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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. This board could not possibly accept so much winning and the playoffs would be uttlerly appalling. Would be a good start. I really don't like looking ahead because it's hard enough to go possession by possession.
  2. If you need Xanax after a gutsy, upset win then maybe football is too stressful for you.
  3. So, they pick out five plays that didn't work and that's analysis? Now let's do Brady or even Mayfield (who had his share of brutal plays). Seriously, they are going to criticize a batted down pass? Please. Play #2 is a legitimate mistake on Allen's part. He should have thrown to Clay but you can see he wanted to make a big play on 2nd and long. Rookie mistake. This strange route seems like an odd play to harp on. The pass to KB over the middle was indeed low but had plenty of zip and tracked the route runner. It was certainly not uncatchable and the defender had no chance to intercept. The Zay Jones route over the middle ignores the fact that the defense broke through the protection before Jones made his cut. What I saw: Only 19 passes, completing 10. At least three were smart throwaways No dumb mistakes to hurt the team (No, I'm not counting the interception that went through Holmes hands) QB'd a game winning drive. Nothing spectacular but a rookie who is learning to play (with very poor receivers).
  4. Let’s give a shout out to the Hobart College grad.
  5. I assume this is troll job or someone looking for attention but here's a reply: The two long punt returns were due to poor tackling not because the runners had a clear lane. The first game muff is excusable and had little/no bearing on the outcome and the muffed FG is a rookie mistake. IMO, he will be a long-time, better than average punter.
  6. So, what exactly would you have given up for Mack? I'd bet same people complaining the Bills didn't get him would be crying that the Bills gave up too much.
  7. I believe you are 100% wrong. I see a rookie QB who is willing do anything to win. On the last drive he was ready to win, was cool in the pocket and the team clearly believes in him. Allen is full of confidence and he looks like he cannot wait until next Sunday. That has a lot to do with Allen's personality, but it's also because of very good coaching.
  8. I don’t see how texting is any different than email. I find texting easier for casual conversation and email more for long form. In my business my only phone is my cell (why would you want a desk phone and multiple voice mail boxes?). Each industry is different but for mine the concept of 9-5 work hours is pretty outdated. Most don’t abuse late night and weekends but business does occasionally occur at all hours.
  9. Good, look forward to it, they both know the game. Suzi Kolber would be good as well.
  10. Very good, underrated band with a lot talent that that flirted with great. Had a few lasting hits with a nice slew of songs that didn't get as much attention.
  11. So far, I'm not seeing many rookie tendencies. He uses the whole field, has no favorite receiver, his touch passes improve every week and it's just a matter of time before he starts to hit the home run ball. The greatest weakness is he doesn't have experience and may be susceptible to "new" defenses.
  12. Except the middle/bubble screen to Ivory (though with pressure in his face) and the first deep pass, every throw looked on target.
  13. Bouldin was barely in the team, same with Davis and Richie is a nut but go ahead and troll.
  14. Dude, you are the guy who keeps screaming, "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!," then gagged and tied up by those who have kept their wits.
  15. You sound like someone who is losing their mind under the stress, each post gets more ludicrous. I wouldn't want to be in a foxhole with you.
  16. Get a grip, the McDermott hate is atrocious.
  17. This game was a disaster but did have a few things I "liked" (or didn't hate): Josh Allen - With the game already over a lot of pressure was off. However, it was still his first game and I thought he did well under the circumstances. Not ready to say he is "ready" but I would feel comfortable starting him Game #2. The Punter - Other than THAT play and a shank that still went 35+ yards, this kid is a keeper. Tre Edmunds - Wow, I didn't expect him to do so well. Yes, a few plays here and there didn't go well, but he's seems to have much more confidence than in the preseason. Milano - Same. They seemed to say, "Screw it, stop thinking and start hitting." Murphy - He runs hard, some nice returns. Croom - He seems to get open, hard to cover. Unlike what's his name. Dawkins - Not a great game but solid. I don't really care about the penalty. Didn't like - or more, disappointed. In particular: OL - Much worse than I even imagined. Not even sure where to begin. Inactives - Vontae is average but I don't understand how you sit him. Gaines - Holy crap he's terrible Star - Invisible Benjamin - Dude plays small and like he doesn't care. Peterman - I didn't expect much but it's clear defenses don't fear him - at all.
  18. 2017 - Playoffs = Grade A 2018 - Draft and Season = Cannot yet grade 2019 - Clearing room for major salary cap flexibility and accumulating draft picks = Grade A
  19. UK soccer could use an ethics lesson from UK basketball. ("It's OK as long you don't get caught.")
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