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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. ...we had an offense? Oh, maybe it was a mistake and it was offensive Bills sign ball...Mike Williams, Bennie Anderson...
  2. Making the "road" trip to Green Bay v Buffalo, November 5. The road trip starts in Melbourne, Victoria...Australia. So I guess there's a small part of that trip which will be in a plane Thanks #89.
  3. Typically, regrowth of some form, partial or complete. The nail is often considered a vestigial structure in humans and therefore quite a hardy structure at that. Ever lose your nail and had it regrow? Podiatrists have to use big words in order to suspend the reality of their professional choice...
  4. Onychocryptosis is a common complaint for podiatrists to manage. It can be from trauma to the nail, poor management or inherited nail complaints. Surgery is typically done with a partial nail avulsion with chemical matrectomy. Success rate is listed at 97% statistically...
  5. In Australia in the Rugby League promising young player, 19 years of age king hit a woman. Club have sacked the player, but have offered counselling. Not just the NFL, but perhaps society. Just that playing professionally highlights it or attracts more a#$holes?
  6. Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter has signed him. He needed something slow, fat and lazy that eats a lot, but isn't a crocodile...
  7. My mate's a Lion fan and he was pi$$ed off that he was released as he reckons he was a big reason for the success of Shaun Rogers in the interior of their line. I don't know though. At 6'4" and 350lb wouldn't it have been easier to have just drafted Ngata than hope a similar sized vet would "fall" out of contract. It just doesn't seem to be a Levy trait as a manager. He seems to identify his target and pull the trigger kind of guy, not intent on hoping thinks fall his way. My Lion mate said that Wilkinson is more than likely retiring. I mean, we don't even know his 40 time or wonderlink score
  8. ...was just about to add the "what's his 40 time?"
  9. I think the total was #54 that year & 3 blocked FG's- i have no idea why i remember that, but i do...
  10. I've came over from Oz and did the tour: Old Fort Niagra: If you're into historical things. An old fort, obviously. Interesting histroy. Used in war. Restored. They have tours, fire muskets etc. There's also an "old" fort on the opposite side- this was smashed and was rebuilt over the original ruins. Letchfield Nat. Park: If you're into nature, waterfalls and scenery. Some great pics taken. Pretty. Glad I went. Naval Museum: I'm a junky for museums of war. For the first time saw Japanese "invasion" currency for Australia. Some interesting ships. Tours. Tanks etc. Nightlife: how old are the kids again? Okay, that's a no then. 6 Flags: theme parks are well, theme parks. cheers M
  11. How does 4.68 sound. Phew, pretty good to me for a LBer after Achilles tendon repair. However, if you're still unhappy, let me know. I still like the .08 extra, sounds more technical. I can change this response though...
  12. See, where your "source" goes wrong is at the bunion specialist. Seriously. If you said you'd heard it from Soprano "from sources deep within" i would have beleived you, but as a fellow Podiatrist, there's no way I'm believing the bunion specialist.
  13. It's looking more like the Pack's game. Oh and I'll be saying Crickey a lot as I'm one of those Aussies that's never actually touched snow...I imagine it's kind of like being surrounded by a fridge that's frosted over!
  14. This 'er Bruce fellow, pretty interesting stuff..."Written by Bruce Smith. ... In their research, suspended metal balls revolved when a charge was put into them..."- you don't teach that in a zone blitz do ya!
  15. Man, they let a chipmunk in the front row? Rumour has it, its going to be a beaver next year.
  16. Do you watch South Park? Eric Cartman had a plan for those with "ginger-vitis".
  17. Unfortunately, your probably right. I'd like to suggest Phil Hansen, but there's probably not enough repsect outside of Buffalo, as in ProBowl berths to really be desrving of a WoF. Great warrior though.
  18. I've started the planning to come and see the family stateside and am coming over in October or early November. Have settled on the Vikings or Green Bay as games to plan the trip around. I guess the Pack offers the last chance to say I've seen Brett Favre on the field (if he's not injured) and the Vikings...well...umm. McKinnie, Winfield...umm. Hope to catch some of you folk then- I'll be the one with the thick Aussie accent saying "G'day" and "Crikey" to everyone...
  19. I am not quite sure if I've read into your response correctly. That's a yes then? Ah, i love a succinct post.
  20. ...what's your favourite drink?
  21. Australia, uniform limit is .05. Sweden is much less, something along the lines of .02. Welcome to Victoria, the home of the speed trap. A professional footballer was caught recently (Collingwood Magpies FC) on a scooter out front of his home, blew .08 and lost licence and club fined him $20,000- the guys playing salary was probably about $200k.
  22. http://www.realfootball365.com/nfl/article...ills110506.html Well, at least its better than talking about: 1. Whitner and McCargo's draft position- did they reach or target? 2. Whether Magahee is a bum or not. (poll) 3. How old Marv and Ralph are? 4. How our O-line is going to go 16 games? and 5. Losman's QB ability? (I was going to through in Williams to the Bucs but that's at least funny). Has he shown any ability as a pass rusher since 2002? Can he put his hand down and be the rusher than either Denney and Kelsay aren't? Has he got counters etc to play the position, rather than blitz from the 2 point stance as a Lber, effectively shooting a gap, bypassing a guard/ tackle? Maybe McCargo can play end on runs, move into a Tackle on 3rds and Posey play the end aka Bennett and Hansen, Paup and Hansen (are those were the days). It's a long offseason. Oh, the miners are out of the cave in in Tasmania if you haven't caught the news. 14 days trapped 1km below...I don't know...but the first night 1 of them was at the "local" having a pint...
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