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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Thank you. I thought it was just me. Just horrible. Did they have a microphone for the crowd? Every once and a while a good KC play would happen and you heard a smattering of applause. I thought: maybe they're in Denver? Nope, just amateur hour at NFL Network.
  2. Just dreadful Someone should get fired. What's up with the big brown leather chairs. Looks like their about to have cigar and brandy at the Club and discuss their portfolios.
  3. That IS a friggin crime. I won't drink that piss either.
  4. No more than the usual crap shoot. I always get a kick out of seeing which picks were considered "sure things" and others as "bust written all over them." I'm sure there's stats somewhere that say juniors succeed and fail at the same rate as seniors. Though perhaps one year later . . .
  5. I woud have thought Tennessee at #3 would make more of a trading partner. They would have known the Bills, Jets (Leinart I think made more sense here), GB and SF would not have taken Young. Only obstacle were the Raiders at #8 (thought I suppose that is 50?50 and a big gamble - though I don't think they should have picked Young anyway - but that's another post topic).
  6. All evidence suggests the opposite is true. Huff going to Oak was 50-50; no one "panics" with those odds, they simply go to the next player on their board.
  7. "Fit the system" is the key. Hard to argue these two guys are not (potentially) an excellent fit in the new defense. We can go around and around about when, where and who else the Bills could have got but if they start and contribute there is no way to know if anyone would have been any better. If they fail, then we know but we won't know until the season starts. Right now, all I know is McGargo looks like a good starter at DT and Whitner could be solid at SS -- filling two needs. Hopefully we add nice depth elsewhere by the end of the draft.
  8. Why would they trade when they can stil get Lienart?
  9. You'd think someone on the board would've mentioned it.
  10. Teams almost always take the full 15 minutes because they'll entertain trades, have last minute debates and most important: because ESPN wants to them to take time so they can run commercials, trot out all the analysis and promote their NFL schedule.
  11. Do you know Marv well or is this simply more negative speculation? Try to avoid letting your personal distain color your "analysis."
  12. You say "ugh." So I assume you mean 1 of 8 are starters is bad, correct?
  13. Pressure from which players? The veterans right? Would that be Moulds and Milloy? Where are they now? Where are the coach and GM who didn't make the decision that Giants and Cincy had the balls to do? Where is their responsiblity? All Holcomb proved that it wasn't JP alone, the whole organization failed. Was any questioning JPs character? No. First, this post topic has nothing to do wiht the QB competition. There is nothing to "consider" re: his character or maturity. Moreover, it's easy to re-write history and say that Holcomb was any way shape or measure robbed of the starting job. Kelly simply did not make the case that he was clearly better the JP and JP needed to sit on the bench. Nall: please. I'm sure you read when he played and under what circumstances and you STILL sure that Nall is better than JP? Unbelievable.
  14. Read it again, Professor. I said he was the leader of Tulane. And besides Moore, no other player is ever quoted.
  15. Given your posting history there is no doubt you are displeased and/or disgusted by the Bills recent history of 4th round picks. Please tell us what is the acceptable ratio of 4th rounders who contribute. I see our last four 4th round picks are still on the team, including: one pro bowler, a possible starting guard or center, a very good special teams player and a TE back up. Is that bad? Keith Newman is a 7 year vet who played a lot in MN last year. Brandon Spoon STARTED 14 games in 2001 as a rookie when Cowart got hurt. He played very well (esp for a rookie thrown into fire). He projected to compete for a starting job and was at least the primary backup LB when he ruptured his bicep and never really played again. Only Black and Collins never really contributed in the NFL. Is 7 of 9 pretty good? Please inform us.
  16. Uh, what about Tripplett, Royal and Davis? Tripplett is an upgrade over Adams - Royal is a definite upgrade over Campbell (esp as a blocker & there is potential in Everett), they franchised Clements, Andre Davis may be the other burner they need to stretch the defense. Please explain what Marv should/could have done differently? Free agency isn't like grocery shopping (or Madden), it's a competetive market place of zero sum games, and most often it is out of your control. Your just sour grapes until you can rationally explain what you would have done differently up till now.
  17. There are two camps: 1. People who like Marv because he hasn't lost a game. 2. People who dislike Marv because he hasn't won a game. Then, of course, there is the smaller camp of people who will reserve judgement until the conclusion of the first game.
  18. Thanks, I'm waiting for the "ignore" function in the chat room.
  19. "The only part of the deal that has yet to be finalized is what the Texans will give the Bills as compensation. " In other words, "I bought a car but we haven't agreed to the price."
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