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  1. Well, at least you didn't hijack my thread with QB contraversy talk. Don't you guys have enough Drew threads??? Brings me back to the Korky days though..
  2. Thanks! Like I posted in here a few times. Yinz aren't all that bad. Hell, last year we were 6-10 looking at an 8-8 this year. Like my buddy Geddy Lee says... Anything can happen... As long as we get another shot at them damn patsies. Revenge is a dish best served cold. It is very cold at Heinz in January... Very cold.
  3. If they do, it won't be by YOUR team. You will be sitting on the couch (along with your team) watching it though..
  4. He didn't "make contact" he BLOCKED the LB while, or before, the ball was in the air. It WAS a penalty, it was a classic example of a "pick" That particular LB was running outside to cover the RB out of the backfield. He may have got there, he probably WOULD'NT of, put in plain english, it was a penalty. How can THAT cause you the game. You were playing against our 3RD stringers and you think the officials cost you the game??
  5. I think a few coaches will look to what Big Ben has done and say "Why Not?" I think for Lossman to be effective, you might need a offensive lineman and a quality WR and you have a nice offense. Your rookie from Wisconsin should step up even more and with another WR threat, you could be quite the nice little offense. You guys seem close.
  6. I think the patriots will have their hands full before they even get a shot at us. Unless by some mircle the colts choke at home against the Broncos. I see the colts giving the patriots a run for their money at Foxboro. IF they make it through that we will see what happens. Thanks for all the well wishes though. I hope we smack them around some as well...
  7. Spidey. Thanks for the apology. I know it sucks to get so close. You guys put a nice string together, and it is something to buid on for next year. You didn't play any BIG teams during that stretch, but you can only play who you are scheduled against. You have a nice defense and with some secondary help should be in good shape next year. Don't worry too much about Drew, isn't that what you drafted Lossman for?
  8. Now this is just TOO funny. I was here before the game posting about the game. I said I would be back after win or loose when some posters came in and said I was just here to start trouble and would not come back after the game. I came back and did not post anything bad. I COULD've mention that your offense could not score against our 2nd and 3rd stringers. Or that you said you would run over us. Anyone on YOUR team break 100 yards? Please don't make me post more. Take it in stride...
  9. Well, win or lose I said I would be back. Here I am. I am sure most of you could care less, but I meant what I said, and said what I meant. Steelers are 15-1 and yinz are making draft pick posts soon... I told you to watch out for our running game. I also said our defense will shut your offense down. I didn't think we would get to Bledsoe as often as we did, but the man has ALWAYS been a statue back there. He HAS to get rid of the ball! I also mentioned Willie Parker and Verron Haynes, but even HE didn't play that much. Anyhoo... Crow is served.
  10. Looks like a win/win situation for both our clubs. we're glad to be rid of him, you're glad you have him. Some coaches just need the right place to flourish. See Bellichek
  11. Are you Kidding me??? Go back and look at that game in Jacksonville. 4th quarter. Under 2 minutes to go. The first sellout of a that stadium since it's inception. Steelers down by 2. Ben goes 3-4 (only incomplete pass was a spike) and gets the steelers in EASY field goal range to win the game. Yea, he is a nut case under pressue
  12. You have done well shutting down other run D, but this is not the steelers. we impose our will against most D in the 2nd half. He NEVER give up on the run. We don't have to. If we punt it away. We leave it up to the D to stop the other team. Get the ball back and pound it some more. It should be a good game. Maddox <> Kitna. He will be fine.
  13. I agree 100%. You also need to look at the come from behind wins he has had in Dallas, Cincy, Cleveland and Jax. When he NEEDED to be in control, he executed perfectly. Even in the jets game. He did what was needed of him to get the win. This is the same formula that the steelers had in 2000-2001 season except when we needed a QB to make up for mistakes, he threw 2 INT's on 2 consecutive plays. I don't see that with Big Ben.
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