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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. This post opens a few more cans of worms. I think it's a lazy storyline to say the "franchise is a failure," which is true, until it isn't. It's like saying the New York Giants are great until they are not. The McBeane era is in Year 2 and McBeane can only be judged by the players and contracts they inherited and what they do next. So the question is: Was the "purge" a good thing or a bad thing? Personally, I don't believe Watkins was worth the money he wanted, Dareus certainly wasn't, Glenn spent far too much time on the IR and Ragland looked lost. I view the McBeane moves have helped clear all the dead wood, the bloated contracts and players who needed to go. Next, they'll be judged by the players they have drafted, the players they brought in and the ones they kept. Well, Year 1 was pretty damn good, Year 2 could have it's growing pains and I'm really looking forward to Year 3 and 4 when the roster is truly theirs. Pet peeve, and it may be unintentional, but I'm particular when trades are characterized as "giving up a pick" when it's part of swap. In this case, he Bills traded picks #53 and #56 (via the Rams in another salary move) for the right to SWAP the 12th pick for the 7th pick.
  2. What I'd like to see: Pump fake to a sideline receiver and then go long.
  3. Do you think Peterman will do better or worse? I'd take something like that in a heartbeat. Peterman will redeem himself and prove he belongs in the league.
  4. How many games before Peterman throws five interceptions? Ravens - 1 Chargers - 0 Vikings - 1 Packers - 2 Titans - 0 Texans - 2
  5. Technically, it's the Pegula's team. As for the roster, this is how I see a comparison to last year's team: QB: Honestly believe Peterman or Allen are more apt to win games than Tyrod (and first-year Peterman). Of course, the major difference is . . . OL: Worse than last year. No one on the squad is as good as Incognito, Groy could be a push on Wood, all others are literally the same (and not necessarily improving). Biggest potential disaster. WR: On paper, I think this is a slight upgrade over last year. RB: Slightly better than last year. Though if Shady goes down . . . TE: I believe they'll be better than last year overall. More versatility. Depth: Possibly a push but hard to tell. Coordinator: Even on Daboll's worst day I think he's better than Rick Dennison. Even geniuses can't make all bad players look good, but I think overall, Daboll will make a "D" offense into a "C- or C" offense, which could be "good enough" and likely better than last year. No real depth could also wipe out the season. DL - I'd like to say significantly better than last year but I'll simply say "improved" on paper. LB - Again, would like to say "improved" but I'll call this a push until Edwards gets better and Milano shows improvement. DB - All the same as last year, but curious if the new corners are better than Gaines and company. Depth: Slightly better but likely a push until proven otherwise. Coordinator: Same. Curious to see if a true game plan will restore confidence that getting kicked around in preseason meant nothing. Much tougher schedule, growing pains at QB, potential OL implosion so I'll go with 6-10. Bad start and gets better as season goes on.
  6. We don't follow the Broncos that much, thus don't know everything that goes on there, and Elway managed them to recent Super Bowl. That's all I need to know about the whether Elway sticks around.
  7. As I believe OL is of greatest need I find the following the most intriguing: OC Spencer Pulley - possibly make him center and move Groy to starting guard. Release Bodine. G/T Austin Pasztor - Good experience, not great at anything but seemed solid. Release Newhouse. Also throw Gentry in there and release Foster.
  8. The mother tried to give Camille the "medicine" but she was a "willful" child who didn't "cooperate," which would explain the Mother's animosity. SPOILERS - A case could be made for one fewer episode but I personally liked the slow burn, delving into the characters and peeling back the history of each person. I think the "Woman in White" was the clue that a woman had at least participated and they dropped enough clues that Adora could be the killer of the other girls. If anything, they needed at least one more credible suspect. Agree that Sweater Dad is just clueless and/or too weak-willed to make a fuss. Either way, he's ruined. I think mid-credit sequence suggests that one of the girls was killed in the bungalow, leaving the blood stain under the bed. One the skater girls lived in the house. Though I wonder how they got the body downtown. Personal preference, but thought "Don't tell Mom" was perfect ending. I don't believe Adora (mom) knew anything, I think she made herself believe Amma was a perfect child.
  9. I'm pretty confident Mack will continue to dominate from age 27 to 32. Many of the leagues best defensive players are in that age range.
  10. I stand corrected. "In October 2013 the NFL announced that, in the absence of a team volunteering to participate in Hard Knocks, the league could force a team to participate. Teams are exempt from being forced to participate in three circumstances: (1) they have appeared in the past ten years, (2) they have a first-year head coach, or (3) they reached the playoffs in either of the two preceding seasons." With 2017 playoff appearance, the Bills' get one more exemption year. Yet another reason to make the playoffs. I don't think the show does the league any good as it rarely makes a positive impression (plus, it's just boring).
  11. You cannot compare the Bills and Browns shows. I like Embedded but it’s a promotional video intended to drive ticket sales. That’s not a bad thing but it’s purpose is to place the team in the best possible light while Hard Knocks is produced by a third-party that thrives off conflict and reality show drama. For the the life of me I’ll never get why any team would agree to a show like that.
  12. I read the book when first published though I can’t recall the ending. The story seems a bit different than what I remember but I think it’s a nice, slow burn that’s as much about the town, memory, trust and a host of other themes than simple murder mystery. I agree it could be a little anti-climatic but I’ve enjoyed the ride. Also add that Gone Girl is one of my favorite books and hope Gillian Flynn soon returns to novels. Dark Places was good read as well.
  13. I left out naming Tweedy and Farrar to concentrate on the band not the aftermath. But now that the door is open, to me, A.M”. is Tweedy’s farewell to Uncle Tupelo with all the songs bottled up while with UT. It’s personal preference but I think A.M. is superior to Farrar/Son Volt’s “Trace,” which got better reviews at the time. Since then, A.M. has held up as a classic, not one weak link on the record and each a crowd favorite. However, Tweedy’s legacy is the ability to put out a distinct sound on each subsequent album. Of the band’s 70-80 songs I can only think of one or two (see: “Capitol City”) that aren’t up to set list quality. It’s hard to underrate a band that’s churns out great albums over 23 years but Wilco probably still be on my all-time underrated band list.
  14. Let’s have Josh play a few regular season games before declaring anyone right or wrong.
  15. Disagree about Star, he did his job taking up space and double-teams, it’s the LBs job to plug the remaining holes. Milano has a tough game and displayed evidence why his starting position could be in trouble. He’s active but not in the correct spot. Edmunds stated slow but got better. I have confidence he’ll get better each week. I hope Bodine is the weak link and Groy will help both guards play better. Though would like to see Teller get a shot at either guard position. Dawkins had trouble with Myles but that dude is just so good. I have confidence Daboll would have a game plan to deal with freaks of nature. I like Logan, I think he plays with energy and QBs like him because he gets open and makes an effort. Prefer his athleticism over Nicklas’ nephew. Would like to see Coleman get more burn.
  16. Uncle Tupelo. Groundbreaking trio launched the alt-country/punk country sound that has influenced wide range of bands today. I’ll go further to say they were easily one of the best bands in music history. Severely underrated.
  17. This can’t be, In another thread I was told “the media” doesn’t know anything because the Bleacher Report wasn’t glowing enough. Yup, like many (most?) Bills fans up until Allen was drafted.
  18. And by “every play” you include those he made the tackle.
  19. Couldn’t believe that science teacher was Bernie Koser. Who dressed him? Bernie, get a nice shirt, put in collar stays and button your sleeve.
  20. Who starts Game 1, by probability: (I think Bills keep all three on the active roster) 55% - Peterman - Personally believe Nate is a better QB than McCarron and to date, he’s kept AJ at bay. If NP stays at his current trajectory AJ will have to significantly demonstrate a reason to take over top spot. Peterman has a low ceiling but I think he still has room for improvement, while this might be as good as AJ will ever become. 30% - McCarron - He probably gets the nod if coaches believe the team is better off we a solid “C-Plus” QB and a very good Defense. High floor, Low ceiling. Won’t win but won’t lose many games (call him Tyrod-Plus). Moreover, I think they groom Nate as the permanent backup to either AJ or JA, well prepared to come off the bench, or step in if AJ falters. 15% - Allen - I like Josh and think he could be a star, but the good news is Peterman and McCarron are playing well and there is no reason to rush him. There’s a lot to like but he needs to make significant improvements over the next few weeks to clearly beat out the two other QBs. While that could happen soon, we have the luxury of waiting a few weeks or until next year. On the other hand, if JA steps up and overtakes AJ and NP, then it would be exciting to put him on the field.
  21. He dominated college ball. He just turned 20. He plays one one of the games most demanding positions. He starts on what could be a very good defense. He played his very first NFL preseason game. I’m shocked he’s not an immediate superstar.
  22. IMO, there is no way a receiver could react in time to a errant missile. That had to be planned route at the pylon.
  23. Before the kick-off, I'm interested what positions and expectations you have for the first pre-season game. Here are a few of mine: DEFENSE I do NOT expect much from the defense overall or last year's starters. I imagine they'll run a simple game plan to see who individuals read, react and complete assignments. Having said that, I'll what the following closely: Lawson/Adolphus - Are they winning battles? Being disruptive? Playing like their jobs are on the line? Back-up Linebackers - Anyone look like they could challenge LoAlex for playing time and/or put Huber on the hot seat? I'd like to see the second and third secondary units in action. Right now the depth has great potential and curious how the work together. OFFENSE Yes, the QB battle is fun but I'm much more concerned about the OLINE starters. They battle everyday with a very good defense but let's hope they can withstand Carolina. OLINE again: individual battles, do they work well together, provide sufficient time and holes? Difficult to assess QBs if they are running for their life and RBs have no where to go. Can anyone threaten Mills at LT? Assuming QBs have some time to work the passing game, I'm most curious about Streater, Reilly and Dupre. Can Proehl make a difference in "game time?" SPECIAL TEAMS Who gets first team snaps? Anyone standout?
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