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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Wait, so you’re saying Hillary only killed the clone of JFK? Ingenious.
  2. Good point. I’d keep Johnson and Bates over McKenzie, but that might not be the decision point. More likely, do they keep McKenzie over Love , Pitts or Cam Lewis. Plus, McKenzie adds value as a backup returner, Allen seems to like him, he runs WR screens well, etc.
  3. Oh, you got me on a typo/auto correct! Well done!! For a few minutes, I’m glad I was able to validate your life as the superior fan! Now hurry, Mom has your breakfast ready.
  4. IMO, here are my biggest roster questions this week. Punter. Ryan Allen would be a Godsend. Hope Corey B is not he guy. Mitch Morris’ health. All signs indicate he’ll start Game 1 but long term . . . which I think will mean: Ryan Bates over Wyatt Teller. Perhaps too early to tell but Bates adds versatility. WR 6 (and 7?). I think they keep McKenzie and Williams, which could mean . . . RB 5. I’d like to have Yeldon but that would put pressure on choosing between: DL: Johnson and Love. Would like them both but Love might lose out; and/or Leave off a LB and/or DB. Is Clowney a serious possibility (I have doubts) Ranking of “Would like to Keep” Duke Williams Isaiah McKenzie Darryl Johnson Ryan Bates Mike Love TJ Yeldon Pitts > Captain Cam Lewis (Likely makes PS) Dean Marlowe I’m Zen about all other battles.
  5. I’ve yet to see a play that made me think, “Maybe he could play in the NFL . . .” I won’t be upset if he doesn’t make the practice squad.
  6. Sorry to see that. What a nightmare.
  7. Master and Commander Last of the Mohicans
  8. Allen’s “hero ball” was also a by-product of rarely having a safety valve or at the very least, having little confidence a short pattern would be open. It’s very likely Allen was instructed not to run but he also now has receivers who could get separation. Brady is one of the best all-time but he consistently has (wide) open receivers. The pressure on Allen is to read the defense and find the open receiver and make the correct decision. Last season was “go long” and if not there take off into the open field.
  9. Oline has one question and it’s whether Morse can play, otherwise the line is set. TE will come together by Game 1 and far from a “disaster.” In his first two preseason games opponents already double team the “small” Oliver and he’s still making plays.
  10. I have an old style Kelly jersey and it just feels right. I encourage fans to wear jerseys of retired players as long the style fits the era. If I were to get another one it might be Henry Jones.
  11. Was this written by an intern? What passes for analysis at SI? In ten minutes I could do this for teams I don’t follow.
  12. Maybe I did and maybe I didn’t. ? If I did, it would have been a clear, uninterrupted picture that may have been about two plays behind live action. I’m curious, how is IPTV able to broadcast games? Other sports as well?
  13. Singletary looked very good in his first pre-season game and at this point I don’t think we could expect much more.
  14. I really don't get the economics of the the DTV deal. No doubt the NFL believes DTV is their best deal but with the US transient population I would think they would make more money selling packages on cable. I can't get DTV so I spend my money at the bar.
  15. I agree. He should die bitterly alone in bed like a real American.
  16. I never heard of shower beer as I think to risk my beer. Then again, if it's Coors Light, who would notice if it's filled with water.
  17. No doubt she should get jail time and 20 years without the possibility of parole is a very strong sentence. However, sentencing in this country and it needs to be fixed. Mandatory sentencing is a terrible policy and judicial flexibility is necessary but there is something very wrong when this woman get 20 years without parole and some other guy gets a slap on the hand.
  18. Torn was a serial scene stealer.
  19. I don't understand how anyone could be on a boat anywhere near the edge of the falls. Even five miles away would be terrifying. BTW, in the article, is the 37-year old Roger Woodward with his Mom or his sister (let's hope it's Mom).
  20. He has a very poor record, which is why I have very little hope for Midway. The Patriot is an abomination. Other than having the colonialists and British fighting each other the movie is devoid of historical accuracy.
  21. Will they waive the rules? Josh Allen still plays.
  22. No, I’ve grown attached to my fingers and eyes.
  23. Addiction is more powerful than a parent’s love. I’m lucky that my kids are not afflicted but I know too many great parents who have great kids and also addicted ones. Then again, you seem to know everything about the Reid’s home life so please tell us what they did wrong.
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