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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. First, can you repeat the last sentence? Too many drinks? Second, "cry and send flowers?" F*ck no. We haven't won schitt yet and too many people seem to take more pleasure in the Brady's injury than in a Bills win. I'll be much more upset if we blow this opportunity than happy if the Pats go 1-15. Someone said it was karma that led to Brady's injury. Well, karma goes both ways. Brady has lost this season but next year he'll still have won three SBs. The only revenge is to win one ourselves.
  2. You're the classless punk and I'm sorry you're a Bills fan. Let's hope you're in the minority. To celebrate this injury with such glee makes you no better than the Pats team and fans you hate. Go Bills.
  3. A "punk?" I dislike the Pats more than any other team but the only reason to dislike the guy is he's a winner and not on our team. To celebrate this injury says more about you than Brady. I say this not to defend Brady but to preserve a bit of class that I know our fans have. Move on guys. It'll all be meaningless if we don't win our games.
  4. 1 - Not to be sanctimonious but some of the "rejoicing" to Brady's injury is pretty damn classless. Bills fans pride themselves on being the best in the league, and that reputation has take a few painful hits today. 2 - That said. This is a team that nearly went 19-0 last year. 19 and frickin' zero. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised they will game plan and rally to a 10-6 or 11-5 record AND beat the Bills at home. Say what you want, but the Pats are a damn good team and Billy B is a great coach. Don't book your flight to a division championship just yet.
  5. How does this work? Could we expect this every weekend?
  6. So, theMcCain's campaign lied and Fox swallowed the whole story without checking. Cum to think of it, so did you.
  7. Why try to make the country better for all when you can wave a flag instead? Why help a veteran with health care when you can accuse a fellow American of treason? Why help in your community when you can call people socialists? It's a great concept when you can profess love for your country but hate more than half the people in it.
  8. You mean how the very party that screwed up the economy, the federal budget, and two wars wants to change things by asking for another four years? Very substantive.
  9. Right-wing Lesson: Patriotism is about symbols not deeds.
  10. Todd Palin seems like a decent, good hearted guy who's whole world has been turned upside down and not sure what to make of it. I can't help think he's the kind of guy who, despite all the evidence, won't admit that his attractive wife is cheating on him. Office Space reference -- Guy: "Ya know, sometimes I get the feeling she's cheating on me." Friends: "Yeah, we know what you mean." Note: No, I don't think Palin is cheating on him.
  11. Typical Wacka/Coulter/Hannity/O'Reilly juvenile response when he can't even concede the most innocuous observation of his candidate's performance.
  12. Right. But audience for the production was the 40 million watching on TV who can't see the picture because 80% of the speech in a close up.
  13. Politics aside, the background Obama had on TV was vastly superior to the horrible "green screen" behind McCain. I think one thing everyone agreed on was that screen was a TV blunder.
  14. You do realize that those in office are very popular with the people who elected them? Just who are these "caring people?" Will there be a test?
  15. I think you need a stopwatch to determine who talked more.
  16. There's no excuse for getting involved in the murder incident but he's been a model citizen since. He is one of the most active and committed community players in the league. That's a fact and nearly all other players should emulate him on and off the field.
  17. The human element is also the rights of the woman. And what she and likely her family and friends go through. Your well thought out post is tattered when your quick to paint well over half this nation as extremists who don't have deep, personal feelings about the human side and would never personally make such a choice. It's not that people want to have an abortion its that they want to maintain the right to choose to have one. Yes, there are extremists on both sides who are borderline sociopathic but you don't need to make broad assertions to strengthen your case.
  18. Yeah, we should have state run media and should throw the legal system out the window. Go America!
  19. Guess you didn't see the words. Love of game, team first, enthusiasm, don't give up and outstanding community guy.
  20. First, legally those issue don't have anything to do with abortion and the Roe case. Second, "leave you out of it?" Does someone have a gun to your head and forced you bring this up and state your "facts?" If you don't know what you're saying then it's not a respondents fault for debating topics you don't have a working knowledge. We can't tell if you did poorly in law school or simply mimic what other people tell you.
  21. I don't mean to be rude, but what are you talking about? Simple fact is: the court can take about any case it wants on abortion and overturn Roe v. Wade. Republicans can make all the excuses it wants about how poorly its written, etc, etc. but its only an excuse. Legally, the other issues like cloning and stem cell are completely different and have nothing to do with Roe v. Wade. Likewise, "late term abortions" (however that's defined) skirt around R v W but do not take it head on. On the other hand, about any abortion issue can trigger the court to reverse R v W.
  22. Which fiscal policies did they implement? Was that when pork barrel spending went through the roof, they never submitted a balance budget or would continue to pass unfunded mandates to the states? Edit: I will credit the 1995 congress under Gingrich for Welfare Reform but that was the last instance of fiscal reform I can recall.
  23. Uh, no. They can overturn it today. Seven of the Nine are Republican appointments and they haven't overturned the ruling. First time I ever heard the need for a "follow up law" that "allows for abortion." Who thought that up?
  24. So because the Bush Administration begrudgingly adopted Obama's position over McCain's before the election Obama doesn't get your vote? I guess it proves you can Change the direction of the nation and not get any credit. Of course, if McCain wins he can scrap the timetable, which he has yet to endorse.
  25. No, it's true. It was confirmed by a guy who heard it from a guy on a Ann Coulter's website.
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