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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. That's right Bills didn't have a "worthy" (i.e. "effective")safety valve. However, Holcomb always went to it even when the chance of a decent YAC was mimimal b/c he doesn't have a strong arm, he rarely went long, and never really tried to make the more difficult pass. On the other hand, it is very possible that JP made the right play by trying the difficult (but necessary) pass or took off to run to make a positive play. In last year's offense, our safety valve (or simply the third option) was either very poorly drawnup, executed or not good personnel. I think JP ignored it b/c it was usually a waste while KH almost always went there -- and since the defense knew he couldn't throw long they let him throw short, unproductive throws. Holcomb is a OK QB. Smart guy who knows how to play. But his style of play is easy for Defenses to "catch up" on. I'll have to look over the games but it may be easier to defend KH the longer he plays. The only way to know if ANY QB can play to their potential (and it's fair to say JP has much, much more than KH); is to give them a chance to play well -- i.e. time to thrown, a running game, decent gameplan, well designed plays, etc. I think JP played for the Steelers he may not have won the Super Bowl but we'd certainly know if he has the chance to play to his potential.
  2. I'm going to keep posting this: I'm constantly amazed that anyone still believes (even in hindsight) that JP, essentially a rookie, should have succeeded last season. Look at what this board said were MAJOR problems and need to be fixed: 1. The offensive line was one of the worst in the league. Many scenarios have nearly an entire new line next year -- only to retain the UFA TE to start at RT. Nearly three seconds of pass protection was a high water mark for any game. No wonder JP had "happy feet" b/c he had less than three seconds to find a receiver who wasn't open in the first place. Damn right he's thinking "RUN!" - the good thing is he CAN run. Not many accuse other mobile QBs of taking off when the pocket quickly collapses. The alternative was a sack or ill-advised throw. Holcomb didn't have happy feet b/c he wasn't going to get away no matter what; and as for Kelly's "accuracy" it doesn't really matter if we're throwing 2 yard passes that have little chance for YAC. (See countless passes, but esp. NE game on 4 and 6 - would have preferred JP trying to run for the first). 2. Below average play at TE (likely a must for young QBs). Moreover, lack of a pass catching RB or FB. In other words, no worthy safety valve. How many times do we have to see brady, big ben, palmer or even the "average" team QBs find the safety receiver wide open? 3. At best, an inconsistant run game AND/OR constantly playing from behind due to the seive for a defense. If the opposing team knew the Bills HAD to pass it was tee-time. 4. A #1 WR who rarely played like one and certainly left the fireworks for off the field. 5. Recievers who never appeared to be open. How many catches do you recall where the Bills receiver was OPEN? I'm still shocked when I see another team's reciever with more than a yard of space. It seemed JP or KH had to thread the needle on every pass. 6. At times atrocious and at best unimaginative/dumbfounding play calling. If you agree that just a few of these things occured, how can you not give JP the benefit of a mulligan and a chance to play well on a decently run team? Does anyone really think any other QB could have pulled his team along to more than one more win?
  3. This is exactly the kind of player that builds good teams like the Pats and Steelers. Guys who play to their potential, work hard and receive little, if any, notice from the rest the league's fans. He's not a guy we know and hopefully we won't even notice him playing during the game either (i.e. f**cking Fowler!). Good job, Marv. I don't think I'd be upset if Fowler beats out Preston and we move Duke to LG. Gandy - Duke - Fowler - CV - Peters. Not the liine of legends but if they can protect JP for 2 and half seconds and open up a hole bigger than a breadbasket we'd be making progress over last year -- and still have money left over for a couple of players we can name.
  4. I think I remember someone made a joke in the bar about Lexus and Infinity.
  5. This is the "core of the Democratic Party?" You REALLY need to get out more. This is tanamount to saying neo-nazis are the core of the Republican Party. "dems distance themselves from these nuts." Besides the crazy Sheehan woman, I highly doubt Democrats are associated with these people. They are communists, anachists and a lot of plain crazy people. They likely think the Dems are no better than the Republicans. Try not to brush so broadly, you won't be able to stay within the lines and you'll lose credibility.
  6. And what exactly are good numbers for a very good football playing defensive tackle? By this calculation Lief Larson was a pro-bowler. I think Ed Reed had one (1) rep at safety but is a feared hitter and can bring down anyone. Why? This is why the combine cracks me up. It's like saying someone should be a good salesman because they "test" well. Ridiculous. There are "ranger rick's" in golf who hit a great bucket of balls and then proceed to shoot a 125. How come weightlifters just don't play football. Or how come the tallest players aren't the best centers? How come the fastest players aren't always the best recivers? You can be brillant and have a great arm but be a terrible QB. Strength or speed are just one or two of no less than 25 factors that determine a good player.
  7. You should have stopped after "other than the four Super Bowl seasons . . ." ridiculous. butex is right, this is a shameful.
  8. Say hi to Bentley for us, it's clear you know the guy well. Please ask him exactly how much Marv should have "overpaid" to get him, ask him why he only seemed to talked to Cleveland and what it would have taken for him to play on another team other than his clear "hometown" favorite. Everyone knows that this is like Madden footbal, just keep raising the price and they'll sign. Marv just didn't want the guy enough.
  9. Nice post. I concur. Amazing how the grass is ALWAYS greener on this board.
  10. But there not pro-bowlers, how can we win without pro-bowlers at every position?
  11. Other than the fact that we usually go by surnames and the Governor spelled it with two "r" - yeah, they could be related.
  12. Strong to quite strong. After two hours of negotiation they went with mushroom and peppers. Other than that, I recommend a tranquilizer.
  13. I didn't know much about Pickett until this week. I know fans are not always "well informed" but it's encouraging that nearly all posts on Ram fan boards are lamenting the possible loss of Pickett. Almost all think he's a solid player who'd be sorely missed.
  14. The Bills are switching the West Coast offense, since when?
  15. Ah. Panic. Run away. The sky is falling. There's no hope. The end is nigh. Nice analysis. I hope the Jets pick Leinart. Rookie meat behind that line. I hope they trade Abraham for Matt Schaub, too. I'm glad Miami got the injured, end of this career, somewhat overrated, set-the-team back two years Culpepper. How about next time thinking before hitting the panic button with your forehead?
  16. I'd rather have this guy than Nga, Nga, Na gonna play for the Bills. I like Ngata but if we can fill the DT spot with a quality FA then that frees us up for Davis, Huff ("special" players) or free to trade down and pick up more draft picks.
  17. Not last -- 4th most improved. Of course, AZ could sign Bruce Smith and improve dramtically; Cleveland is spending like crazy and MN may have way overpaid for a Guard. It only matters if a team improves over the players they replace-- and at a reasonable price. IMO, Davis may be a better receiver but don't know anything about his blocking (Reed's specialty); Royal is better than Campbell (far superior blocker -- on the line) and possibly a better reciever; and I like our new DT over whoever played next to Sam Adams -- and likely better than Adams given new scheme.
  18. You're the panicky, high strung, nonleader type, correct? "Never heard of this TE" = he's bad. "Andre Davis has an upside" = but we only need three WRs . . . "We need guys in the trenches" = I can't even remember the DT we signed so he must suck. Third day of FA = how come we don't have our whole team ready for opening day?
  19. Pays to have your own generator. They had a few guys on bicycles but they kept taking snack breaks.
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