I take my 20mth old boy swimming, afterwards we shower, I take 5min- if that & Thomas stands under the middle shower for like 20- he loves it. I get dry/ dressed & get him out, getting Thomas dry & dressed & we're done. No biggie, except 2day was the day for the too-much-public-nude-dude. So when we walked in, direct from the pool, he's butt naked washing hands. Theres a divider of the sinks, mirrors & electirc dryers from the shower/ change area. I'm thinking that's a little too nude for that job already. He showers, I swop my boy to the next shower, no big deal. But in the time I got showered & dressed, got a 20mobth old showered & dressed he's still parading around butt naked, folding cloths, brushing his hair. IT WAS WEIRD. What's a reasonabl length of time for normal public nudity. I do note that the urinal rule applies for the public shower as well as the routine occupy shower, as in we always use the middle ones so I can see my son, who likes a long shower.