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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. You clearly don't have the capacity to understand context and variables. Let's take just two easy examples to help you follow along. Tomlin 2019 - If someone didn't understand context, they would believe Tomlin was a bad coach last season, but others would point to the circumstances that led to a great falloff in the Steeler record and overall play. Belichick 2020 - Under .500, lost to Buffalo Bills, probably won't make the playoffs. Maybe he's a bad coach this season, or just maybe, he lost his Hall-of-Fame QB and a lot of other good players. McDermott - - First year, takes a perennial loser with a terrible roster and takes them to the playoffs, but loses on the road in a nail biter. Is that good or bad? - Second year, they blowup the roster with huge cap problems and start all over with a rookie QB who needs a ton of coaching and fall to 6-10. Bad coaching? - Third year, best record in forever, creates a very good defense and his QB/offense make improvements, but lose in the playoffs in a nail biter on the road. Bad or Good coaching? - Fourth year, lead the division, good offense, defense getting better, undefeated in the division (including beating chief rival) and THERE ARE STILL FIVE GAMES IN THE SEASON. Context and variables are not excuses but they help explain the world. When things don't have easy answers those who can't think logically gravitate to easy, simplistic explanations.
  2. "Quibbling"? That's all you got? So, we should ONLY judge coaching excellence without regard to dozens of variables? By your simplistic metric, Tomlin sucked last year; Belichick and Shannahan are bad coaches this year; if Vrabel doesn't go to the Super Bowl he has failed and Reid needs to repeat or be labeled a failure. There are no excuses. At least you are one more keyboard expert I can ignore.
  3. Tomlin is a good coach but he was handed a franchise QB and a team that won the Super Bowl two season beforehand.
  4. The one constant in life is not all situations are alike. It's unimaginative and short-sighted to believe that each of these coaches had the same or even similar set of variables.
  5. Let’s see, what do all of these coaches have in common? Belichick - Hall of Fame QB (but easily the best of the lot)Tomlin - Hall of Fame QB (He goes as far as Ben carries the team)Reid - Future Hall of Fame QB (He was “good” but now great with Mahomes?)Payton - Hall of Fame QB (Saints teams have ridden Drew Brees) I’d argue McDermott is as good as these two. None of them have had long term success yet. Vrabel Shanahan
  6. With an abundance of up-to-the-minute information and analysis, the ESPN model is dead. I can’t remember the last time I tuned into a talking head show, which includes the network pre-games. Team reporters and some websites do an infinitely better job covering the game. Instead, the networks should have local reporters talk about the teams, not the guys who spend five minutes reviewing production notes while rehearsing lame banter.
  7. If will be a great accomplishment if the Bills win half those games.
  8. With the caveat that this comes down to personal preference and it’s impossible to say who is “best,“ my list takes into account how much the guitar factors into the song, the breath of iconic work, do I think the songs have lasting influence and did the guitarist bring something “new” to music, in no order: - Brad May - Jimmy Page - Jack White - Pete Townsend - Bonus: Carlos Santana
  9. Just think where we'd be if they only let Duke Willams play!!!!!!
  10. I was never a fan of Mayfield (personality, college system QB), Darnold (didn't seem to have any extraordinary traits), Rosen (personality, mostly average overall). I thought Jackson was very underrated even after Heisman, superior athlete and leader. However, I'm still shocked he improved enough to win MVP. I doubt that he'll ever reach that level again but will still be a good QB for a sometime. Allen - I wanted him his junior year but I cooled off his senior year, and draftniks made me doubt he'd become a good NFL QB. I think Lock was overrated, kind of mix between Darnold and Rosen (with a good personality). Again, he does things well, but nothing that stands out. Herbert is different. That guy reminds me a polished Josh Allen without the elite arm or running ability. I think Herbert could be like Rodgers. Likewise, I think Tua has above average skills, great leadership instincts and seems to understand the game. It's a small sample size but he does not look like a three-game rookie. After last game, I was like, "Uh, oh." I like Barrows but haven't seen much of his college or NFL games to have an opinion.
  11. Hedberg, Carlin, Chris Rock, Stephen Wright (closely followed by a dozen or so).
  12. Wow, Slim, all I said was that Tua has all the makings of a good NFL QB, I have no interest in debating the BCS scheduling system. Looks like you've been waiting to go on a rant about the state of college football. Have at it but you can leave me out.
  13. Klein was a bit better but the credit goes to the staff that put him in a position to make a few plays; and to Edmunds who had a monster game, which gave Klein opportunities. 'Cause he good.
  14. The collapse of the USFL. If that league didn’t crumble there would not have been a Kelly-Levy Super Bowl era and if the losing continued, there might be a team in Buffalo today.
  15. Who is "us"? This is a very amusing thread. "I don't like California cause it's bad and liberal and stuff, so I will go to Europe, the exact systems California is trying to copy." One of my favorite cities. Incredibly well run.
  16. Checking-in, how's this going, Sport? This one has a chance to be the closest. Thought could be GA instead of NC
  17. Popular vote win? There have been dozens of polls over the past 18 months and only a small percentage of crackpot surveys have had Trump over 46%. Where are you getting your inside information? There is virtually no chance he comes close to the popular vote. He has a greater chance of losing by 10M than he has of coming within a million.
  18. As they say, "We'll see, won't we?" Out of curiosity, what have you got? Let's see who gets closer.
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