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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. No, that's the point. They are not "well documented." It is only well documented that we have well informed fans who like to use rumors as fact to build their case. I have no doubt that Moore didn't like JP. In fact, I'd be shocked if any person didn't have detractors especially on a bad team like Tulane; but that doesn't prove a thing; it only means that Moore could have been wrong and was in fact a problem. It's far easier to prove that Moulds, Milloy and Adams were the problems last year, hence their exits.
  2. Hey, if you can't fight with facts just make it up, right?
  3. *Sigh* Again, where are these "plenty of rumors about JP's character in college? They exist in your mind. All anyone who saw how JP conducted himself last year through the most trying times should clearly see the difference between a "character problem" and someone who wants to win. Jeez Louise, just take some time to see how people actually regarded JP in college -- he was fiery leader on a very bad team. He wanted to win so bad I think it hurt. It's amazing to me that people on this board can call JP both a "RJ clone" and a "cocky in your face guy." Hello? The way I see it we're getting rid of bad character's and cancers that helped destroy, not help overcome the team's problems last year. Yes, that means you Moulds, later Sam, and my biggest disappointment, Lawyer Milloy. Leaders lead, not breed discontent.
  4. Wrong. Again, there is scant evidence that JP has or had "maturity problems." This is just not true and for days I've asked over and over for some proof other than the "well documented" RUMORS. From my point of view, a persons overwhelming desire to win in college and the pros in the face of steep odds is not a character flaw. JP led Tulane under very trying circumstances, overcame great odds and was a worthy number 1 draft pick in a stocked year. I thnk JP would welcome the "luxuries" he had in Tulane -- only a bad OLine instead of a horrific one -- "veterans" who acted like winners and a coaching staff that cared just as much for the team than themselves. JP was the leader of that team and I won't believe these "rumors" unless someone can present "facts."
  5. Please list these "rumors." For the record, just list them and ask them to be pinned. Moreover, explain why you think the "rumors" have so much credence as to make you conclude they are "true." I will venture a guess that this is (again) a case of "I believe the rumors because they support my position." I'll also venture you'll look like foolish trying to prove your case. [Or foolish by never attempting . . . ]
  6. . . . of propoganda. Please cite credible stories by Bills insiders or "respectable" reporters that JP has lost the faith of the team, coaches and adminstration. That he indeed is so bad that Bills are willing to cut or trade him. Seems to me, with scant evidence, the anti-JP crusaders are skilled enough to prove we did not land on the moon or that the virgin mary appeared in last night's vanilla pudding. That is, "evidence" other than: 1. JP was the last QB is named in a quote by a former teammate of Nall's . . . 2. Marv/Jauron did not name JP the starter therefore he's not in their plans . . . 3. Marv hasn't yet ripped off his finger to write in blood, chisled in stone with his teeth and/or bet the life of his grandkids that they will not draft a QB, trade a QB or bring in a veteran QB to replace or bench JP. 4. Holcomb took a few snaps from Fowler in Cleveland therefore he will start. 5. My dog or Soprano9845 told me so. 6. I have a friend who watches tape and can determine if someone will be a pro-bowler or not. (This guy is a goldmine! Sign him up! Does he do lottery numbers, too?). Please list the evidence - lay it on the table once and for all.
  7. He means your nuts (or a troll). I concur with the diagnosis.
  8. Did they play all their games in a dome? What kind of information would actually make you "feel better?" We won't know squat until they play a few games. BTW, you need to calm down and worry about important things or you'll have e heart attack.
  9. How about at least through the draft? Perhaps give him an extension through training camp but the first game we lose he's gone.
  10. Please provide examples of what it would take to "address the line?" Which players should/could have/can sign and for how much? What is wrong with: Gandy, Preston, Fowler, CV, Peters? Who needs to move, sit, add?
  11. Pro-life Nuts and Indians (uh) "Native Americans" Doesn't have the same ring but won't be any less interesting. "Ladies and Gentleman, tonight, Randal Terry will play the part of Custer . . ."
  12. Funny, but I didn't think that was going to be your conclusion. I liked Sam, when he was on - he was on; but he drove me crazy b/c he just didn't seem to work that hard most games. In the end, this new defense appears to rely on quick responses and assignments; that is, multi-dementional . That didn't seem to be Sam's forte, instead it was line up, get to the QB and let other people worry about the run and other assignments. Moreover, Sam was making a lot of money and aging. Even if he played for less money I just didn't seem him around for the following season. That's why I thought you were going to say we should get Brodrick Bunkley. Granted he's not a proven player like Sam, but he'll be much cheaper, younger and possibly much better than Sam would be by 2007.
  13. Do ya think this can explain it or does Royal think Eric Powell should start at DE? PFW: Who have you struck up friendships with? Did you have some friends in Buffalo before you came up? Royal: Of course, I was familiar with Josh Reed — we played together at LSU. And I knew Craig Nall — we played together at LSU. And then Matt Bowen came in from the Redskins, so it’s been easier to make the transition. I’ve been hanging with my man Eric (Powell, a defensive end from Florida State). I’m just seeing who fits as the players I want to be around. I’m one of those guys that can hang with anybody and everybody.
  14. Yes they did and it was completely unexpected. But even after their first 9 games I'm sure most people never would have imagined the careers they've had. Not so coincidentially, they succeeded immediately on well constructed teams bullt for their talents. I do wonder how they would have fared in a Bills-type situation. Kurt who? Brady . . . Brady . . . Michigan State, right? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying JP could have done anything on those clubs, but there is little doubt Kurt and Tom tremendously benefitted from an ideal situation. Therefore, it's nearly impossible to rationally dismiss JP as a failure until he's put into a position to succeed -- or until another QB (Nall?) demonstrates that indeed JP is part of the problem and not part of the solution.
  15. The way I see it we're not going to win games (let alone the Super Bowl) unless: 1. We have a much better OLine with some semblance of a run game and give the QB at least adequate opportunity to make the play. 2. Can adequately stop the run and not give up every other 3rd and Long. 3. Have an offensive and defensive identity; i.e. gameplan that can improve game to game. I honestly don't know if JP is the answer or not. I just don't think it's possible to write him off or have no hope he can succeed unless we address the broad problems above. I see Holcomb as a "safe" choice but not taking us to the SB unless our defense is superb (not likely); Nall is a total question mark, while even the biggest cynic can agree that JP has great potential (or a great bust). I just don't see any legitimate alternative and no reason to draft another QB or bring in another FA because I don't think ANY QB will help the team succeed if we don't build around them. In other words, there is enough "potential" in JP to make him way down the list of problems to address first.
  16. How do they compare to other teams? For all I know this makes no difference at all. We've had plenty of big players who couldn't stop a turtle.
  17. Good Lord, VA. You just don't get it, do you? I'm only crusading to get people to see that we don't know what we have in JP and to dismiss him after nine games is pure stupidity. I don't know if he's the answer and neither do you. But the certainty you and others display demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of football, leadership and strategic thinking. You can't possibly say the Bills "suck" everyday, day after day, 10,000 posts after 10,000 posts without coming up with at least one reasonable, rational gameplan. It makes no sense to go on and on about all the problems with the Bills and expect a second year QB to shine but then fully expect the NEXT QB to do well under the same circumstances. It's even more pathetic when you expect a ROOKIE QB to succeed or some imaginary veteran QB who'll come in, go to pro bowl and take us to the promise land without explaning WHY they would be that much different than JP. Grow some balls and stop acting like a 10 year old. No, wait, many 10 years old I know are capable of rational thought.
  18. Remember JP won the KC game Kelly started. Going into last season, JP had 5 career pass attempts, Kelly had over 800. Bottomline: we don't know what we have in JP. To say otherwise is either being a wuss and/or a crusader. Moreover, you cannot say that JP can't be the guy if you also say we had a horrible OLine, bad playcalling, no run game, a sieve for a defense which meant playing from behind, or recievers who didn't get open. God knows we've heard you go on and on about these problems but it doesn't stop you from declaring JP is not the answer at QB. If we do not fix these problems than no one (especially a rookie QB) can succeed. Stop the useless crusade against JP and start to think about what it will take for him to succeed at QB.
  19. How many people accurately predicted the career path to the Pro Bowl for these players through their first 9 starts? Farve - please Hasselback - nope Brad Johnson? Rich Gannon? (after which comeback?) Certainly not Tom "F'in" Brady Kurt Warner? (before or after he bagged groceries) Chandler? Delhomme? Who? Those who took a while to jell after high expectations: Kerry Collins, McNabb. Only JR and Bledsoe paid immediate dividends (even Elway had to get a good team around him), all the others had to develop and their careers we're unpredictable at best. All benefited from playing on good teams (some more than others), good coaching, patience and playing time. To predict JP's career is a crapshoot at best; and the only way to know if he can play is to put together a half-decent team and LET HIM PLAY.
  20. Yeah, we should get back to blowjobs. Now THAT was a national crisis and it only cost $50M to investigate.
  21. Best hockey fight I ever saw was in the late 80s, St. Catherine's at Hershey for a playoff game. The first fights in the 1st and 2nd period were classics - five on five, but no one was tossed. Each lasted about 5 mins. Then, the ulitimate of fights: about 3 minutes left in the game and all hell broke loose. Team against team for over 20 minutes, some were absolutely brutal especially the goalie fight that went on and on. Nearly everyone was tossed and took time to figure out how to finish the game. I don't think they stopped play except for when the puck left the rink. Then they ordered everyone to leave immediately. I never looked but I wonder if there is video on the net somewhere.
  22. The problem is you actually think Holcomb was so much better for the Bills than JP. If you give JP an F then Holcomb is no better than a D. Yes, Holcomb went short because of the OLine play. He had as much time to throw as JP. So what? Fact is, the offense overall was only slightly better than JP. Perhaps Holcomb had better accuracy numbers because he OPTED to throw the unproductive short pass rather than make the "right" but more difficult pass. Holcomb did not "take advantage" of the short game because IT WASN'T WORKING!!!!
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