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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. For the record, so far in their distinguished careers Sweed has shown better judgment but not nearly the toughness of Hardy. As of three weeks after the draft I would say their careers are a wash.
  2. Agreed. Why is it so hard to tackle this straight on? It's about time the Armed Services and everyone else strips off the stigma and treats it like a serious problem.
  3. Minister: He was a loner, and a quiet young man. He attended church, and Sunday School. I remember he was always very polite. Ted Koppel: Do you believe he killed Buckwheat? Minister: Oh, yes. Definitely. That’s all he talked about.
  4. Totally agree. There is a world of difference between those two 6th round picks. Jesus, what were they thinking? Clearly we should have taken Heart (uh, Hart, whatever) with the 179th pick of the draft or waited until the 217th pick to see if Oman was there. Anyone watching these dudes on Youtube can see that Hart would have been on the field for 10 snaps to Oman's 7 this year. How can they be so stupid?!?
  5. I generally don't believe in Draft Grades (at least before one season is complete) but it's better to say "I hope they're right," than saying, "I hope they're wrong."
  6. That I agree with (and I'm sure everyone on this board would agree as well). But what makes you so certain that these players would have contributed to more wins than the players that were selected. Let's hope your answer is: "we don't really know."
  7. Well done. (more than I can say for others) Why do you think the FO didn't select these guys? I don't know anything about them other than what can be read on the internet. Is there some website that says these guys would make a bigger contribution than the players we selected? How certain are you that their selection would translate into more wins?
  8. But what makes you think that the players available are worthy of the selection? I'd rather take a player who I feel can make a contribution than select an OL just because we may need one and will get steamrolled when they play. If they FO didn't take YOUR position of need then why do you think that is?
  9. No, the point is that unless you can say WHO would have been better that who was picked then your vitriol is pointless. Tell us, which position of what players are a concern and which position and which players would have been so much better? If you're not willing to make your case then why get so insane about what a "disaster" the draft was?
  10. Why do you assume the FO is "ignoring" positions? Isn't it possible or even plausible that the FO picked the best players available at that selection? Would you feel better if they chose a OL that the FO/scouts didn't think was worth the pick just to make fans happy? If they didn't think a TE or OL was worthy of the pick over some other player they think will contribute on Game One or down the road then how can that be "ignoring" a position? Again, it would be easier to evaluate if you're right and the FO is wrong if you say who they missed would be so much better than who they selected.
  11. Which specific players? How does not selecting those players get you so nuts about this draft? What do you know about those players that makes you so sure about your opinion? Fact is, ANY player you mention is irrelevant since no one can really say if they would be a better fit for the Bills or not. The point is, the same can be said of the players that were selected this weekend. What some of us are trying to say is that it's ridiculous to get so worked up and CERTAIN that what the Bills did was wrong. I would understand if you had a "bad feeling" about any one of the selections but it's not understandable (and borders on lunacy) to be so definitive one way or the other. What makes it worse is that those who have had the most violent reactions to individual picks and/or the draft in general are so reluctant to say who they would have liked better at any selection. However, the more you are asked to put your specific selections on the line the more entrenched you become. Thus, you lose credibility and respect.
  12. So you're just upset that people call you out for not backing up your opinion? Sorry about that. We'll just ignore you.
  13. How about this -- convince us why we should be so (specifically) pessimistic about those who were selected today. Round for Round tell us who you would have picked and why they would be infinitely better than the "disasters" we got this weekend. Note: unacceptable answers include - "this front office sucks," "why should we be optimistic", "we haven't been to the playoffs in 12 years," "I don't trust ________", "Wilson is cheap and wants to move to Toronto," etc.
  14. For the malcontents (yes, malcontents), please post your hindsight selections. It's infinitely easier to tear down a pick than defend your own. Please, go ahead, this would be fun. Disclaimer: Just because I'm not having a conniption about this or any other draft does not mean that I'm a "lemming" or FO jock sniffer. I have no frickin idea if these guys will work out, I simply have no evidence they will not make the Bills a playoff team, nor will I say with any certainty that another player on the board would be any better than what we got. I'm simply not a draft expert, I have no inside knowledge of the team's needs, I don't watch tape or have any scouting experience -- nor will I ever pretend to know better than anyone associated with the Bills organization.
  15. Great post. I'm pretty sure that anyone who gets so worked up over a draft (that no "real" experts had a problem with) has issues. Whether its anger management, general pessimism, a need for attention, someone who thinks negativity equals intelligence or whatever. It just makes no sense to be so bitter about selecting players you probably didn't even no existed a few months ago. If you're going to object to a selection put up or shut up. Tell us who YOU would have picked and why. It's much more difficult defending your own selections than tearing down others.
  16. Not good enough. Which players would you have specifically taken and why would they be better than the guys the Bills took? Until then, you know nothing and there's little reason to be so upset.
  17. And we should listen to you because . . . ?
  18. Brought to you by the guy who wrote the screenplays for "Get Shorty" and "Out of Sight." He also directed. Great, "old time" film noir. Very well made and thought out. No cheap tricks and far from Hollywood cookie-cutters.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if the FO just doesn't love any of those guys.
  20. "Lumber?" Excuse me, but where do you come up with this stuff? How does a punt returner "lumber?" So he's "too big" like a TE? Sorry, but you make no sense.
  21. So someone 6' 3" 217 running a 4.51 and a punt returner isn't "athletic?" What is the definition of a #2 other than a big, quick receiver who can run excellent routes, finds a way to get open, has great hands and must be accounted for on every play? Last year he caught 122 passes at K-State against very good defenses. Yeah, I think NFL defenses will have a hard time double-teaming Evans . . .
  22. He's a tough, smart, productive football player. Too many players simply rely on their God-given physical tools to best their college opponents - but at the elite pro-level nearly everyone is a world-class athlete. At some point you need to consider playing speed and football smarts - tangibles that are very difficult to teach. I just think Nelson has demonstrated he has the intangibles to be a very reliable and productive #2 WR.
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