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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. If McBeane think Q Williams is worth the cost, I’m all in. He’s the best player in the draft, a true difference maker and would take the team to another level.
  2. My realistic list is still: 1. Ed Oliver 2. Jonah Williams 3. TJ Hockenson Would be be very happy with any of the three. All are instant starters, process guys who will be a huge upgrade at their position.
  3. Not at all. For years I had little faith in the coaches and front office to put a legit team on the field. Last year, it was more anxiety than excitement, but this year I can't wait to see how they could improve this team enough to put them on track for contention.
  4. A win over the Ravens won’t be an “upset.” I’m not a homer but the Bills could already be as good as the Ravens.
  5. I dispise the term, “Man Cave” and will not enter a room called that. Just make a cool room and that’s enough.
  6. This is the daily debate about Williams. I'd rather have a "technician" who is almost always in the right position, uses outstanding leverage to play far above his weight, consistently negates "long arms" with lightning quick hands and could likely play every position on the line. Maulers can't maul if they don't have the proper feet, balance and football savvy (i.e. technique).
  7. If he called and never asks, scratch out the $1K. Even better, send him a follow up note thanking him for invite, how it was a nice event, he must be proud if his niece and good luck to her. He’ll always remember.
  8. Did anyone personally talk to you about the event? Or just send an invite? What kind of event? Small-ish reception with you and their other clients, or a larger reception with all kinds of donors?
  9. I guess we'll see but the point of all this was the dismissal of Jonah Williams as a Bills pick at #9 and somehow that would be a mistake. Personally, I would like Ed Oliver but would be thrilled to get the best technically sound offensive linemen in the draft, who could easily be on upgrade at tackle and certainly at guard. He has the potential to be a solid to outstanding player for a decade. If he plays at guard, fine, but it would no longer be a team weakness. He'd likely be the best guard the Bills have had in many years, and if guards we so easy to find in Rounds 3-7, then someone explain why are so many teams desperate for at least average guard play and why teams spend so much on just "good" free agents.
  10. I know you are just trying to score points, but the key word you (of course mistakenly) omitted was "potential" perennial all-pro guard. Which he does. Williams would easily be the best guard in the class.
  11. Oh boy. I don't recall at any time Shaq was considered a Top 10 player, let alone potential Top 5. I'm not trying to "build up" Jonah Williams because any 10 minute search will have top draft evaluators saying he's an extremely gifted offensive lineman. There is no doubt he'd instantly be the best guard and very likely to win either tackle position. All of which are immediate and long-term needs. Will you take "franchise?" Would that make you feel better?
  12. Talk about reach. No one thought Shaq Lawson was an instant plug-and -play, instant 10-year starter with perennial all-pro potential. Good yes, but not a major talent. Nelson is indeed a special player but Williams could easily be start at OT or G, and could be an all-pro guard by Year 2.
  13. You're right, you can't judge a player by how they look. Likewise, there are many guards who "fit the profile" much better than a Zach Martin but are nowhere near as good. Jonah Williams is a case in point. He's a great because he a superior football player, he understand the game more than most, where to be, how to play, etc. He is off-the-charts technical player who uses his leverage perfectly, which means he can play much "heavier" than those 25-75 pounds bigger, which also provides him outstanding versatility. What's intriguing is that evaluators believe Williams can get much, much better.
  14. Oh, my. Name how many great guards the Bills have had over the past 15 years. Now recall the guards during Super Bowl years. I truly don’t understand the unproductive bias fans have toward guards, cornerbacks and the kicking game. The first people to run screaming to the board to complain about those positions.
  15. Nope, many top evaluators believe JW is one of the best football players in the draft, not just OL. He can start at LT and be a superb guard. Seems amazing to me that anyone would dismiss a versatile, potential perennial all-pro and 10-year starter at ANY position, let alone a position of need. Guard is a need and believe it or not, guard and RT are nearly as important as LT (see Colts transformation by a guard).
  16. If his floor is perrenial all-pro right guard, what’s not to love?
  17. This could be said for virtually every sports analyst. Why stop with her when you could do a rant on anyone?
  18. I think it’s a coin flip between: - Jonah Williams: Immediate starter at OT or G. Solid, reliable, 10-15 year player. Potential all-pro at G. Process guy - TJ Hockenson. Immediate starter. Again, solid, reliable TE, blocking is the difference maker, process guy - Montez Sweat. Could be a dominant pass rusher. Position of need. Could transition to Lorax role. Process guy. - Christian Wilkinson. Position(s) of need. Very versitale, total process guy. Boom or average player. Id be happy with any of them, but would shoot for the moon and take Hockenson.
  19. Both. Under almost any coach I think the GM would given Rosen another shot but the hire of Kingsbury signaled that they would quickly move in another direction. I just don't think Rosen is a Kingsbury guy and the coach would lobby hard for Murray. Under a different coach I think they keep Rosen and draft Bosa. Edit: I'd add, I think Kingsbury will be flash in the pan and hiring mistake.
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