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Bob in Mich

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Everything posted by Bob in Mich

  1. I'll have to consult with my colleagues at MSNBC to know how to feel lol
  2. I didn't say you said he was a fast talker. It was a point I was making. Sometimes I think we all get fooled into accepting as fact statements made at a high rate. A common ploy that I have seen used by fast talkers is that they slide in so many points so fast that most cannot mentally examine each one. Often, not all of the statements are true. I have not seen much of the hearings today. I had some appointments. As I began watching this afternoon, I did see Castro try to get that sound bite about attempted bribery/extortion being a crime though. Hopefully it wasn't his best point or sound bite.
  3. Do you folks think fast talkers, such as Jordan, are more intelligent? Seems to me in a verbal bout, they have a clear advantage. I wonder however if that means they are smarter or just have superior verbal skills. I suppose verbal skills are an element of intelligence but may be over rated on TV. I bring it up because fast talkers can often blow through a lot of points in a discussion without allowing slower speakers a chance to counter them. Kelly Ann Conway is another prime example of that skill set. An average person is often unable to dispute her statements as she has spit out 2 more before they can interject.
  4. Yeah, that one surprised me too. Posts here are only for winning or losing. Do not try to challenge, learn, or educate or you will just receive scorn
  5. Good Post. I disagree on several fronts but, well stated. I am an Independent but have been of the opinion that this impeachment process should move forward. Most certainly, it is a political process that only loosely resembles assembling charges or putting on a criminal trial. Those that are unaware may be honestly upset but those knowledgeable of the process should stop throwing out this chaff. Claiming it is one-sided is true but there are 2 main reasons for that. I am sure that you are aware that this is not really yet the trial phase. That will happen in the Senate. In this phase, Democratic 'prosecutors' are making their case to bring charges to the representatives in the House. The House will likely eventually vote to (or not to) send the charges to the Senate for the trial phase. I believe that the defense will then be able to call whoever they wish, especially since the Republicans control the Senate. The other reason we don't have the Republican side of the story is that the President's defenders have defied subpeonas to testify to the House committees. There were no transcripts released from the president's soldiers because they are afraid to go under oath and testify, just like their leader. It seems to me that they are afraid of perjury. Would you want to get folks under oath speaking on your behalf if you were guilty? How about if you were innocent? Those answers should be telling to an unbiased observer. Presidents have historically overstepped their authority, that is true. Differences here are that Trump's actions appear to be for personal political gain, as opposed to being in the interests of our country. He also continues to see election interference by foreigners as acceptable. He has repeatedly proved that point. Foreign election interference taints the upcoming election. That must be stopped cold. Perhaps if the Congressional Republicans had a spine to stand up to this president, the whole impeachment process would be unnecessary. As it is today, there appears to me to be a severe integrity shortage in the Republican party in Congress.
  6. Trump, not an overly jocular guy, sure makes a lot 'jokes' about staying in office. Sometimes they sound a bit like trial balloons. Glad to hear that it is difficult to get changed.
  7. Well my post was joking, but when not all that funny, that is tough to tell I guess. If Bloomberg and Putin extended the number of legal terms then, yes, like that. I sure hope no one is looking to increase terms. I am of the opinion that limiting terms for all politicians may be a better course. If pols weren't so concerned with their re-elections we might get far more honest government. As it is today, pols are too beholding to party and way too beholding to donors, imo.
  8. And then just ignore the hell out of all of the evidence and vote to acquit? Same thing
  9. Give DR a break. I mean he has it rough as it is. Can you imagine spending 3 years of your life investigating something and coming away still so ignorant? Poor DR. Ya know what, go ahead and do a few lines today. You deserve em big guy!!.
  10. You noticed too, right? Don't be like DR. lol The guy is like a lamprey or leech. A parasite that kills discussions around here. He is compelled to reply to my posts because...... well, simply because he knows it all and no else knows anything. How would the other impressionable posters possibly handle it if Bob planted an idea and DR wasn't around to readjust their thinking? Guess we will never know.
  11. Isn't it funny that as a group the GOP cannot decide on a story? No one is even suggesting telling the truth. If the true story was 'perfect' I am sure that would be the best story, but quite obviously it is not. Says a lot.
  12. Presidential Election 2024: D. Trump/I. Trump Vs B. Obama/M. Obama, after Trump pushes through third term legality.
  13. Well, we all know he would ignore any subpeona. If you notice though, I didn't say anybody demand anything. Trump knows the story. He should just volunteer to take the stand. Wouldn't it be helpful for him to just sit beside a nice fireplace and just explain it all in plain English? I mean, just tell us all the truthful story so we can get on with Iran and prescription drug coverage and immigration. Could all be over by tomorrow at noon.
  14. Reminds me, have we seen a more complete transcript from the 7/25 call? Recall the ellipses? One would think that, as long as redacted for security reasons, a more complete transcript might add some more to the context. Has there been any talk of releasing that?
  15. You know who could clear this whole thing up? President Trump should take the stand and tell us all, under oath to minimize his lying, what he was doing with Zelensky. I would have thought the House Republicans would want to put him on the witness list so we can get to the bottom of this issue and get back to running the country.
  16. It is wise to recognize that the motivations of those involved in cannabis today can often color their opinions. Those with financial interests will try to make their investments pay off. Reminds me: I own stock in quite a few publicly traded cannabis companies so keep that in mind when evaluating my statements as well. Your post touches on a number of issues but I don't want to let my reply get out of hand. If I forget anything in particular, let me know. As you likely noticed, my post that you quoted is from 7/2014. Motivations with promoting cannabis have evolved tremendously since the hippies of the 1960's to today's multi billion dollar companies. There are also arguably quite different motivations too between medical cannabis promotion versus adult use promotion. My motivation, after reading 6 pages of misinformation in a different (now missing) cannabis thread, was to pass along information learned in Michigan where medical use had passed, effective in 2009. I hoped some might benefit through the presentation of additional medical options. After a time I decided that this thread was a good repository for medical cannabis information/studies, so I continued to post in spite of, hmm let's say a lack of love around here. In 2010 I went to Michigan medical cannabis farmer's market. Initially, without dispensaries, patients signed up with growers and so I got to know several growers in the area. Generally these growers were patients who moved into caregiving for other patients so over time it became a bit of a community. Since these growers had been chronically ill themselves, most growers were fairly poor. Selling overages at farmers markets became a big source of support for many growers. Back to motivation....at that farmer's market I saw many of these growers being very generous to some patients that were browsing but apparently not able to buy much. Seeing charity at work is always a bit uplifting but to see these poor sick folks giving to poorer sicker folks was genuinely touching. Unfortunately as patients get separated by more and more middlemen, that charitable motivation is dying out. Today's CBD craze is just that and business is the driver. Even a long time promoter of cannabis benefits like me thinks that it is being wildly oversold. In addition, the public's awareness of cannabinoids and their effects is still sorely lacking. Adding cannabinoids impacts our internal endo-cannabinoid system to try to return some bodily system back into balance. Depending on the condition, cannabis can take longer to help than today's pharma treatments. Often the advantage can be lesser side effects than pharmaceuticals treatments. For chronic conditions, this becomes much more significant. So, while say a pain pill may work better for one night, if used for long term conditions, cannabis may be the better option in some form or another. Also, in order to gain acceptance, the issue was dumbed down for the public to: THC is the bad one that gets you high but CBD is the medicinal molecule. While that argument had some short term benefits, we are now at the point where it has become detrimental and more education is needed. There are over a hundred cannabinoids as well as other compounds found in the plant. Many of the medicinal/wellness benefits that are experienced from cannabis are derived from CBD, THC, CBG,etc, etc, or combinations of cannabinoids and terpenes and flavonoids found in various cannabis strains. More research is needed as always. And without a doubt businesses, pharma and others, are the drivers today and will be going forward. Money talks.
  17. Here is another post I would like to keep for future reference Hope this is the right spot for these. DR, why can't you control yourself? I have told you several times that discussions with you always seem to devolve into you, the crazy eyed guy at the bar, being way too close in my face screaming about lizard people! Yet, here we are again. Over the last 4-5 pages in this thread you asked me the exact same question approximately 10 times. I answered it at least 7 times, pointed out that I had already answered it repeatedly, gave you a link to more detail, and warned you to stop the repetition or you would go back on ignore. That happened....go back and look if you doubt. You then quickly asked the same question twice more and then got put on ignore. You claim to be innocently just asking but when THE SAME QUESTION IS ASKED AND ANSWERED 10 TIMES YOU ARE HARASSING, NOT CONVERSING. That is you being the crazy eyed guy at the bar AGAIN. Recognize that please! As I have told you, I would rather not engage with you. I have literally begged you many times to stop replying to me unless you are quoted. YOU WILL NOT ABIDE BY THAT VERY REASONABLE REQUEST. That is a little twisted and certainly not right, imo. I should be allowed to carry on conversations with other posters without you interjecting yourself but your butting in regularly takes over the conversation. YOUR REPLIES STIFLE THE REPLIES FROM THE OTHERS THAT I WISH TO CONVERSE WITH. When I wish to interact with you, I will quote you. Otherwise, assume I do not wish to hear from you. You butt in and claim you know everything and no one else knows the real story. That may or may not be the case but when adults are conversing and they have repeatedly asked you to stay out of their conversation, please do so. While not public, the board is designed to allow posters to interact and have discussions. Stop taking over every discussion on this topic.. You love to give advice. Try listening to some for a change. Stop acting like a know-it-all. Stop butting in, even when you think you know more. Others should be allowed to converse without your interjections. Stop harassing those that disagree with you. Please take that advice to heart. I think it could help you to become a better poster.
  18. Thanks for that suggestion, but no. You have put so much mindless idiotic drivel in that post already, it needs no more. In fact now that you mention it, you and DR may have the same mental disorder. I recall pleading with you on several occasions to stop replying to my posts in that thread but to no avail. You persisted to post insults and added nothing to the thread. Maybe it is time to admit you were a complete ignorant troll in that thread. I mean you were not just a medical cannabis doubter, you essentially ridiculed anyone that could think it had promise. I don't expect an apology. I know you have your image here of a pompous prick.
  19. Not sure where to put this post. I wanted to save it for future copy and pasting. DR is on ignore for me. Thanks for the support. Yeah, he knows he is on ignore and so likes to use that opportunity to appear to have the last and definitive word. I have tried to take him off ignore several times but time after time, he proves he can't really control himself. He cannot seem to disagree without badgering and insulting. He cannot seem to accept a 'let us wait and see' stance. Realizing he didn't deserve the second/third/fourth chances, I put him back on ignore. I truly believe that once he was an honest researcher but somewhere along the line, he lost his objectivity. He has fallen into the narrative that Trump was wronged by everyone that suspected there might be wrongdoing in his 2016 campaign. His flawed logic seems to go that since Trump was wronged then and Mueller did not find sufficient evidence to bring any conspiracy charges, that the guy is a now proven saint. The story goes that Trump was illegally investigated and so any future investigations are therefore also unwarranted and in fact, illegitimate attempts to overthrow the President. I did mentioned flawed, right? When he has no good answer, DR provides torrents of unasked answers and has done just that when supposedly answering this question. I have never seen a location or office holding these surveillance tapes nor an explanation of why none have surfaced anywhere in anyone's hearing or trial or why none have been leaked. He cuts and pastes pages of chaff essentially. Others do this too but DR overwhelms with his prolific 'research'. Fine research perhaps, but often not really answers. Then too, he has been on ignore so I may have missed it but at this point this appears to just be another DR lie. So, to summarize.....His opinions are facts. Your facts are just ill informed opinions. Basically he is too brilliant and his logic flawless. No one knows more. Since he puts in the most time on research, he must know the most truth. No one else's sources of information are credible. If a source was credible but now states anything negative against the President, they are now evil and no longer credible. Oh, and if you read or watch CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, BBC, MSNBC, among others, you support pedophiles and likely are a pedophile. Did I mention 'flawed'?
  20. Dude, on rare occasions I see what you post but essentially you are on ignore. YOU KNOW THAT. Why you continue trying to engage is beyond me but I am no expert and don't really understand some mental disorders. I know very well that if someone begged me repeatedly to leave them alone and not quote them, I COULD DO THAT. Mature adults could do that. Fuksticks, such as DR, cannot do that apparently.
  21. You guys should make Dodgeball 3: Ducking and Dodging I too am independent. Guess we think alike.
  22. At times you seem reasonable. Highly partisan to be sure, but reasonable once in a while. I have a question. If you risked your life in a treasonous scheme to be able to spy on the President and his campaign, would you record anyone?
  23. Who here are you arguing with?
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