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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. This is the problem, people expect Ray Lewis or Polmalu, when they are only a handful of generational talents to go around. No one, even the Bills, would place Edmunds into the Elite/Star LBs category yet, and those that do thrive, are often in very favorable situations. It's rare to have dominant defensive players who are on a flawed defense; and last year, the Bills had a flawed defensive line that placed a tremendous amount of pressure on the linebackers. If the DLine can be competent, consistently be average against the run, and learn to break contain every other play, then I think we could see Edmunds and Milano spend more time hunting rather than putting out fires. It's beyond me why fans want to jettison Edmunds and believe a rookie will be better than what we have. Or, maybe, just maybe, his peers saw that he's better than nearly every other AFC middle linebacker?
  2. Again, McKenzie is best person on the roster for the role he's asked to perform. I think he does it well, but there's a reason he's not a starter on another team. I appreciate McKenzie's comments that wanted to stay in Buffalo but if he was offered a starting slot receiver money he'd be gone. Moreover, McKenzie did well in Week 17 when the starters sat (or out with injuries), but if he's no where near a healthy Sanders, Beasley or even Davis.
  3. Do you honestly believe that Edmunds is not a solid player and/or entering his 23rd year, it's not possible to get better? Players with Edmunds skillset and trust from the coaches is pretty rare and just doesn't make any sense that Bills fans believe he could be easily replaced.
  4. We can all agree that this team wins due its passing game. We can also agree that nagging injuries to Diggs, Beasely and Brown meant they struggled to beat the Chiefs secondary. Injuries happen and if this team is going to win the Super Bowl it should have a great deal of depth at WR. Sanders is 34, Beasely has had a few nagging injuries, I like McKenzie but he's not a starter; and neither are Hodgkins, Kumerow and Gentry.
  5. How do you quantify this assertion? The league's players and coaches certainly have enough respect to vote him to the Pro Bow.
  6. I’m constantly amazed that fans don’t see Edmunds tremendous value to the Bills. He’ll be 23 next month, a three year starter, two-year captain of the defense, two-year pro bowler, played through injury the first-half of last season, has the deep trust of elite D coaches, and so many fans are OK losing him next year to be replaced by a lesser version?
  7. Other than QB, WR depth is a Bills Achilles Heal. If any of the top-4 go down, the offensive doesn’t function near as well without an elite corps. I like McKenzie but the Bills could use a season long upgrade like Moore ( who would then take over for Sanders and/or Beasley next year.
  8. This year, the Bills are only an injured WR or two away from losing their identity. Sanders is 34 and likely won’t be on the team next year, while Beasley might have two more seasons left.
  9. Few bands we as tight as Cream playing Crossroads. Everyone thinks of Clapton's guitar on that song but it's also for Baker and Bruce's relentless beat that, IMO, makes it a classic.
  10. Despite the accolades, Jack Bruce is/was a very underrated musician and singer. No less influential than his bandmates, what's-their-names. Ginger Baker was a great drummer but a terrible person. See the very entertaining documentary, "Beware of Mr. Baker"
  11. Forrest Gump makes me cry because is criminally overrated. I’m a huge Hanks fan but the movie is absurd. Braveheart - I cry every time they get an historical fact wrong, which is two or three times each scene. The movie is a historical abomination.
  12. I doubt they would select a RB but what I like about this FO is we won’t know until that night.
  13. I'd say there was heavy "speculation" but I don't recall any reporter claiming to know what the Bills were going to do. If I remember correctly, few fans and media had Josh Allen as the Bills prime target, and Ed Oliver was more logic than inside knowledge.
  14. I don't believe any reports that claim inside knowledge of what the Bills will do. Any leaked information out of One Bills Drive was likely done on purpose to create more favorable trading terms.
  15. Do you want to have a catch? Give 'em hell, 54th!
  16. Cheney did not salute either. I suppose he hated the military as well. This wasn't extensively covered by Fox and right wing media, so you may not have known
  17. So far, my favorite show the year. Hope Hawke wins awards, he’s amazing as Brown. Other characters also jump off the screen. Finally Frederick Douglass on screen as a three dimensional person, as he was, not just a wooden hairdo. Douglass needs his own miniseries, his story almost unbelievable. At one time he was one of the most famous people in the world.
  18. I think special teams might be the most nerve wracking part of the game. Especially punts - kicking and receiving. So many things can go wrong. Shanks, missed blocks, penalties (holding on returns are the worst), poor fielding decisions, muffed catch, the dreaded run back, etc, etc. Good players make for good special teams, which create good field position and a very important ingredient for winning.
  19. There’s a difference between visiting Buffalo and meeting with the Bills.
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