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Bob in Mich

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Everything posted by Bob in Mich

  1. Rob, I don't want to control. I was hoping for a reasoned discussion. I try to limit the posters on ignore to serial insulters like DR and DCTom, not simply everyone with an opposing view.. I have some health issues and sometimes an online discussion can be a helpful distraction. In fact, my point is that you nonsense poster are too controlling. You nonsense posters are essentially bullying to shout down other posters and opinions because you don't like them. You are trying to control the postings actually.
  2. So the 'shout over' tactic is now good with you? You best hope you are never in the minority. Mob rule baby!
  3. Rob, take a step back from arguing and look at what you are saying. Geez, can you see that there are lots of opinions here. I hate many of them as do you and as does everyone. This shout over tactic, is an attempt to bully and drive out other posters and opinions. He may be a troll, IN YOUR OPINION. I think a lot of posters that harass me are trolls too. Just don't respond rather than try to silence other opinions.
  4. You would need to point out how. By burying a poster's question or comment with nonsense posts, the nonsense posters are essentially keeping others from 'hearing' the opinion or question of the poster. If the true intent was to ignore the poster or post, simply not posting, doing absolutely nothing, would be the way to do that. This effort is beyond ignoring.
  5. I disagree. This on-line 'shout over' tactic is doing the same thing as physically shouting over speakers. After all, those speakers are being allowed to speak....just not being allowed to be heard. If you don't like a poster or don't wish to engage, simply don't post, as is the way a discussion board has typically functioned. You know full well that this tactic is far more than not engaging.
  6. Care to explain that? You may not like my positions but where are my posts dishonest? Please, point some out so perhaps I can see where to improve my posting skills And ignoring the substance of my post may be called dishonest. You participated in the 'shout over'.
  7. Rob, I don't know your past position on this but I wanted to reply to the tactic being used here and your post gave me an opening. It seems ironic that the crowd that complained about college campus liberals preventing free speech (conservative speakers), calling them snowflakes, is doing the on-line equivalent now on PPP. If not calling for opposition posters to be outright banned, these posters are essentially now shouting over their posts. Intellectual challenges are not only not welcomed, not just ignored, but are now not to be tolerated on PPP? So is this 'shout over' tactic now OK against conservative speech on campuses too? Those campus libs will be glad to hear they were right all along.
  8. Oh gosh, find your safe space, quick! Ya got an Auntie Emm?
  9. I know Republican Congressional integrity is hard to find these days. Who do you think has the most integrity among Repubs in Congress? At one time folks would have mentioned Lindsey in that discussion but I can't imagine his name ever being brought up again.
  10. I had a mispronunciation of my name during roll call by my new math teacher on the first day of senior year. One of my buddies twisted that a bit with wit and a split second later, another wisecrack, and for my senior year I was the 'Shiek'. Lots of yearbook references.... I had forgotten about the name when at my 10 year reunion, decades ago now, I had just walked in and was trying to talk to someone that I recognized. It was hard to hear because there was some fool hollering a bit behind me in the crowded bar area. After a bit, when I finally focused on what he was hollering, I had to laugh. SHEEEEEEK!.
  11. DR is on ignore for me. Yeah, he knows he is on ignore and so likes to use that opportunity to appear to have the last and definitive word. I have tried to take him off ignore several times but time after time, he proves he can't really control himself. He cannot seem to disagree without badgering and insulting. So, I put him back on ignore. He has lost his objectivity. He has fallen into the narrative that Trump was wronged by everyone that suspected there might be wrongdoing in his 2016 campaign. His flawed logic seems to go that since Trump was wronged then and Mueller did not find sufficient evidence to bring any conspiracy charges, that the guy is a now proven saint. The story goes that Trump was illegally investigated and so any future investigations are therefore also unwarranted and in fact, illegitimate attempts to overthrow the President. I did mentioned flawed, right? So, to summarize.....His opinions are facts. Your facts are just ill informed opinions. Basically he is too brilliant and his logic flawless. No one knows more. Since he puts in the most time on research, he must know the most truth. No one else's sources of information are credible. If a source was credible but now states anything negative against the President, they are now evil and no longer credible. DR, as I have told you, I would rather not engage with you. I have literally begged you many times to stop replying to me unless you are quoted. YOU WILL NOT ABIDE BY THAT VERY REASONABLE REQUEST. That is a little twisted and certainly not right, imo. I should be allowed to carry on conversations with other posters without you interjecting yourself but your butting in regularly takes over the conversation. YOUR REPLIES STIFLE THE REPLIES FROM THE OTHERS THAT I WISH TO CONVERSE WITH. When I wish to interact with you, I will quote you. Otherwise, assume I do not wish to hear from you. You butt in and claim you know everything and no one else knows the real story. That may or may not be the case but when adults are conversing and they have repeatedly asked you to stay out of their conversation, please do so. While not public, the board is designed to allow posters to interact and have discussions. Stop taking over every discussion on this topic.. You love to give advice. Try listening to some for a change. Stop acting like a know-it-all. Stop butting in, even when you think you know more. Others should be allowed to converse without your interjections. Stop harassing those that disagree with you. Please take that advice to heart. I think it could help you to become a better poster.
  12. Probably a good idea to extricate yourself from fishing conversations. You asked me directly to 'test your Canadian-ness', so I did. As we all now know, you failed miserably with your tales of portaging massive canoes and stringers of rotting sturgeon through the woodlands of Northern Ontario. In addition thought I'd mention, the world record sturgeon is about twice the size of the one pictured above. You're gonna need a bigger boat.....get it? Hey, wait a minute. Where is your third line? All your drivel comes in 3's. Maybe it was a GFY to 3rd? We all know any real Canadian would apologize profusely for any misunderstanding well before resorting to GFY, as you did to me above. Not a Russian though. I hear they are real pricks. Is that true with respect to your Russian family and friends?
  13. Set your DVR's, those interested in learning about Trump's myriad of lies. Sunday at 9pm on CNN Should be interesting.
  14. Gee, so no pictures of you holding up a stringer of sturgeon, eh? So surprising you would not be able to produce any of your sturgeon catch photos. Too bad. I would have loved to see every one of those. I grow weary of your constant agitation. Your typical trio of observations often seems robotic to my eyes. I know dozens of Canadians from over 50 years of Canadian vacations. While I have met many that ask questions about our (US) politics, I have never encountered any Canadian with a constant barrage of US political criticism. It is not the Canadian way in my experience. In addition that same individual would have nothing to say regarding Canadian politics? Strikes me as fishy, like a bogus canoe trip to fish for 650 lb sturgeon, ya know? In short, I do not believe your cover story. Many of your posts seem like automated responses using keywords. Besides the other main Putin supporter here (DR), have you spent any in person time with posters here? Who and when, if you don't mind? Did you take them sturgeon fishing that time? Maybe they took pictures?
  15. So, in Northern Ontario inland lakes you were sturgeon fishing, eh? Did you see any like this 650 pounder? Guess you must've had Canada's largest canoe too? Got any pictures from that trip? Would love to see you holding up a stringer of sturgeon. That would be a great photo, eh? I haven't studied the subject but it doesn't appear that sturgeon live in Northern Ontario inland waters. Guess you were safe then after all, eh?
  16. Who in the hell is talking countries? This is all about you, not Canada. I love Canada. I despise Russian trolls like you that post here for money simply to sow discord in the US. Your posts are never more than agitation, if they can be deciphered at all. Am I right assuming that your 'mindless' posts are generally robotic? You, the person, isn't that stupid, are you?
  17. What's the walleye size limits in Ontario zone 19? quick If you don't answer in seconds you are clearly commie scum that is paid to post here. Go Too late you commie bastard
  18. Is that the Russian spelling of 'humor'. I guess I expected some backwards letters in there somewhere. Isn't China the huge country to Russia's south? I guess Mongolia is pretty big too though.
  19. Oh, thanks Rob. I am sure you know just how much your thoughts mean to me.
  20. Too funny. Many here are on to your fake Canadian BS. Isn't it an interesting time in Canadian politics right now? What site do you post all your Canadian political opinions and under what handle? What, a Canadian who only cares about US politics? Yeah, right, you are a Canadian! BS
  21. Actually no, not correct. It was a legitimate and sincere question and I would still love to hear the answer from the posters here. You can agree or disagree that his actions are wrong or impeachable. I just wanted to hear truthful answers and still do. The reason I asked it is because I was reminded of the Clinton impeachment and wanted to look at similarities. In that instance, we on the Republican side (yes, i was) spent a good deal of energy trying to prove to the Clinton supporters that Bill was a liar. It was a complete waste of time because in the end, they already knew full well that Bill was a liar but did not care. Here, we are waaaay beyond liar. This guy is amoral and unethical and I believe he has committed high crimes. The similarity to the Clinton impeachment is that a whole lot of time is being spent trying to prove to the Congressional Repubs that the guy has committed these acts but the truth is, I believe they already know that he is a criminal but they do not care.
  22. How about in your country? Which Russians do you think are really intelligent? Certainly Putin, right? He seems very clever. I mean anyone that could outsmart Trump must have a really large brain.
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