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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. We have 24hr liquor license here, so if I was doing an 8hour door shif, knock off drinks could be, well, pretty much anytime of the early AM.
  2. Um, well, um, err, ah, nope, I've got nothin'!
  3. My wife lost her brother 5 years ago today, his birthday would've been yesterday. He had a work related illness that killed him slowly, causing much pain & suffering. I see that time heals the wounds, but there are events and days that the reflection seems as painful for her as when he passed. My thoughts go out to you Westy & wish that in some way, life will repay you for your kindness & compassion & for those whiter lies. One foot in front of another, enjoy each breath, don't be afraid of unloading on your fellow man or a professional. Take care.
  4. What about a large yellow 5 pointed star with 4 smaller stars in a crescent set off the larger star on the red uni's! I mean there's a billion or more fans there...
  5. It's still 31degC here 10:30pm after being 41degC today. Bills nation is vast. BTW my brother lives in Augusta Ga. Is it snowing there, I haven't asked!
  6. Portland in Western Victoria?
  7. 1 in 32 wins a Superbowl. 1 in 16 a Conference Championship, they may have cheated through to the big one, but they've certainly held their own at the top end of the conference STILL & there are 3 teams in the division banging their heads at how to out draft, out free agent & out scheme them, hoping for next year to turn around their fortunes.
  8. What, they're not real names. Hey!
  9. I'm not sure Gabe Northerm's available!
  10. Just bought a new house, leaving it at that. Santa's done this year.
  11. Hang tough, tomorrow adds another day.
  12. Is MJD a relative of London Fletcher, come from that quadzilla gene pool... Maybe Tom Platz trains them?
  13. It's hard to win in the NFL. We should've re-aligned with the AFC South. We need a year in relegation, like the Premier League, expose the rookies to the Arena League & hope to win promotion in 2015. It was the Loch Ness monster & we need two fiddy. Whitner v Ngata. Something about Ralph. We played in the snow, once too. The NFL disrespects us by having us play teams that are coming off of long rests, opening against the Patriots & strength of schedule means even when we're playing the crappier end of the schedule, those teams get hot- Tampa & Jags are both 4-1 from last 5 gawd dammit. Too many drunks, not enough urinals... Pinto Kenny missed a home game. It was worth trading a 1st & Alonso for Green Bays Flynn... I tried!
  14. There's no ring, despite 4 trips to the alter you never married, you had a commitment ceremony!
  15. Paup, Hansen & Smith, 17.5, 10, 10.5.
  16. Should I post a pic of my kids Thomas Thurman- 2 years old & Henry Jones (wife's maiden name is Jones)- 9 months old. Maybe when they're old enough the Bills will make a playoff...
  17. I guess the point I missed DC Tom was there's no retake, CGI, cut, edit, stuntman in an Olympic competition. I couldn't miss a session because it'd throw out the training plan, if I under performed in a session, we'd evaluate our training, if I missed a goal in training, we'd evaluate the goal.
  18. I'm sorry Tom, but we'd train 3 sessions a day, 6 days a week, swim on the 7th for free time, on a 4 year cycle and I was only a reserve lifter. Comparing a sub 10 second sprint to running as fast as you can, no risk, no competition, 30 times, with an ability to run a 31st time if you thought it might look better even if it wasn't quicker, means you just don't get how hard it is to put all into 1 moment, every 4 years, to run faster than all of the fastest sprinters in the world at that moment, no tomorrow, no re shoot, no whoops- I missed my mark... Was told by a vet- ex SAS, that you have no idea what it's like, even with training, until you're shot at with aggressive intent. Respect.
  19. Had a Burmese interpreter the other day, Burmese appearing, except his blue eyes (also the reason he was persecuted in Burma). Apparently he's 1/4 Scot via a seafaring grandfather, back in the day. Now with Viking conquests into Scotland through the ages & Sven hooking up with a bonnie lass, who knows, he may be a Viking too...
  20. I'm in Melbourne, haven't seen it yet...
  21. Am late to the thread, just sold the house & got the little one back home from hospital, again. As a kid growing up I can remember Poppy Day, ANZAC day, MS Read-a-thon & Jump Rope for Heart days. There now seems a "day" for every organisation, charity or fund raiser. Whilst great in their own way, all pale to the simplicity & inverse magnitude of buying a poppy & stopping for a minute silence on the 11th min, 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month & hearing the last post to end that minute, inspiring. Thankyou.
  22. Dline seemed to play Branch, Williams, Dareus rotating through End & Dt with Hughes as the rush end, Kiko in the Middle, Mario & Manny in 2point. Mario looked outta sorts as a LBer. Oh & special teams haven't been special, unless you can count on them giving up containment when it matters.
  23. Pretty much every play bar 1, I think was bounced to the left!
  24. We used to tape "Rage" a music video show shown on 1 of the 2 channels we had as kids growing up in the country. My oldest sister wax a Duran Duran fan. I caught "Girls on Film" video one night & ...
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