Try and follow...
We had an election and put in a government led by KRuddd. After a couple of years, his #2 kicked him out & made him Foreign Minister and Juliar was the PM, yet nobody voted her to that job & her country of birth is Wales. We then had another election and neither side won, so like soccer it went to penalties or the "independents". The independents went with Julia even though they came from electorates that were overwhelming conservative. Now Julia also made a deal with the Greens, which she didn't need to, as the Greens hate the conservatives. To cut to the chase, she's been the least popular PM & overseen a dysfunctional government that despite a minerals boom, saw a huge government surplus left to her disappear to debt. So during that time, the Foreign Minister KRudd challenged, got smashed and got sent to the back bench. Rumors spread he'd challenge again, but declined in an open challenge, declaring he'd never challenge again. Well he just has, is the new PM, again and the old PM was told to resign...
I'm waiting for the DVD personally.