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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. The NFL, like now the majority of Americans, are getting the right side of history. While it's possible some players (and fans) are *trying* to "disrespect" the flag, nearly all are using the moment to express their Constitutional right to free speech. And that speech means little if it doesn't have an audience and/or impact. To me, and a growing number of Americans, the flag symbolizes those unique Constitutional freedoms that so many have sacrificed to preserve. The protest illustrates the strength of our nation and we should all embrace it. To me, it would be a disturbing sign of weakness to "pull the plug" on the National Anthem and everything our Country stands for around the world.
  2. It’s the death of expertise. Dozens of the world’s foremost experts in the field have correctly predicted nearly every progression of the virus yet too many people believe they know better, just ‘cause . . . I’m at a loss why people do not embrace truth in favor of defending easily disprovable nonsense.
  3. It is many times more dangerous than the flu. Thus the complete world shut down.
  4. This is not a thing. Please stop saying that.
  5. Cant tell if you’re joking or a psycho.
  6. A few years ago my wife and I saw the British Open at St Andrews. Challenging course to see the action but I didn’t mind since it’s so much fun to walk around and take it all in. It’s like a party, with food and beer everywhere, but everyone well-behaved and friendly. The weather is no joke. Walking a single hole could mean three drastic weather changes. Wife is not a golf fan but would like to go to another tournament.
  7. I’ve twice played Pinehurst #7. That’s when I knew the difference between country club golf and championship golf. The rough was like hitting out of a briarbatch, the greens were so fast it would be easier to putt on a warped ice rink and the tee boxes may as well have been in the next county. The first round was frustrating but then I just enjoyed myself the second time around.
  8. Right now, Deion Sanders is faster than Norman. Norman can't cover anyone and is a bad teammate but yeah, let's suit him up.
  9. I don’t know. No one does but if we think Beane takes freak athletes then, personally, I don’t think Higgins is the pick. Again, personally , I think Epenesa is a McBeane guy. Solid player, locker room guy, etc. I think he and Oliver would be an exciting combination.
  10. If the picks fall this way I believe the Bills will rank the remaining players: Epenesa Shenault Gross-Matos Fulton Trade Down Higgins
  11. There are quite a few lazy movies that insert “social justice” motivations (JFK - no basis in fact) or conservative porn (The Patriot - ugh, the worst, Gods and Generals - just terrible) because they can’t help themselves. These filmmakers blatantly change history for no good reason than to rewrite history. That’s inexcusable. Often minor changes are made for story flow but most are done out of laziness when the history is more compelling than the re-write. As for fictional sources, I don’t get too worked as sometimes the movie is better than the book. However, that’s not often the case. For the most part, I think most changes are made to adapt to a two-hour movie but not as excusable for a miniseries. Screen adaptions are difficult but it takes skill. The recent War and Peace miniseries took a fraction of the story lines but was able to capture the spirit if the book. While the TV series of the Passage would skip parts and still get bogged down in detail. The best adaption I’ve seen is the miniseries Lonesome Dove. It’s a 850 page book but it felt like they didn’t miss a scene or cut a character. Demonstrated a book could be done faithfully without missing a beat. The recent Sharp Objects was as good as the book.
  12. Is it $1.75M or $500K with bonuses? Actually, I'm quite good in math, I'm also good in making sure I have all the information before making definitive statements. One question: but are all the bonuses new?
  13. I don't understand what you're trying to say about sources. I'd disagree that actual pay cuts "happen all the time." They happen, but very infrequently. Nearly every instance is the player makes more up front and simply provides salary cap reporting flexibility. We can agree on one thing: Star is not making $1.75M less. At worst, if he's active every game (which is very likely) he'll make $500K less in 2020, which probably a fair trade off for being cut proof.
  14. That the same owners that hired Rex Ryan were able to hire Sean McDermott. Gives me hope in humanity that someone could admit they were wrong and try a different strategy.
  15. Because repeating the same source on this site is an indication of accuracy? There have been plenty of "restructurings" that have not been what was initially reported. I hope it means an actual "pay cut" but that is pretty rare.
  16. Have you seen any numbers that explains how much money Star will put in his bank account this year and next? I've only seen salary cap numbers, which are different.
  17. Until we see what exactly Star gets to deposit into his bank account there is no reason to believe any player would agree to a pay cut. As far as I can tell, the numbers thrown around are only discussing how the restructuring effects the Bills salary cap, which is different than what each player actually takes home each year.
  18. It's not a pay cut. Star not only gets paid, he gets paid more guaranteed money right now. Restructuring only provides the Bills salary cap flexibility in the short term. This also means Star is not going anywhere and will likely be on the team through 2021.
  19. Absurbist for sure. Bet you could watch an episode three times and not catch all the verbal and visual jokes. One of the writers, Megan Amgran, posted her list of she had for one show:
  20. Agree, "The Night of" is excellent. Good story and characters. As it turns out, the writer/show running for "The Night Of" and "The Outsider" is the same person, Richard Price. The detective in TNO (Bill Camp) is also in The Outsider.
  21. They've only had 5 episodes. Seems strange it's only halfway done. I don't watch previews (and any trailers) as I like to be surprised.
  22. It's a show that could easily have gone off the rails but I agree, after 5 episodes the Outsider continues to hold my attention. I'm curious how/if they'll sustain through the full 10 episodes as I thought it could be a 6 or 7 part show. (I hate programs that drag as I tend to abandon ship).
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