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Everything posted by WhooPig

  1. "damn I wish I had a bigger schlong"
  2. That's interesting. I've been having a ton of DNS resolving problems lately. I just installed Norton Firewall, but none of the more restrictive settings are on. I just assumed it was a problem with my ISP using a cache server that fugged up the DNS resolution or something. Is there a way to trace or check DNS problems in Windows XP?
  3. I agree with the above re: heavy rain. Out here in them thar boonies of Arkansas, our DirectTV is up 98 percent of the time. Dont miss any pay per view or regularly scheduled sports with it. 1% down time is usually only during heavy rain or a strong thunderstorm. Wind, no matter how strong. never affects it. The remaining 1% of downtim is when some dipstick in some network operations center drops his Hustler on a button by accident or something. Then we get software-related errors on the TV but the signals fine. We also have DirecWay "broadband" net service. It's the only way we can get something more than dial up in our area. That's a totally different story than TV service. Totally unreliable, often transmits at 30kbps, and if you download too much they throttle down your connection even further. Sucks
  4. You Light Up My Life by Debbie Boone Just kidding. I'd say Whole Lotta Love by LedZep
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