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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. I'd rather lose by 21 with JP than lose like that with Holcomb. It's not Kelly's fault we lost the game but we're certainly not going anywhere with him.
  2. Can't even lateral. "priviledged" to be apart of the Bruschi game?
  3. OH MY FUGGIN GOD. WHY, LORD, WHY did he throw 1 yard on a 4th and 7? And people think Kelly should play instead of JP?
  4. I have no more answers than anyone else but my gut tells me: 1. Put JP in, give him the keys and tell him to have a good time. Let JP play the sandlot style he appears suited. The line will not get better this year, may as well have a QB that will make them think. If JP wants to and can run 15 times a game, let him. Lots of rollouts, deep balls and improvised play. Go three and four wide and dump the TE until Everett plays. It's not like the Bills will take the ball out of Willis' hands anymore than they do already and perhaps, just maybe, the opposing D won't salivate on the pass rush and key on the run if JP is running wild in the backfield. 2. Tighten up the Defense. Don't blitz every down. Play zone and disciplined sets. It mean less of a pass rush, who would notice the difference, at least there'd be more players in coverage instead of the usual one on one play. Moreover, it means playing the run more conservatively. That's where were losing anyway. Were not going to win many more games with the current plans. Let JP learn and help the offense stay in the game instead of trying to win the game on every down.
  5. Since when are QBs are branded by a lifetime 1-3 record? Of which two were tough on the road games and the third loss was to a very good team. At least the other QBs have a few YEARS under their belt. No doubt if they used the same criteria two years ago Drew Brees and Carson Palmer would have made their list. [No, I'm not saying JP will turn out like them but you'd think they were worthy of replacement on this guy's scale].
  6. He does ESPN college TV and NFL radio. He's pretty good, IMO; especially when he holds down the prerequisite hyperbolic color commentary.
  7. There are at least a dozen college or NFL color guys who can do a better job. Madden jumped the shark at least ten years ago. Every Madden game is -- boom -- the same. The impersonator on Mad TV could do the game and no one would know the difference. Favorite moment last night: Tim Duncan is on the sidelines and Al Michaels makes a clever (for him anyway) joke saying, "Robert Horry is supposed to be here but he'll likely show up in the last two minutes." (a reference to his last minute heorics in big games - for those how don't follow the NBA). Well, not surprisingly, Madden doesn't understand it's a joke and says something like "maybe his plans changed." Michaels tries to make light of his "joke" and tries to explain but Madden doesn't follow -- which makes it even funnier -- and a bit cringe inducing.
  8. Suppose you were among the throng that ripped the other "experts" who picked Bucs over Bills, Falcons over Bills and Saints over Bills? God knows there were outright expressions of indignation that these experts would have the gall to predict a Bills loss. So, if the Jets pummel the Bills will you apologize to Boomer? If the Bills beat up on the Jets then we can use our hindsight vision to beat on him. How fans can get upset about predictions -- expressing an opinion before the game is played -- is beyond me.
  9. Exactly. Why does it matter if fans or media are not told what the Bills will do? What right do fans or the media have to ANY information? Why do fans believe they should be "told the truth" or should have access to ANYTHING the Bills plan to do? It's psychotic and stupid to believe you have a "right" to anything. It makes no sense. Lie to my face, I don't give a sh-- and neither should anyone else. The Bills owe me nothing - all I ask in return is to do everything they can to win a game. If you don't like it, don't go to the games, don't root for the team and create your own team on Madden and live in that fantasy world were you feel appreciated and entitled.
  10. All-time Moon - does not include his 20K+ yards etc in the cfl over 6 years. 4th in attempts 5th in TDs 4th in completions 4th in yards Vinny - 5th attempts 8th TDs (could get to 7th soon) 6th completions (could get to 5th soon) 6th yards Drew- 7th attempts 19th TDs 7th completions 10th yards (with 8th well in reach) I don't have win-loss. I say Moon needs to go in but not sure if there is any strong doubt (on the 2006 ballot with Thurman, Reed and Aikman). Vinny is on the bubble but has never made a huge impact in the league; while you can debate Drew's ability to win he's always been a top QB.
  11. I very much enjoyed the Bills late season success and near playoff record which led to great expectations for 2005. However, there was one consequence: JP didn't get any playing time when the season "was over." A bunch of "no pressure, get a few starts and hit the ground running" games. Palmer, Manning and others had them, and none of those teams had real playoff expectations the next year. I did expect JP to do better this year, but I also think this three game losing streak is a collective team hangover from last season's run. A crash down to earth that has led to panic and despair because the expectations were out of whack. That said, I'm disappointed that TD and Mulkarky have hit the panic button that gives the impression that JP is the problem. I think I'm one of the few who really like TD and MM; but the high, unrealistic (hindsight) expectations are leading them-- IMO -- to the wrong LONG TERM decision. At this point I'd rather go 5-11 with JP this year and take the chance that he's good enough to lead the team with Palmer/manning like seasons next year. I fear they are just putting off the inevitable poor JP games and not doing what it takes to compensate elsewhere. The possible big disaster is for the Bills to lose anyway with Holcomb. What do they do then?
  12. For the record: the Maryland "Fair Share" bill was vetoed by the Governor but sure to be overridden. Yes, I understand free market, not forcing you to work there, etc. But fact is, these people can't afford healthcare on their own and taxpayers just pick up the tab anyway. The bill isn't onerous, it's minimum coverage. At Walmart size stores they can all but dictate the market on their own. I'm not an actuary or anything but I'd bet there's a chance that if (large) businesses pickup up the cost of health care, government could conceivably cut taxes with the money they'd save in uninsured costs.
  13. Yup. TD should up and quit like many fans have already. Good suggestions here: "stop going to the games", "don't put up with TD" and general calls for suicide always turn a season around. Way to go. With fans like these, who needs a team.
  14. For the Record, the season is over for the following teams: ALL 1-2 Buffalo - obviously NY Jets Cleveland Tennessee San Diego Chicago Minnesota Carolina New Orleans San Fran Baltimore (0-2) Houston (0-2) All 0-3 Disbanded and sold for parts Oakland Green Bay Arizona 2-1 Better Luck Next Year Miami New England Pittsburgh Jax Denver KC Dallas NYG Philly Atlanta Seattle St. Louis NFC Championship Tampa Bay vs. Washington AFC Championship Cincy vs. Indianpolis Bills are so far out of contention, it's embarrassing. A full one game out of first and two games out of Super Bowl contention. Simply can't make that up in only 13 games.
  15. No, no. My fault. You taught me a valuable lesson, oh wise one. Please continue, the world is a better place when we act and think just like you. Thanks again, see you on the board!
  16. Thanks for your usual elitist, snide and irrelevant response. I will apologize to the whole board for the brain cramp typo. Happy now?
  17. Well said. I agree with everything. If you we're told that against ATL the Bills offense would: 1. Score 16 points 2. Give up only one turnover 3. Not commit a single one penalty; and 4. Willis would run for 150 yards and 172 net rushing, I would have caulked up a Win.
  18. Memorable quotes A few Memorable Quotes from "Get Smart" (1965) Agent 99: Max, that knife missed you by inches. Maxwell Smart: You think it's some kind of warning? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agent 99: You're not taking me on this assignment, are you, Max? Maxwell Smart: No, I'm not. Agent 99: But, Max, this is the biggest case that's ever been given to Control, it could mean the end of the world. Maxwell Smart: If it's going to mean the end of the world, I want to make sure that you're all right. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chief: I'm sure Congress will reconsider our budget cut. Agent 99: Well, why doesn't Congress cut the CIA's budget? Maxwell Smart: How can they? Nobody knows what their budget is. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KAOS Agent: Look, I'm a sportsman. I'll let you choose the way you want to die. Maxwell Smart: All right, how about old age? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maxwell Smart: I may never get to play with the Philharmonic, but on the other hand, is Leonard Bernstein licensed to kill? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maxwell Smart: There are no holidays in the fight against evil. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chief: Max, you realize that you'll be facing every kind of danger imaginable. Maxwell Smart: And... loving it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agent 99: You'll be in extreme danger every minute. Maxwell Smart: ...and... loving it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maxwell Smart: I'm getting complaints from the landlord about the gun battles in the hall, and the bombs in the lobby, and the knife fights in the elevator. Chief: Well, when you rent an apartment to a secret agent, you've got to expect those things. Maxwell Smart: But he doesn't know I'm a secret agent. Chief: Well, how do you explain people attacking you and shooting at you? Maxwell Smart: Well, I told him I work for the Bureau of Internal Revenue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chief: Max, this will undoubtedly be the most dangerous mission you've ever gone on. You probably won't get back alive. Maxwell Smart: If you're trying to scare me, Chief, you're wasting your time. I don't know the meaning of the word fear. Chief: You'll parachute from six thousand feet. Maxwell Smart: I think I just learned it.
  19. Yup, Mel and Buck Henry. With a slew of great comedy writers. Too many classic lines to count. Can't remember an unfunny episode.
  20. Wow. If it were written by Hollywood we'd laugh at the schmoltz. Unfortunately, it was real.
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