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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Ok, we all know you and the Crap are smart and know everything. You've proved it over your 500 posts today. You win. Now shut up and go back to PPP.
  2. Imagine if Rudy had to go through this. No, while immensly tragic, 9/11 is not the same.
  3. Wow. I love the Bills, I like talking football. But it's really hard to respect some people on this board. It's a friggin NATIONAL disaster. While you're at it why don't you blame the people in Tower 2 for not evacuating before the second plane hit.
  4. Let her go. If she wants to offer her skills neither of you will regret it.
  5. Yes, you did. You tried to make a point and it was ridiculous. Maybe you should spend less time spending every waking minute on this board playing the elitist super genius. That way you wouldn't ironically use third grade retorts to defend your superior intellect among us lesser beings. Pretty pathetic really.
  6. Typical retort. I thought you were supposed to be the elitist, super genius, not-it-all. Your response seems very beneath you but perhaps not. You said it but you made the statement in a vacuum as if it had no impact on the comparison between the "leadership skills" of the two mayors. In fact, it's the whole point. Some emergency personnel may have "walked off the job" but it may be to save their OWN family in immediate, life/death situation. You have NO evidence to prove otherwise and of course that would have NOTHING to do with management ability. NONE. Of course, during the 9/11 situation -- that was never the issue.
  7. The dashes are in remembrance of the hope NO once had. You know, the place in America that needs help from their fellow countrymen and, ahem, leaders. Oh, nevermind.
  8. I'm not pretending there is partisanship. Yet you seem to go overboard in defending the Feds. Abandoned the NO Mayor? That's grossly unfair and distortful. An insult to the emergency service personnel who are doing what they can with almost nothing for a few days. So the 9/11 went better solely because of Rudy?? Please. Not even Rudy (who I like and deserves credit for his leadership in that situation) would ever say that the situation is remotely similar. What would have happened if all of NYC was firebombed and in the process most of the emergency services were rendered inoperable? Disaster, that's what. But that's not what happened. As it was, 9/11 was a big fire in comparison, confined to a very small area with fully operational emergency services. It was horrible for a day or so but NOTHING incomparison to Katrina and you have no idea if the NO mayor would have matched Rudy in 9/11. Oh, I forgot, you have a magic ball.
  9. Not anger, amazement at the zombie-like, kool-aid drinking, everyone-is-an-idiot- except-the-elitists-who-worship-the-perfect-President-act-around-here. It's just unbelievable.
  10. Oh, I didn't know you had one of those crystal balls that could see an alternative history. Did you buy it on ebay? Please look into your ball and tell us know what would have happened if Lee did not fight it out in Gettysburg and I've always wanted to know what would have happened if the Supreme Court declared Gore the winner in 2000. No doubt we'd be living in a communist society and living in rubble.
  11. Wow, the Bush Apologists have gone over the deep end. No wonder the country has lost confidence in his leadership while his supporters have the judgement of a Kool-Aid drinking cult follower. To believe there it's inconsistant to ask for our soldiers not to die in Iraq for a very questionable "cause" as oppose to helping our OWN people in OUR country is frickin' unbelievably sickening and disgracefully partisan. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  12. Typical. If he was Rudy G. you'd give him a pass. Your partisanship is so transparent. NOT to downgrade the horrific situation on 9/11 but Katrina is significantly worse in every way, shape and form. Why doesn't GWB get accolades from you for 9/11 but a pass now? One can only guess . . .
  13. Classic and quite accurate. The apologists should spend a bit less time defending the indefensible. Yes, its a complete disaster and utter chaos but clearly the lack of leadership is unnecessarily exasperating the situation. [Warning, political statement ahead] Perhaps if this was "terrr" related the Big Guy would demonstrate more interest. I guess if you can't shoot it it's not that cool.
  14. Jeez, seems like people are going ape sh-- to defend the President. Just a bit defensive and should probably take off the zombie blinders to see what this nation needs. When already over half the nation doesn't approve of Bush's job performance it doesn't help when he can't project the least bit of leadership. Good thing the WH brought in his Dad and Clinton to make people think something's being done. I have no doubt every level of government is doing what they can but Churchill wasn't indispensible because he knew where to put the tanks.
  15. Jeez, a bit defensive, ain't we? It's just part of the "talk radio" culture. You know who you are. People just want (and should expect) to see a demonstration of strong leadership.
  16. I like all sports. I don't know how people can crap all over the national soccer team, i'll watch if its US vs. Finland in curling. At least soccer is a major sport that very intense to watch when you care about the outcome.
  17. Ouch. Very happy I don't drive into DC anymore.
  18. Uh, seriously? God must really hate the tsunami victims (guess their not victims but the "well deserved.")
  19. Glad you're OK. But just wondering, if you thank God for getting you out, then who sent the storm? (just kidding , sort of) Reminds of another story of the guy who said he would not evacuate during a hurricane because he said "God will provide. Prayer will get me by." As the water quickly rose in his house a fire truck drove by and offered to take him out of the area but he replied, "God will provide." A few hours later the water had reached the second floor then a motorboat pulled up and again he was offered a ride. "No," he said, "God will provide." Later as the water rose he reached the roof when a helicopter arrived, but again he refused saying "God will provide." A few minutes later the water swept him away and he drown. When he got to Heaven he asked God: "I prayed for hours yet you did not save me." God answered: "Jeez Louise, I send the fire department, a boat and a helicopter."
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