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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. I’ll say this for his ability: He’s damn good and I’m very happy he’s the Bills QB.
  2. i don’t remember the flare. So that’s one wide open miss. Even the elite QBs have a few each game but too many fans expect Allen perfection even in his eigth game. Most of throws I saw were on the money or catchable.
  3. Agree, Waldman doesn’t even consider the ball was meant for McKenzie which I believe deflected off his fingertips. McKenzie appears to be the better read anyway as he’s moving away from safety help.
  4. In Miami game he had no more inaccurate throws than you would expect from any Top 10 QB. Almost ever pass was a 15+ yard pass between the numbers. Most of the touch passes were on the money and two were beautiful (Zay’s drop and wheel route to DiMarco). He’s not Brady or Brees but he also has demonstrated potential.
  5. At 3:11, they had a 3rd and 12 at their 3 yard line, Allen threw a 22 yard rope to Jones. He also looked VERY accurate.
  6. I grow a beard every once in a while and now I'm in for the long haul. The itchy is annoying but can be alleviated by using beard oil in the morning and at night. Oil has a few uses but for me it keep your skin moisturized, which is what causes most of the itch. It takes 2-3 weeks for itch to ease off and then you are in the clear. Keep using the oil for as long as you have it.
  7. Agree except for the examples. Missed Zay throw was a miscommunication, not an accuracy issue. I will fight anyone who says the Clay throw was inaccurate. That was a thing of beauty. Under the same circumstances, maybe Aaron Rodgers in his prime makes that throw but I can't think of anyone else would be capable. The inception was not a good read/throw but I do wonder about McDermott's comment that alluded to the lack of crispness on KB's route. Allen has a lot to work out but I'm even encouraged by his touch passes (Zay on the WR screen for 2 points, and the floater to DiMarco)
  8. Agree. This question has been examined many times and there is NO correlation between a "running" QB and more frequent injury. In fact, statistically, there is no difference at all between "pocket" and "mobile" passers. The only correlation between injury and a play is the sack, and even that's on the edge. I apologize for the possible hyperbole but there just hasn't been many QBs with Allen's skill set. He and Lamar Jackson may turn out to be a bust but it won't be because of his physical tools.
  9. He might try but there is no way McBeane could ever again sell "the process" if they bolt Buffalo.
  10. Yeah, we need a QB that when it’s 4th and 11 the OL allows a jailbreak pass rush, the QB scrambles to avoid two sure tackles, then sprints to his left and throws a very catchable ball on the run to his right 50(!) yards to the goal line where it’s dropped by the receiver. If only there was a QB (anywhere) who could make a better throw.
  11. No, wrong. Sorry, that’s a cop out. If this was true, football, hockey players and boxers would be cited for violence-related acts at a far higher rate than the rest of the population (especially if adjusted for getting targeted because of their profession). I’d bet that you see football players are no more prone to kicking women than say an office of accountants. What about prison guards? Any stats to show that they are much more violent? You’d certainly think so give that it’s a high stress, low pay job whereby they can get killed on a daily basis.
  12. The “effort” is reflective of the dirtball. This “example” is exactly who he is.
  13. Scott Adams is an unfunny dirt ball.
  14. This is true and apparently you seem to think that Hunt deserves a pass and would welcome this cancer on your team. Congrats on being one of those guys. How terrible.
  15. So, looks like we have to accept a certain level of violence and behavior? When I saw it for the first time my reaction was, "Yup, Chiefs did the right thing. It must have been heartbreaking but had to be done."
  16. I'm thankful you are not making Bills' personnel decisions or I'd be ashamed of this team.
  17. My God. One-Third of you would bring him in? What's wrong wit you people?
  18. You must be vigilant and do whatever it takes to stem the flow. I get that it’s nearly impossible to be 100% successful but no amount of traps and cats will slow the steady rise of your mice population unless you continually plug the holes. It’s worth getting an expert or you will forever have mice.
  19. I think you’ll see Tre (and Milano) were just fine and the problem was the strategy of linemen penetrating up field instead of clogging the lanes. The Jags seemed to take advantage of the aggressiveness and simply pushed lineman up field and passed the RBs. There were simply too many holes for the LBs to fill. Besides Fournette’s ejection, the improvement occurred when linemen stopped penetrating up field and focrced the OL to move them out of the way.
  20. Agree. Edmunds played a very good game. It's easy to blame LBs for "not plugging holes" but I want to know why the coaches kept asking the linemen to push up field to get to the QB when they should be closing off the middle. Make their RBs bounce outside where it would be tough to out run Edmunds and Milano. The Jags seem to be simply pushing the penetrating defensive line into the backfield and right by the runner. There were simply too many holes for the LBs to fill especially when the OL or FB were making their second blocks.
  21. Find out where they come in and fix that first. Otherwise, you'll never solve the problem.
  22. Yes, it's the Jets, but there are a few reasons to be optimistic about next year. This team has not quit on the coaches. They all looked fired up and ready to play. Yes, it's McCown but this Defense is pretty damn good, with most players improving each week. Levi seemed to lose containment on the touchdown but it's encouraging he wasn't picked on either. Best game by the offensive line. Teller appeared to give the line added toughness and aggressiveness. Would be nice we could pencil him as a starter next year. The emergence of Foster. I thought for sure he simply didn't know how to be a receiver but at least for one game he's proved me wrong. McKenzie is a nice pickup. A great deal of speed and toughness, though his decisiveness and confidence was the most refreshing. Hat tip to Daboll and Offensive Coaches for having Barkley ready to play. Milano is a very good player and has the potential to be a great one. Phillips was all over the place. Shaq Lawson continues to improve. Can almost count on him for one or two big plays. Big fan of the fake punt even if it failed. The first down was great but demonstrating a will to win was even better. Star earned his money, he clogged the middle of the field.
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