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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. All that needs to be said. It's embarrassing that Bills fans still post, "This should be an easy game." There are NO EASY GAMES and nothing in the Bills history has ever been or will ever be easy. That's what makes the four straight Super Bowls truly amazing and I'm in awe of the Patriots for their two decades of winning football.
  2. Every game is tough to win. Especially the Patriots.
  3. They’ll have a 50-50 chance.
  4. I don't know why fans can't accept that it's truly a game-by-game league. Week-to-week no one can be "certain" of a win, let alone predict games weeks away. Due to injury, roster changes, improvements, gameplans, etc, a myriad of variables will change, sometimes significantly. A game two weeks from now could look tough and then become much easier; or much tougher.
  5. It annoys people with low IQ
  6. When was the last time the Bills force a punt?
  7. Of course, we should respect any player who steps on the field. Tua is a winner and we should assume he will play well versus the Bills. Moreover, after decades as a Bills fan, have we learned nothing about dismissing a player or a team? I’m just as nervous about the Jets as I was about every game this season.
  8. I'm giving him a B- The first interception was not his fault There were numerous drops (two by Diggs) I saw only two bad throws: the second interception and one to the side line where he didn't set his feet and it bounced short. His worst drives were the two three-and-outs started inside the 10 yard line. He seemed to really miss Brown in these series. After first series he directed a nice scoring drive. The rest of the drives were well done (I'm still perplexed at what led to second interception). Third down conversions were very well done So many team mental mistake penalties. How many false starts? I thought they did a poor job adjusting to TEN taking away 10+ yard passes, and should have taken the dink and dunk sooner.
  9. Joe laughed at this, wonder how he feels now.
  10. Well, that's the crux, isn't it? It takes no time at all to post a half dozen sources of political information and analysis. For those who have consistently argued the resources are incorrect, I'm looking for alternative sources of information.
  11. I'm not here to debate the accuracy of polls, and I've heard "but 2016" enough to last a lifetime; instead, I have a serious question for GOP/Trump supporters. Dems, Independents and most political Republicans I know use the following resources to track campaigns to determine the state of the races: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/ https://www.realclearpolitics.com https://cookpolitical.com https://www.cnn.com/profiles/harry-enten New York Times - Paths to 270 https://centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/ https://leantossup.ca/us-presidency/ There are also a dozen or so other resources I won't link, but I often see the GOP/Trump/Fox News retort that the above resources are incorrect I am very curious were the actual counterfactual information is coming from. Can anyone provide their favorite resources?
  12. The Packers have played as well and certainly not worse than the Bills. Plus, I think get the edge since Rogers has been elite for years while Allen for weeks.
  13. I can't believe y'all are wasting all this time fighting when Trump's polling looks devastating. There is still a long way to go, 30 days is a political lifetime but it's hard to ignore the tsunami of polls that says America hates Trump. Somebody needs to do something.
  14. Man, today’s polls are brutal. Starting to think Trump could get wiped out. It’s like America hates him or something.
  15. Or he could rest his injury.
  16. Everyone should buy the Athletic. They need subscribers to survive.
  17. Area of Concern: Crusading/Trolling. Same topic over and over.
  18. Let's check in at the end of the year.
  19. He said the quite part out loud
  20. That is . . . correct.
  21. Don't know that one, even if it's one line, not one word. That challenging but I bet someone could get this song with one word: Fixing
  22. Let me respond by saying . . . Why the ***** would anyone watch First Take on purpose?
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