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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. So this should give you and other McCain supporters "hope?"
  2. That was then, this is now. Go find a state that doesn't have registration verification. We'll wait, though we don't expect to hear back from you. Nice try. The Republican-controlled Congress did not agree.
  3. So, McCain has a chance because racism and ignorance are alive and well?
  4. We have elections every two years, if people don't like the way its going then they'll vote out the Democrats. Right now people are rejecting the Republicans AND gridlock and fear continued inaction over giving the Democrats a chance to right the ship. God knows that power is finite in many ways.
  5. By endorsing Barr the Libertarian Party seems to have plunged itself into an identity crisis and made it irrelevant. With Barr, who can tell what they really stand for?
  6. So your counter to this argument is to take it to its most ridiculous? Are you telling me there is a mass conspiracy to create fake IDs so illegals can vote and others can vote twice? How many people are involved in this conspiracy that no one but you knows about?
  7. In California you cannot register to vote unless you have ID. Thus if you are not registered you can't vote.
  8. I don't know . . . Principals? You have nothing good to say about Obama or the Democrats yet you will vote for him anyway? You deride Obama as a socialist and worse, you belittle all his supporters and anyone who expresses support for Obama, yet you are leaning toward voting for him? If Obama supporters are "stupid" doesn't that make you "stupid" for having Obama at the top of your list? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite and that all your post are meaningless?
  9. Really? Why would you vote for Obama when you consistently belittle those who express support for him or the Democrats?
  10. Not angry, it's a simple question: "who will you vote for?" Unlike, "Red," at least you can answer the question.
  11. Uh, the question was NOT: "who do you think will win." It was who will YOU vote for? You still haven't clearly answered that question. Why is this so hard for you Alaska Darin? Will you answer this simple question?
  12. You said Obamaman but you never make sense so why should that answer? Let's be perfectly clear: are you leaning toward Barack Hussein Obama? If so, why?
  13. Who are you going to vote for? Are you too much of kitty not to stand up for your beliefs? Come on, wuss bag, can't you even say who you're voting for? Why is that so hard?
  14. Please tell who you are voting for, Oh! Great Seer.
  15. So the 14K posts is your gift to the world? You're either Messianic, elitist or full of crap. Which one?
  16. Your'e as clear as mud. You derisively call Obama a "socialist" but may vote for him? If not, who are you seriously considering?
  17. How about narrowing it down? Alaska Party? Constitution? Falangist? Green? American Patriot? Communist? America First? Something even more fringe and irrelevant? Will you give us a hint?
  18. This will be even funnier when and if he ever stands up to say who he's voting for. My Guess: the anti-American Alaska Party. "Hey Ma! I was gonna go out an vote AP but them black helicopters were a-criclin' so I hid out in the safe room 'til after the election."
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