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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. The Giants are like the Jets without a CJ Mosley or decent linemen, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Bills used a lot of 4 WR sets. Spread out even more to create mismatches that would open up the middle of the field and/or create space for the running game.
  2. Anyone live in Asheville? On my list for possible retirement. Drawbacks: does it have enough music, theatre, draw national acts, etc?; not that close to major airport (Charlotte two hours) and wish there were lakes for boating.
  3. Because the Bills moved the ball in the first half is a good reason to think they will remain a pass heavy against the woeful Giants pass defense.
  4. This (except for the all-caps shouting). The Bills forced Darnold into only one option; to check down to a well-contained Chrowder.
  5. Daboll was good. The plays were working and had a good Jets D on their heels. Each drive stalled due to player error not bad plays. Nearly new team, first game, first time OL together, I say it was well called game that got better over time. Excited to see what they got planned for the Giants.
  6. Sorry if there was already a conversation, but anyone watch "Dark" on Netflix. A German show. Don't want to give anything away but amazed by the writing and storyline. Very complex but kept the twists coming at rapid clip.
  7. If I lived nearby I'd do this in a heartbeat.
  8. If you would like to donate to hurricane relief, I highly recommend The World Central Kitchen, a well-run food relief organization that did a amazing work in Puerto Rico. https://wck.org
  9. I'm OK with this, the Bills have a lot to prove. I'm hopeful but can't say for sure that they are currently better than any team ahead of them on the list.
  10. Sure, the Bills would be better with a few upgrades but one big name would not likely to be more than a half-game improvement.
  11. For many positions on this team, I don't see a strong correlation between the depth chart and player usage. Though I'm still concerned that at LB, Alexander and Stanford are weak links.
  12. Anyone have an air fryer recommendation? From what I've read, most fryers work equally well but the difference is in capacity and durability. I'm willing to pay a bit more for a large capacity with durability.
  13. Perhaps a more productive question is where are the matchups? I really don’t know much about the new Jets.
  14. Seems like an incomplete list. For example, where is Ryan Allen?
  15. Perhaps a more apt SLJ moment . . . I hate to shatter your ego, but this ain't the first time I've had a gun pointed at me.
  16. Damn right, the flag is not a symbol of the Constitution and the freedoms for which our country has fought and died. The flag is a dividing line between those who want a particular way of life protected and segregated from all those others who bent on destroying what we hold dear. I don’t care what those people have to say because it’s clear they don’t have the same values as the rest of us and they just hate America for not being the way we want it. When they start abiding by our standards then just maybe we’ll give them a minute to speak up but not while my favorite show is on, oh, and not if they say anything I don’t want to believe.
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