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Bob in Mich

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Everything posted by Bob in Mich

  1. I hate that super slow crap too but if a Sabre did it and scored it would look a lot better A simple shot clock could work. How many seconds would be appropriate?
  2. Interesting question. I commuted from the Southtowns to UB in the later 70’s. There were about a half dozen folks I car pooled with over the time, most were high school acquaintances - to start. The commute and the multiple poolers and the distance meant, outside of classes, I didn’t hang out at school. One arranged commuting partners with folks that had a similar time schedule for any given day. Outside of the occasional beer event, we headed home after last class. Truth be told, today I know no one from the dorms at UB. On the other hand, most of my friends today were folks that I commuted with over the years back in the day.
  3. I have been critical of their OT strategy. In the past several players seemed unaware of how critical it is to maintain possession - to play keep away - until someone can spring free for that superb opportunity. The last two games they have played the OT possession game perfectly. Well done!
  4. If you could imagine a line painted on the ice from the center of each net, left wingers should generally fore and backcheck to the left of that line, while right wingers should patrol right of that line. Same for offensive play but creativity allows for more free flow and less positional rigidity. Oh, and don't forget to cover your points. You are welcome.
  5. I thought I read that Darnold has a huge cap number to the Panthers in 2022, whether kept or cut. Seems like he would back up in Carolina at worst. So, he is not a likely option In 2022, Darnold will earn a base salary of $18,858,000, while carrying a cap hit of $18,858,000and a dead cap value of $18,858,000.
  6. Doc, they switched ends too though so I think it wasn’t just for maintenance
  7. Might be an outdoor rule to remove any wind advantage. Each team goes both ways for 30 minutes On another note, why do our white jerseys look like they have been in our equipment bags for the last 5 weeks?
  8. I hope our boys don’t get too tired out shoveling off the pond today. As a kid I recall getting as good a workout shoveling as I did playing hockey. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw72yuRuh-0
  9. Hey, Larry, thanks for the thoughts. Have a good evening!
  10. Ah, Lars, there you go with the gish gallop again. I gotta credit you for teaching me that tactic. So many points with which I disagree and way too many to counter without spending the afternoon. Your take on both Trump and Biden seeming unelectable until they were, is spot on. I recall hearing the following when Hillary lost to Trump and I think it applies to Biden’s win as well. The President has many faults but how bad was your candidate to have lost to this current president? Why Republicans think Dems love Biden, I have no idea. The guy has a number of shortcomings and Dems are well aware of most all of them. Point is he was a compromise candidate put up to defeat Trump. The guy isn’t the Dem ideal but he is not the other candidate, as in Trumps win over Hillary Btw, I see too that you want to criticize the administration for issues I think you are smart enough to know are not under presidential control. How would you have prevented Putin from his current military adventure? I know as a political animal you are going to criticize the current admin regardless of course. So, I gather you favor direct war with Russia over a non-NATO country? While I am asking, what solution you got to gas prices? Thanks in advance
  11. Good post, Lance. I hope all is well with you and yours Certainly neither of them is as sharp as they were as young men. The verbal stumbles and the gait changes are apparent in both. I think too that Trump has had greater verbal skills over Joe, likely at any age. Verbal skill is an element of intelligence but it surely should not be the sole decider of intellect, right? Do you recall those essay questions we always had in school? Those were to determine what you knew but also if you could organize and convey the proper answer, obviously in written form. In my opinion, most Presidential decisions are more like essay questions and less like flash card contests. Of course I don’t agree with Joe on some issues. I better trust Joe to give an issue thought though, to hire sane advisors, to more consistently consult with those sane advisors, to more often make decisions without having to pet his ego, to have better historical knowledge on global issues, and to put the needs of the people and the country over his own and those of his cronies. I don’t trust Trump to do any of those things when making decisions.
  12. Thanks for the chuckle! All that from a smart remark about Trumps wandering stories?
  13. Oh, did that happen to you? Well if anyone should be able to muster forgiveness for you it would be the Pope. Going forward, don’t let it affect your confidence or your ability to pass gas.
  14. Have we checked Trump’s back? There just might be a string there. Pull the string and out comes one of his greatest hit tales. Or maybe it is 4D chess? I mean, why answer new questions when you have ready to go replies...just to ‘alternative’ questions?
  15. It sure would make news stories appear less conspiratorial if we had an ‘informal policy’ here that if the story has a ‘they’, that the ‘they’ has to be defined accurately. Using ‘they’ makes it seem that folks are fighting the same opponent - the other political party members- on all of these issues when that is surely not the case most of the time.
  16. I get a bit peeved when I see some of the takes in the media and online that are ignorantly American-centric. Most events that occur overseas are not tied to Hillary, Biden or Trump or covid in the USA or our elections or our favorite American conspiracy of the day. Truth is, most always it’s not about us. The world is a big place with a whole lot of competing interests and goals.
  17. Lonnie, nice to see you again. Too bad your poor takes and conclusions have remained with you. Lol. I kid. Of course I lobbied to investigate Trump’s Russian ties. I also pushed to allow Mueller to complete his investigation and accepted his conclusions that there was insufficient evidence to prove conspiracy. i surely wanted Trump to succeed in the development of treatments and vaccines, infrastructure, ending Mideast wars, opiate battle, improving our economy, etc. And, yes, I have been against this back and forth obstructionism for years. Over time it has resulted in voters cheering for the tears of their political opponents and voting for whichever fast talking candidate can elicit those quickest and most cleverly. It is fun to have insult comics on your debate team. As I mentioned above, this is great for the insult politician and sometimes entertaining but this need to get even is guaranteed to result in legislative dysfunction and is causing pain to the underserved Americans today and will continue to do so until.....until when?
  18. Yeah, I understand the sentiment that they started it or if they did it, we HAVE to do it back. I really do. It is human nature. Part of the problem there is that one can always look back and find a prior event by the other party that REALLY started it, in their opinion anyway. We will disagree on whether Trump’s impeachments were warranted. I feel it doubtless that an honest trial and jury would have found him guilty of the charges. I was hoping to avoid the finger pointing and to make the point however that both parties engage in this mindless obstructionism. This hurts all of us as sometimes we need things accomplished i am older and I seem to recall political finger pointing and obstruction always happening to an extent, but not to the point of ‘party over country’, where we are today. Do you personally want Americans to suffer so that the Dems look bad? If so, you may be part of the problem. If not, consider encouraging some participation in the problem solving process rather than putting the party over the country
  19. Too many politicians are more interested in making political points than in trying to solve our country’s problems. Blame everything on the current administration and try your best to prevent any attempts at solving the problems. If none of these big issues gets resolved, they look ineffective and will be damaged for the next election - that has become the playbook for both parties. That works great for the politicians. You know who it is not working so well for? Most Americans! As voters we need to reconsider the type of representation we have been supporting.
  20. Canada is pushing the envelope on the rules https://imgur.com/gallery/gPT10P7
  21. I mean how could anyone NOT want to watch the Korea v Sweden woman’s round robin curling match? Sheeeesh!
  22. After The Comeback Game, almost everyone had a new 'change the mojo' superstition. Anything that folks did at halftime to change the mojo that day became lore and was used, and in some cases, is still used to this day to change the momentum when the Bills are losing. Thirty years or so on now, most of those lucky shirts are showing their age.
  23. Seriously? You are in an extreme minority, imo. People want to talk about positive topics. They want to associate with winning teams. The Bills are winning. You want talk radio to focus on the Sabres? Start by giving the fans some excitement. I guess chicken/egg to an extent but if we want poultry talk, generate some excitement on the ice
  24. I hope they keep those aluminum bench seats.
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