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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Well, I've heard of these guys, so they must be good. Everyone knows Martz plays well with others and the Jets Defense was dominant. Of course, I never heard of Marinelli, so he must suck.
  2. Couple of points: 1. You can't seriously believe the QBs on those teams (in thier prime) would have led the 2005 Bills to the playoffs and beyond. Jim Kelly MAY have won a game or two more but that would have been the 91-94 Kelly, not the 83-84 version. 2. What makes a good QB? If you dont have time to throw, bad playcalling or open recievers you're not going to the pro bowl, let alone the playoffs. 3. Trent Dilfer, Doug Williams, Jeff Hofstetler, Boomer Eaisison, Jim McMahon, Neil O'Donnell, Tim Hasselbeck, Chris Chandler, Brad Johnson all got their teams to the super bowl. By the way, Five of the Nine won. 4. How many "Elite QBs" took their team to the super bowl in their second year? Third? Fourth? How many took them there with a crappy OL and no running game? I bet most of them had crappy first few seasons but you want to declare JP, in his first full season, a bust because he couldn't lead a bad team to the playoffs? Holcomb did not do much better and certainly played no better from his first to last game and he's been in the league since before JP started college. The only thing we agree on (if I can follow your sandskrit) is to let JP compete for the starting QB spot. Hopefully by that time we've addressed the core problems and he'll have a snowballs chance of being successful. If they don't address the core problems not all the "elite QBs" in the league can lead this team beyond mediocrity.
  3. And not to belabor the point, but how could have JP done a whole lot better last year and what difference will it make who plays QB if we don't address the core problems? I've seen a bunch of QB what-ifs (including Big Ben) but highly doubt it would have made that much difference in wins this past year. Posters have suggested about 10 different QBs (including drafting a QB to start ) but I can't think how it will make any difference if we don't first address all the core issues that really sunk the team LAST year. In other words, QB, even if JP is average, is the least important change the team needs. Give JP a little time, have some sort of run game, get at least one reciever slightly open each play and create an identity. Then we can determine if JP is a problem or will do just fine. Otherwise, we may be asking JP to achieve the impossible.
  4. I'm constantly amazed that anyone still believes (even in hindsight) that JP, essentially a rookie, could have succeeded last season. Look at what this board said were MAJOR problems and need to be fixed: 1. The offensive line was one of the worst in the league. Many scenarios have nearly an entire new line next year -- only to retain the UFA TE to start at RT. Nearly three seconds of pass protection was a high water mark for any game. 2. Below average play at TE (likely a must for young QBs). Moreover, lack of a pass catching RB or FB. In other words, no worthy safety valve. How many times do we have to see brady, big ben, palmer or even the "average" team QBs find the safety receiver wide open? 3. At best, an inconsistant run game AND/OR constantly playing from behind due to the seive for a defense. If the opposing team knew the Bills HAD to pass it was tee-time. 4. A #1 WR who rarely played like one and certainly left the fireworks for off the field. 5. Recievers who never appeared to be open. How many catches do you recall where the Bills receiver was OPEN? I'm still shocked when I see another team's reciever with more than a yard of space. It seemed JP or KH had to thread the needle on every pass. 6. At times atrocious and at best unimaginative/dumbfounding play calling. If you agree that just a few of these things occured, how can you not give JP the benefit of a mulligan and a chance to play well on a decently run team? Does anyone really think any QB could have pulled his team along
  5. At least he guessed WHICH Miami. I'd rather have these guys psychotically arrogant than realistically demoralized.
  6. Only big catch gets called back on BS holding call.
  7. Seattle needs: - Make the play. Bunch of dropped balls. - Make a bold play. Gof for it Holgrem.
  8. Don't suppose you were around for the one-man "Draft Joey" crusade?
  9. More insightful questions: How often does JP beat up his girlfriend? Is JP a wimp or a wuss? Does JP deserve to be shot or stabbed? Is JP a pedophile or simply like boys? Will he take his failure like a man or commit suicide?
  10. Seriously, "real-time" is part of the "IN" paid service but what is the difference between it and "gamecast?" Anyone have it?
  11. Why would Caldwell come to Buffalo? I'm also weary hiring OC/DCs who've only had all-star rosters.
  12. IMO, the OC and DC hires (among others) are just as important. The only guy with a "safe" job is April, who likely deserves a Asst. HC promotion. Any legitimate guesses?
  13. Can't throw to Smith if you can see him.
  14. The one positive with this initially disappointing hire is for the first time in a while I will not have over-inflated expectations and almost guaranteed not to be disappointed by our record. I know I can (thankfully) be proved wrong but I can honestly say this is a low-point. I have almost no confindence this team is headed in the right direction.
  15. I don't see why Caldwell would leave Indy. I like our guys but I don't think he'll see Harrison, James and Manning on the roster just yet. Besides, I have a problem bringing in coordinators who have that much talent and expect them to duplicate it.
  16. You can tell a lot about a person by what they order. In that case, I hope he didn't get the cream puffs.
  17. Regardless if I think it's a good idea (I'm ambivilent) I have no patience for scenarios that hinge largely on things that are totally out of the control of the team. First, I don't think Cincy would give up their #1 for a franchised cornerback. Why would they? Second, what if no team takes Clements for less than a #2 or #3? Then what? How does that change the entire complex of your "plan?" You may as well have started the plan by saying: "Ok, first we'll get Julius Peppers . . ." It's just as realistic -- or at the very least, not within the control of the team.
  18. I hate that Manning doesn't play for the Bills.
  19. No doubt one of the Top 5 dumbest reasons NOT to like a player. Like saying you don't like Manny Ramirez because he has a dirty batting helmet.
  20. Clements for Cincy's #1? I stopped reading at that point.
  21. Vinitari, Brady, dumb mistakes and stupid turnovers. And there still not out of it . . . PLEASE, JUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Me thinks you are a BIT sensitive. It's not like were listening to Theisman, Paul Doofus or Madden. Besides, for the most part they were very unusual NE mistakes.
  23. My God, a sign of the Apocolypse: Vinitari missed a very makable FG (in the playoffs!)
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