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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Which fiscal policies did they implement? Was that when pork barrel spending went through the roof, they never submitted a balance budget or would continue to pass unfunded mandates to the states? Edit: I will credit the 1995 congress under Gingrich for Welfare Reform but that was the last instance of fiscal reform I can recall.
  2. Uh, no. They can overturn it today. Seven of the Nine are Republican appointments and they haven't overturned the ruling. First time I ever heard the need for a "follow up law" that "allows for abortion." Who thought that up?
  3. So because the Bush Administration begrudgingly adopted Obama's position over McCain's before the election Obama doesn't get your vote? I guess it proves you can Change the direction of the nation and not get any credit. Of course, if McCain wins he can scrap the timetable, which he has yet to endorse.
  4. No, it's true. It was confirmed by a guy who heard it from a guy on a Ann Coulter's website.
  5. You mean do I find a hall-of-fame caliber, game changing, Super-Bowl-winning, team leader who demonstrates his love for the game annoying? No. What I find annoying is that the Bills and ever other team doesn't have someone like him. Though what I find more annoying is that someone felt the need to beat down the very player who is a great role model for kids and fans.
  6. Huh? What are you talking about? What imagined sin did Obama commit now?
  7. You agreed with Obama's call for a timetable, then the Bush Administration agrees with Obama and will begin next year -- but now you won't vote for him? What am I missing?
  8. May be a record for the number of fallacious arguments in one post.
  9. Guess you missed the news that the Bush Administration agreed with Obama that we should have a timetable and will begin to draw down troops next year.
  10. I should have guessed you're not interested in a reasoned argument. Go back to listening to your masters and stop trying to pretend you can carry on an adult discussion. I have simply have to remember that this is an internet message board dominated by insecure shut-ins and not forum for intelligent debate. (Chris Farley smacking his head, "Stupid, stupid!") Administrators: My apologies for taking his bait and wasting bandwidth.
  11. Sorry. I assumed you would have read this document.
  12. Do you even understand what you wrote? Or do Rush, Hannity and Coulter just tell you what to say?
  13. Why do you want the government to control what a person can do with their body? I bet you think you know what's best for everyone, don't you? What other parts on the constitution do you want to rip up? I bet you also consider yourself a better American and patriot than others.
  14. Ah, so you're just a mindless ideologue looking to confirm some worth in your shallow life, huh? You and Ann Coulter deserve each other.
  15. I am not "for" abortion. I'm for giving a woman the choice to terminate a fetus in her body. And I'm for more narrow use of the death penalty. Don't be so narrow in your thinking. Try to expand your mind a bit.
  16. I pray she's not VP Does prophecy tell her she's going to win?
  17. No. But perhaps you were watching the Fox version wear they piped in canned applause.
  18. Seriously? That place was dead. He could have read the dictionary loud in the last few lines and they would have cheered.
  19. I don't know. I think McCain has inspired at least half the hall.
  20. Did they upload the concession speech by accident?
  21. Is it too late for the Rs to flip the ticket? Won't win but at least go down swinging.
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