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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. Definitely lost interest in Vikings awhile back. Maybe a series just following Lagertha could win me back- probably having seen Doro Pesch as a kid & all that leather... (Warlock- band).
  2. Off to Download on Monday. Slayer, Anthrax, Judas Priest, Alice in Chains. Looking forward to it.
  3. I watch Hancock’s Half Hour with my mum, sewing her laugh or cry, priceless. i was (am) a Rik Mayall fan. Watch a lot from Filthy, Rich and Catflap, the Bottom Series (& live versions) to the Young Ones, New statesman, the Comic Strip Presents- did Vim Fuego inspire the look for Dave Mustaine?captain Flashart in Black Adder. The movie Guest House Paradiso nearly killed my brother and I- we still use the phrase “feeeeeeeeb” when visiting. Alan Barstard. Horrible day when heard he had died. Eddie’s comment along the lines ‘what a bastard’. as a young kid, we were allowed to watch the Goodies followed by Dr. Who. Was a bit young for Dr. Who at time.
  4. The NFL. Very repetitive endings.
  5. Hearing it is enough!
  6. It was 44degC in Melbourne last Friday. Like an oven door had been left open. Hotest was Las Vegas, the temperature listed outside, I think Caesar’s, was 116degF.
  7. Memphis Belle, made the effort at the time to visit the real one when it was on open display. The Lighthorsemen, Australian cavalry charge WW1, my Nana had a brother involved. Another good Aussie one is Kokoda, set in Papua. The ***** coming through the forest at night is tense, they’re coming for the 39th Bataliion, basically young conscripts not meant for OS duties, but as Papua was an Oz protectorate... Diggers (Oz colloquial name for our soldiers) describe it as coming close to action in combat.
  8. Only movie my dad took my brother and i to see. Lifelong fascination with the subject find a growing compendium of books intend matter!
  9. Depends on complexity of break- as simple as clean fracture where the ends are congruent to a spiral, SALTER Harris ankle, likelihood of break and avascular issues occurring, which bone- tibia is significant in load bearing but it’s friend and neighbor- fibula isn’t, relocation dease & distance,, cartilaginous issue, tendon, ligament injury with #, compound # with Debris- bits of stadium turf... ...had a patient with significant spiral # of 5th metatarsal resulting in shortened length & likelihood of major bone callus- if it healed, less than 50% congruence. 2 Dr’s said Moonboot, another- relocate and pin- option 3 was recommended!
  10. Larsen would’ve been into his 10th year or something to see the field with Jasper! Way to go you crazy Norwegian Shot Putter.
  11. My kids often start there when it’s bed time, group story then 1 by 1 relocation occurs. The youngest usually ends up in there most nights, he’s be 45lbs dripping wet...
  12. From memory, would the comparison be the 1990 Giants, to which the 1991 season had an open QB competition between Hoss & Simms.
  13. I thought it might’ve been one of Reggie Wayne’s brothers. Alas, no.
  14. I should have looked it on YouTube before posting but saw Duran Duran’s “Girls on film” as a young kid, I knew I liked what I saw, but probably not quite enough... naturally pre internet days... Probably most film clips with David Coverdale- Whitesnake, also Ratt and probably Warrant... will go a looking...
  15. When I was young & had my first dog that wasn’t the ‘family dog’ he slept on the bed- when he was a puppy he’d whimper until on the bed, I broke easy then. Had GF’s who loved him, others were m’eh. Those that loved him, let him sleep on bed. He’d sit in the front of the car & go everywhere with me. He’d crack it if someone sat in the front, sit and give them the ‘Paddington Stare’. Once, he just came through the gap between driver and passenger seat and sat on the GF’s lap. Was a great dog. The other 2, no. They have beds & a command for going to bed. Wife isn’t into dogs, though when pregnant, the girl dog would sleep next to her and follow her around constantly. Now the girl’s 16 1/2 & sleeps on a dog mattress or day bed, the younger dog has a bed, though often will be found in doorway of kids bedrooms, blocking door. Running joke with kids is he’s never asleep on the couch, if my wife catches him on couch he’ll often bury head under cushion, he’s occasionally on couch, I think he knows it pisses her off.
  16. More chemicals. Docs are positive, maybe last cycle, surgery was positive. Doing well. I agree re: med. support. Positives: my kids have said that with my hairstyle they can’t tell if I’m loosing hair. I’ve dropped some weight. Met some awesome people, learning a lot about motivation. Wished Lance Armstrong’s story didn’t end up where it did... ...I can’t control what will worry me, but I will control how I worry... ... found more enjoyment in the Bills being where they are, probably who they are, the process of player development than expectation to be met by wins alone... much more mellow. I enjoy positive quotes. Enjoying reading. Not fussed about my work, workload. i dig out the MacBeth “screw your courage to the sticking place and you will not fail!” quote at times as well as an old digger (Aussie WW1 soldier) saying, “sometimes you have to fix bayonet and close with your enemy”- as a means of sometimes you just have to do some hard fighting. Thanks all.
  17. Currently travelling well, though insomnia has kept me up tonite, find out test results tomorrow. Chemo not fun. Have been pretty positive, have had some slumps, lots of fatigue- way more than I ever thought. Any good news stories, some positives. Cheers.
  18. Big Red One: Vietnam Big Red One: The Gulf
  19. I was rummaging through my memory and came to Clark Griswold and then on to Chevy Chase as Fletch?
  20. Sounded like you found some of that spirit of Xmas joy though, the genuine happiness from seeing someone else happy, change your focus. Read as though you’d found some of that magic, that’s enough.
  21. Good article. Players worried it’s too much, after games. Coach asking players to ‘trust’ him with their well being. One of the hardest things for a player to do is to hand ‘trust’ to a coach. In the back of their mind is if I get injured, I lose $ & maybe future $ too. And as competitors, it can be hard to tell coach that you’re not committed. The coach doesn’t want injuries either, but needs wins. Winning shuts down the dissent. i don’t follow NBA, but it’ll be interesting if he turns this around.
  22. I don’t believe it, need to see proof.
  23. We do the same and then some smaller stocking fillers.
  24. Fort Niagara is a good place, enjoyed it, as well as crossing over to the Canadian side to old Fort Eerie(?). 2 different designs of forts in close proximity, but I’m a sucker for history.
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