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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. You almost sound like an ocular scientologist, Mr. Cruise, I mean SDS. Just kidding. Sort of.
  2. For those who did it: what was the total cost? Plus, I'm a wuss about medical stuff, did it hurt? Recovery time?
  3. On a side note: I've tried, but I don't get F1 Racing. It's nearly impossible to pass, which seems to suggest that if you don't qualify well you have no chance of winning; and if your like Schumaker -- win the poll and never lose. To the untrained eye it simply looks like a train going around a track for a few hours. Can any educate me or say I'm wrong?
  4. Woman in clown custom: "I don't talk to puppets." TID: "I guess you don't want to lose your dignity."
  5. Could you explain how you determined that Silver is protecting sex offenders or "for" more rights for sex offenders? I mean, I don't want to accuse you of going off half-cocked like Michael Savage on crack but perhaps you have any hard evidence of your accusations?
  6. Crowe may be a complete jerk but he backs it up on screen. Likely one of the best actors of our generation. The Insider - he is the movie. Awesome, real-life character. Makes you dislike and admirer the character at the same time. LA Confidential - One of the best tough guy, 1940s, film noir characters. He was the best of a great cast. Beautiful Mind - hard to think of anyone else (besides Hanks) who could make that movie go. You believed every stage of the character's life. Gladitor - enough said. "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." (yes, I had to look it up ) Master and Commander. Completely underrated performance in a very underrated movie. Commanding presence, to say the least. Cinderella Man - didn't see it. Others: Movie with Denzel -- a cyber-bad guy. One of the real good "bad guys" in movies. I think he could do a very creepy serial killer or the like.
  7. A few from Groucho: "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too dark to read." "I drink to make other people interesting." "Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others." "I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it." "I'm going to Iowa for an award. Then I'm appearing at Caregie Hall, it's sold out. Then I'm sailing to France to be honored by the French government. I'd give it all up for one erection." "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." "A man is only as old as the woman he feels." "We took pictures of the native girls, but they weren't developed . . . but we're going back next month."
  8. Let me rephrase: If I was called "Man from Planet X" it would still suck, remake or not.
  9. Yes, Lax. For the uninitiated. Turn off the NBA and turn on Lacrosse. I still have 15 year-old bruises . . .
  10. You mean that Tim Burton piece of crap? Ugh. Unwatchable. Somene gave me the dvd and its the only one I've given away. No comparison to the orginal, I'm still wondering how Burton could screw that up so bad. A "remake" should have some resemblance to the orginial, at least follow the plotline a little. "Apes?" "Got it" "Planet?" "Got it." "Ok, let's roll."
  11. VA rallies from a 6-2 4th quarter deficit to go ahead 7-6 with 5:00 or so to go. JHU comes back to tie; Virginia then holds the last 3:00 and score with 12 seconds left. JHU wins the face off and ties it 8-8 with 1.4 seconds left. Furious OT, back and forth, then Virginia gets a great shot but the goalie comes up big, JHU grabs the rebound races down, middie passes to the trailer who scores about 15 yards out. If they can just get the camera angles right (too much of an overhead shot) then TV could really catapult the sport.
  12. Don't you mean Ridley Scott before Gladiator fame? Though he was pretty famous before that film. He directed the first Alien. Cameron directed Aliens and Terminator and T2 and True Lies. Good flicks.
  13. Another great streak -- Hobart won the Div III Championship 12 years in a row. 1980-91 At the time, many Div III schools were as talented as Div I schools. Hobart beat the great Gates brothers era team in 1986.
  14. Hans Gruber - Die Hard Castor Troy - Face Off George Steinbrenner - New York Yankees Richard III
  15. Bud Bud Light Miller (anything) Busch Busch Light Coors Light Fosters Old MKE MKE Best PBR
  16. Yuengling. An aside: I cannot believe grown men drink any light beer (except perhaps Amstel) -- Busch Light, Bud Lite, and Bud, Miller or any beer that spills more per day than other brewers make all year . . . I find them undrinkable and not beer at all -- just poorly flavored water.
  17. SPOILER ALERT: - Anakin (sp?) turns to the Dark Side and becomes Darth Vader. - He's Luke and Leah's father. - Jar-Jar Binks is voted into the "Worst Characters on Film Hall of Fame." - No one will win an acting award. - They use laughable special effects. - The third movie is as unwatchable as the first two. - Geeks will quit their jobs to stand in line for two months.
  18. Get a grib, it's called semantics. "Anything" likely means something acceptable. Then again, who cares? I could care less what my team's GM has to do to field a winning team. He can lie, cheat steal or insult my wife and I just won't care, as long as he's doing his job.
  19. I missed the part where you explain how the Bills would so easily trade up.
  20. Wow, I didn't realize the 1st game was next week. Now I understand why so many people are worried about the Bills! The Bills didn't have any time to practice, determine if their players were getting the job done and never had a look at June cuts. Man O' man, what are we going to do now that we are stuck with a former All-Pro at backup RB? I mean, how is Joe Burns ever going to get playing time? EVERYONE knows 3rd rounders Edwards and Anderson can't possibly fill the shoes of a 33 year old UDFA! Boy, I sure wish the Bills were prepared to replace Williams . . . Don't even get me started on LT! Just look at all those great LTs sitting on the board at #55! Trey can't possibly play LT, he only has a few years of NFL experience at that job and we all know Tucker can't play a lick at Center and that Preston kid actually gave a sack in only three years in college. Parrish, what a waste -- Reed was doing just fine, who needs blazing speed in the Red Zone? Everett may start NEXT year -- I'm mean these guys went to Miami of Ohio, not much of a football school. Oh, U of M? They get good players, don't they? But I never want the Bills to be known as the U of M of the NFL their wonderlics are too low! Damn, if the Bills only had four more months to get ready for the season . . .
  21. Looks like he'll be tough to cover in the red zone. Those slot screens are scary when you got a small, quick receiver; makes the linebackers/linemen think twice about being too aggressive.
  22. In-between more mind-numbing discussions about Bledsoe, I say let's agonize about it for another 5,000 posts, right up to the point that JP starts his first game.
  23. You can't be serious. Again, what would it accomplish for TD to slam Lindell who in all liklihood will remain the Bills kicker? How does making you feel better help the Bills win games?
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