Is Mario injured or not? If he's injured, why are we risking our $100m player on contributing further to that injury when 3 weeks of soft tissue work without ballistic activity, resting him, may heal it- alas I don't know the nature of the injury, just my humble med view. If Mario is injured & has reduced strength to disengage, why not put him in a 5 technique than the 4 & give him outside contain only rather than B gap & outside C gap? Makes no sense.
Apologees, I'm from Melbourne Australia so my opinion counts the least, apparently. That said, pre kids, I've been to Buffalo every 3 years since 1996 for preseason and then when old enough to games. My sons called Thomas Thurman, my dog Jackson & everyone that knows me, knows about the Buffalo Bills- even my 90 year old patients. So put that in your pipe and tell me it doesn't count!