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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. Yep, preseason. And that girl down the road, that looks good from afar. Well, golly. She doesn't at all look far from good!
  2. So i can think of several scenarios... Run left, run right. Run middle. So that's 2 outside to 1 inside, making DT more "appealing" statistically. ...or maybe Run left, run right. Run middle. Nah, don't worry about the middle, seen how far out that RDE is or how high up that LDE rushes his lane, Run left, run right. I remember from Uni that statistically, everyone dies. Yep. No matter how many Vitamins, gym sessions and water from some pristine alpine untouched for 1000 years spring you drink... Hmmm, not a good prospect... Oh and Run left, run right.
  3. 4.75 Erik Flowers... sorry
  4. He was a great pickup from '97. Took a couple of years to "learn the game" from Ted and then succeeded all expectation. I wonder if he would have been drafted if only his college career was a little more "linear".
  5. She's a crack dealer, that after serving 18 months in jail in 1997 hasn't really learned her lesson either. And that would be that drugs are bad, hmokay. Don't do drugs, hmokay. Hopefully Dez can shine away from "the family".
  6. Maybe the past 10 years has created a new low for Buffalo, as in Buffalow... Put a few more wins in the W/L column and I'm for changing it back... ps, read Bills daily twice daily for so long i can't remember, except my wife is now asking why not porn...
  7. Sounds like a good taxi squader for 2010. Wait and see prospect with Pro conditioning. Zone block a plus for skill sets and team requirements. Interesting read. By the way Rfeynman, have we got a video?
  8. Blue collar Lunch pail cuts on a dime Brings it every down oh and please don't take any player called Mike Williams whether they be a WR or an O'lineman...
  9. King of Queens- Doug wears Jets. But have seen him in UB t's! Family Guy- Peter G plays for the Pats. Jesse- Christina Applegate and the Bills. Drew Carey- Cleveland Browns. Home Improvement- Detroit.
  10. #1 is 3000points #9 is 1350points So to move to #1 you'd need another tonne of picks, most likely another 1st. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft06/news/story?id=2410670
  11. Will this allow him to compete against John Edwards?
  12. Brandon "Splade" ...always thought Bryce "Paup" was a good Lber name.
  13. and if Kendra's husband was able to take in the suprise onside kick...
  14. And if were a "typical" Bills year, we'd spend a high end draft pick on his replacement and then let him walk next year for nothing.
  15. Didn't he have like an ankle injury or something as well. I thought Detroit got a good pick at the time.
  16. Not if Roscoe's there. I think we sat near there we Aussiew and I were fortunate and got seating from #89. High enough to see the far side and close enough to shout. Mind you, i'm sorry but i think I stood the entire game anyhow and I'm 6'2" (sorry), but it was a long flight and I was excited.
  17. To maximise the exchange and minimise error ie. Shotgun flying all over the place, requires a QB to catch the thing, allows the QB to read the play as he gets the ball rather than watching the centre's A$$ for the snap. And what others said...
  18. I'm thinking "Cocoon"...
  19. I nominate Pirate Steve from Dodge Ball.
  20. Maybe he didn't want a rematch with Jimbo!
  21. http://profootballfocus.com/by_position.ph...&numgames=1
  22. My wife got our daughter a "mini" Bills cheerleader outfit. Pretty good effort for the distance it travelled. Now all we need is a winning season to complete the christmas good will...
  23. Roscoe looks like he's in 1st grade.
  24. Cody from Alabama (?) as your Nose...big responsibility for a rookie though.
  25. I work in a Rehab (motor vehicle) and Tertiary hospital and could support you with a battery of broken bones that just don't heal. On a side note, there was an interesting article from an Aussie orthopedic surgeon, Dr Doig in which scientists have been looking at beach sandworm saliva for a "bone glue" of bone fragments too small to pin...
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