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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. It's called common sense. I'm for Obama but I think it would be a travesty to throw the election to him because of some bureaucratic technicality. Yeah, that would be good for the country and the world. Do you seriously believe that Barr should have prevailed?
  2. You again? Don't you need to kick the neighborhood kids off your yard? God knows it'd be the most productive thing you'll do all day.
  3. Really? Please explain why a BS lawsuit should derail having the two major parties on the ballot and then explain why that would be a good thing.
  4. Over 20 years ago I watched Paul Newman and Alan Arkin bowl at the local lanes. Everyone left them alone. They ordered pitcher after pitcher while cracking each other up. My favorite all-time actor and celebrity. There maybe a few better actors overall but few had as many classic characters who felt so real.
  5. You mean the court employed basic common sense and let democracy prevail? That is shocking.
  6. The most inane post of the week. Which is saying a lot. This just in: the earth isn't flat and the moon isn't made of cheese.
  7. Because the corporate tax rate is a farce. Republicans and corporate execs complain about the high tax that very few actually pay. Middle-class taxpayers don't have the an army of accountants and loopholes to do the same.
  8. Are you purposely distorting the facts or just don't know any better? Why did you insert " [barney, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee] " in that sentence? You do know the Republicans controlled Congress from 1995 to 2006, right? And you do know Republicans have controlled the Presidency since 2001? So how is this Frank's fault when he didn't take over until 2007? Why make it look like he controlled the committee?
  9. Last time I checked, Paulson worked at the will of GWB.
  10. Maybe you should have a working knowledge of how things really work.
  11. Nice speech, Rush. Poor GW Bush, 6 years of a GOP congress and he could do nothing. Now he's near impotent with a 1 and half year old Dem congress. If only the US presidency had any power. If only it was a bully pulpit. If only he could make appointments. If only it controlled the levers of every department.
  12. "Huge stretch" doesn't even begin to troll the depths of your paranoia.
  13. You do know that Bush is President, no? Has been for nearly eight years. What next, blame this on Clinton?
  14. DeMint: " . . . return to a free enterprise economy . . ." Uh, like when? Myth #2876.
  15. You and others toss around "socialism" pretty easily. It's like the far left throwing around "fascism," which makes them ignorant cartoon as well.
  16. How often can they let TO go one-on-one before the Iggles make a change?
  17. Almost took off his head but apparently not "good" enough.
  18. Almost took off his head but apparently not "good" enough.
  19. Kiffin is unpopular. What's worse, Ryan is well-liked. I think this will come as a relief to Oakland.
  20. Ryan is well-liked while Kiffin lost the team a while ago. I would rather they waited a week.
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