allies. There’s no question that they meddled in our election, and all evidence points to Putin’s direct involvement. In order to put America first, the president must hold Russia accountable for their adversarial actions and their continued efforts to undermine our democratic institutions. Rep. Ed Royce Calif. 39th Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee I disagree with the president’s comments. There is simply no comparing the actions of the United States and Vladimir Putin. Rep. Robert W. Goodlatte Va. 6th Chairman, Judiciary Committee U.S. intelligence agencies have confirmed Russia’s actions, and the evidence is plentiful. Today’s summit was an opportunity to forcefully address this growing threat directly with President Putin. I am dismayed that we did not see that.
  10. So, it never happened? Trump didn't take Putin's word for it? Trump said nothing that was concerning to you? Maybe even admit Trump made a mistake? Do you even know why Republicans are upset? At least you admit you are OK with Putin/Russian electoral interference.
  11. This guy believes all the criticism was made up out of whole cloth. Dozens of top Republicans, Fox News commentators and literally thousands of articles slamming what Trump said and this guy says Trump said nothing about Russian election interference and absolving Putin. It's all just made up. Next, this guy will say that what Russia/Putin did was in the best interest of the USA.
  12. This guy needs proof that Trump sided with Putin over the USA. Pick up a paper. Traitor-abetting has powerful side effects.
  13. The President of the United States said his administration, congress and the intelligence community are wrong about Russian election interference and Putin is telling the truth. Yet, many of you see nothing wrong with that. Traitor-on guys!
  14. Longtime-GOP prosecutor with a sterling record of personal and professional integrity = bad Degenerate liar, cheater, undignified, Putin loving, horrible person = good Keep it up traitor-enablers, you are on a roll
  15. The Traitor Caucus has slowed down here. Where is your anti-USA, pro-Putin spirit? You are letting your Dear Leader down. We know most of the GOP Congress hasn’t defended Trump’s treasonous actions and even a nice handful have outright condemn him, that Fox News commentators have expressed disappointment at Trump outright treachery and even Gingrich said he needed to defend the USA, but we know the hardcore zealots on this board won’t let facts and patriotism get in the way of an old fashion tirade against Hillary or something. Have a a great day.
  16. Ah, the Traitor Caucus is still in full spin mode. Must have been an exhausting day. Good job, guys! Remember Hannity’s talking points: - Deep state! - FBI and IC are corrupt, out to get Trump! - Democracies bad! Authoritarians good! - Free press bad! - USA bad! - Russia good! - Putin strong! - McCain weak! Propping up a traitor is a thankless job but we’re sure you won’t give up your dream of an authoritarian state! Catch you later!
  17. Well, that was fun. Good luck sucking up to the Surrender-in-Chief!
  18. Sorry, I didn't get Putin's instructions, is that a good thing?
  19. So, what you're saying is, instead of shooting war, your Dear Leader is a patriot for quickly surrendering. I disagree with the strategy but I can see why you like it.
  20. I like you. Your posts make you look like a raving psychopath but we know what you're up to. Well done.
  21. Why so glum, you're getting everything you wanted. When does your Dear Leader hand over the keys to the White House, or was that done in the secret meeting?
  22. I see the surrender is going as planned. I'm impressed you all pulled it off less than two years into the term.
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