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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. If he can't finish on Day 4 of camp, is he an easy cut- medical payout?
  2. Agreed. Um, this is jail, not Facebook timeline.
  3. Some more; Duran Duran, Pink Floyd, Oasis, Rainbow, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Uriah Heep, Foreigner, Genesis, Def Leopatd, The Kinks, The Police (is inventing band names beginning 'the' allowed). Sex Pistols... Creating Metal & Punk scenes... Wow, it's it off topic to reflect what an era that music was coming frim
  4. Love the detail from these type of posts. Cheers.
  5. He's assessed as gun carrying stable?
  6. I've parked @ Hammers, but what would I know, I come from the land down under... ...
  7. Travis Henry wants back in...
  8. He had a game against the Colts In maybe 91 (?) in which he literally went the length of the field with a couple of crazy spin moves & side steps- almost Thurmanesque.I can recall that play so clearly.
  9. Had 1 in 2006- patella played in an Arena game Columbus Wardogs. Excellent recovery- gr8 orthopedic in Oz- Julian Feller! Dislocated same knee 12 months l8r- not related. Hamstring- patella dislocated this time- was sitting next to my hamstring! Patella scope hurts, ACL good as gold- that's what happens when patella gets gouged out. Ended my hope of a short football career- retired after!
  10. Have a good one mate.
  11. Mayb the Jets design would need to seek copyright from the Essendon FC, AFL.
  12. Bill Burr- found him hilarious.
  13. Octopus have s phenom learning ability.
  14. Isn't the English language a linguistic evolution such that King Alfred the Great & Queen Elizabeth II wouldn't understand each other & linguistically being a language that absorbs & changes with the influences it has encountered, largely through conquest, in itself can not be a racist language as there's no linguistic superiority undertaken ...tangent coming!
  15. Brilliant thread, thanks all. By the way, my brother lives in Augusta, GA.
  16. I work in a TAC (transport accident commission) hospital- the term "temporary citizen" or "live organ donor" gets used a lot for motorcyclists. Bitumen on skin is like horrific- hot knife meets butter.
  17. PS, whoever is playing Nancy McCoy is hot Whoa there Hatfield, that's there a feudin comment.
  18. I agree. U don't play like a dozen seasons as average! He's also an above average human!
  19. A man walks up to a woman in his office, stands real close & draws in a long breath. He then tells her that her hair smells nice. Each day, the same thing happens at work, each time the man complementing his coworker on how lovely her hair smells. The woman has had enough and goes to Human Resources to make a complaint. She says she'd like to file a sexual harassment complaint about the man who when he smells her hair then tells her it smells nice. The HR manager is not sure if this constitutes sexual harassment. Thinking that it may be a compliment rather than sexual harassment. Until she informs him, "it's Keith, the midget!" A man and his wife went to the zoo. They noticed the gorilla had got a hard on as he looked at the wife. Her husband says " lift your skirt up flash your knickers and tease him!" The ape goes mental. "Now get your breasts out!" The ape goes !@#$en bezerk! The husband opens the cage and pushes the wife in. "Now try telling THAT fuc$ you have a headache!"
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