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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. My wife got one. So far she can cook a great variety but I'm limited to coffee and mojito's. anyone got one?
  2. My kids have 1 each. They love it. Easier to clean than texta & the 20mth old dashes off with it, I'm not worried for the walls or couch.
  3. The Buffallo Bills however, would not even pay his medical bills which then forced Derrick Burroughs to sue the Buffalo Bills in court... This is pre "Internet" days, is that true?
  4. Love the fact that they used the word "girth".
  5. 1. Having to go to a toilet after someone's taken a foul dump, having a slash and hoping like he'll nobody sees you and thanks that it was you! 2. The urinal wall with the grate- whats the etiquette? Do you stand on the grate or not? Personally, I'm not standing on a grate suspended like Indiana Joes on a wire bridge over a river of pi$$. 3. Hospital toilets- just don't- hold on, see if you can make it to the consultants toilets. 4. Being in healthcare- hand washing. Please do. Please.
  6. Bells. It's local, it's an original pro- surf landmark. It holds a swell & is a right hander too. I always get nostalgic surfing there.
  7. In Australia shed be looking for a new career & one that doesn't have kid contact for life. She'd go onto a National paedophile database too. Is this similar in the US?
  8. Made the Aust news... Then we had the story of the man who was 145kg in Jan for his Medicare funded special med review that decided he required Surgery and categorised him. 4 months later he turned up for pre surgery 10kg heavier, was told he was now too large for surgery and he'd have to either lose weight or go elsewhere. He's now claiming discrimination. The hospital I work built a brand new midwifery ward- beds, the lot. Then they start getting women over 220kg that can't be supported by the old brand new bariatric midwifery bed and of course not to offer the bed is discriminatory, so the year old beds were replaced with 250kg midwifery beds...All free on Medicare, no questions, no reciprocal health requirements. After your birth we'll wait to fund... ...
  9. Valeria- Sandahl Bergman, but I was young & had to wait for one of my older brothers to get the VCR & she was smoking.
  10. What's the tie breaker for Minn & Bengals?
  11. I found it just highlights the "riot" part of their name.
  12. Sydney Olympics cost the tax payer a tonne for a long time. The overwhelming thing was that for 2 weeks, people didn't behave like jerks, or s it seemed. The stadiums get well used though.
  13. Try and follow... We had an election and put in a government led by KRuddd. After a couple of years, his #2 kicked him out & made him Foreign Minister and Juliar was the PM, yet nobody voted her to that job & her country of birth is Wales. We then had another election and neither side won, so like soccer it went to penalties or the "independents". The independents went with Julia even though they came from electorates that were overwhelming conservative. Now Julia also made a deal with the Greens, which she didn't need to, as the Greens hate the conservatives. To cut to the chase, she's been the least popular PM & overseen a dysfunctional government that despite a minerals boom, saw a huge government surplus left to her disappear to debt. So during that time, the Foreign Minister KRudd challenged, got smashed and got sent to the back bench. Rumors spread he'd challenge again, but declined in an open challenge, declaring he'd never challenge again. Well he just has, is the new PM, again and the old PM was told to resign... I'm waiting for the DVD personally.
  14. ...attirance pathologique pour le sel And the French equivalent for craving is uncanny- sollicitation..
  15. I'm sorry, but I quickly read that as the Auschwitz Entertainment Group. Luckily that registered as wrong and I re- read it.
  16. What, so a gay gangster said he was killed and cremated?
  17. ...the reduction of the German military to wage war due to day/ night bombing... My grandfather flew a Lancaster, his brother as well. Pa came home, his brother, 2 flights, 1 an active training flight for new crews, then shot down.
  18. No tipping in Oz too.
  19. Fishing in Nth Qld, mate caught a ray. Spent forever bringing it up off the bottom. Getting it to the boat and a salty paddled over & just took it. We cut the line quick, said nothing, but moved away quick. Good sized salty.
  20. How do we feel about the air war then & in particular say, Bomber Command?
  21. San Diego Charging Wombat for the new Oz expansion team... A lightning bolt and a big ol boof wombat silhouette!
  22. 18 guys with 1st Rd grades. 22 guys with 2nd Rd grades.... Is that telling of the value/ need/ reach of the draft too.
  23. He's a Raiders fan...
  24. Was talking with a Raiders fan the other day and he raised an interesting idea regards the draft. Why not introduce a reward to the team the drafts well, say either a pick or some coin or other dispensation- maybe a Veteran salary reduction. Something. So you drafted a 1st rd that was an All-pro still with your team, maybe you could get a reduction on his salary against the cap as a veteran so he could remain at the club at his career end. Or you drafted a 7th rd who came to be a Probowler you'd get an extra pick, not sure what value in the draft. Reward a good draft rather than rewarding mediocrity giving them the earliest draft pick. And remember, this is from a Raiders fan!
  25. Predator 2- what was with that?
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