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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. If Jindal and LA isn't far, far, far more prepared than last time the he should be impeached immediately. The Bush Administration failed miserably last time. Can't be any worse this time around. Hell, if the Bush people show up it'll be an improvement.
  2. A maverick would not pick a VP based on pure political expediency. A strong argument can be made that McCain's pick is the among the most politically pandering VP pick, ever. His biggest decision to date was to pick someone who could/should be president and for the life of me it's hard to imagine this is the best choice, or even in the top 10. Hell, if he wanted a woman, what about Kay Bailey Hutcheson? The most disturbing fact is that McCain met her once in February 2008. Once. How can you make the most important decision to date after meeting someone one time? Does he really know Palin? Doubtful. That alone should send shivers down even the most ardent McCain backer.
  3. You should take the blinders off when you watch Fox News. A small sample of what you miss.
  4. Worse than calling Michelle Obama, "Obama's Baby Mama?" I guess it's a matter of opinion but if you watch Fox News everyday I'd bet you'd find worse. How about identifying Sandy Berger as "Sandy Burgler?" This is just a small sample of the everyday chyron propaganda from Fox: Fox Chyrons It doesn't excuse bad behavior at other networks but the house thing is certainly no worse than the daily occurrences at that supposed news station. The "outrage" from the right is pathetic.
  5. Didn't see it -- but if it happened someone should be punished. However, I find it ironic that Fox News does it every day and you never get upset.
  6. Bengals wideout Johnson reportedly changes name to Ocho Cinco Aug. 29, 2008 CBSSports.com wire reports CINCINNATI -- Maybe receiver Chad Johnson can go by the name that his head coach hates. The Cincinnati Bengals receiver has legally changed his name to Chad Javon Ocho Cinco in Broward County, Fla., a switch that became official this week, according to several media reports. Johnson, who lives in Miami, didn't return a message left on his cell phone Friday night. "It's something I don't think anyone has ever done before," he told the team's website. "Have I ever had a reason for why I do what I do? I'm having fun." Two years ago, Johnson gave himself the moniker -- a reference in Spanish to his No. 85 -- and put it on the back of his uniform before a game. Quarterback Carson Palmer ripped it off before the kickoff. After the season, coach Marvin Lewis -- who dislikes Johnson's attention-getting stunts -- referred to the receiver as "Ocho Psycho." Bengals spokesman Jack Brennan said the Bengals had no comment on the matter. Johnson has been a concern for the Bengals this season. He unsuccessfully lobbied for a trade in the offseason, threatening to sit out if he didn't get his way. When the Bengals refused, he relented and showed up for minicamp, but complained that his right ankle was bothering him. He had bone spurs removed from the ankle and was limited at the start of training camp. In the second preseason game, he landed awkwardly and temporarily dislocated his left shoulder. Johnson is wearing a harness and expects to play in the season opener against Baltimore. AP NEWS The Associated Press News Service Copyright 2007-2008, The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved
  7. So which is Palin's story: It was b/c he didn't fire an employee because he allegedly tased an 11-year old or because he wasn't a team player? Why can't Palin get her story straight?
  8. I think The Big Cat is one of the greatest internet poster of all-time -- though I suspect he posts on many internet sites -- his accomplishments on this site alone put him in the Pantheon of web-based debaters -- juggling a complex variety of topics and forums, arguing from both sides of the same issue, standing firm in the face of overwhelming evidence . . . simply outstanding! But I don't mean to ignore the legendary careers of other prolific internet debaters, there are so many who deserve recognition.
  9. Saved from what? A slowly declining career? And if he wasn't? (sorry, couldn't resist)
  10. Exit polls usually work pretty well. 2004 generally is the exception. Even then, most predicted the winner in battleground states with a few key exceptions. (Of course those key exceptions - OH, FL - were the difference makers). However, to dismiss exit polling as voodoo is not correct.
  11. So, you're saying that this America corporation made the wrong choice? Why would they be so bone headed as to listen to their workers at that particular plant?
  12. No, because computers aren't a strategic commodity. Listen to your ideologue friends.
  13. Not a good day for Big Guy.
  14. Hitler once said, "When there is doubt about your credibility simply remove the doubter." Or was that Stalin . . .? Daffy Duck?
  15. In my best Maxwell Smart voice: "Ah, the old say and make it true trick."
  16. Little difference between the far right and left.
  17. Of course Lenin never said such a thing about "liberals." But facts would never stop ideologues like you.
  18. Curious where you guys are on flag burning. I don't like it but will defend anyone's right to do so. It's a testament to the strength of the USA. And if someone wants to burn books, go right ahead. Demonstrates ignorance but won't stop freedom of religion, speech, etc.
  19. I'm not sure why we anyone should trash him for saying we may finish 3rd. I agree the Jets don't look that strong but Falk certainly didn't say anything outrageous.
  20. Higher than a potential US civil war? I'll give GWB the benefit of the doubt, he's better than those guys but the its a very short list after that.
  21. That's stupid, no one would write "aagggh" when dying . . .
  22. Read, "Butterworth's Guide to Coaching Kids."
  23. Or even fewer people believe the world is flat . . .
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