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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. You sure you're not reaching for that pedicure, maybe you should consider a foot rub or upgrade your sandals to those orthopaedic sandals...
  2. Lucy, probably good until, what 3/4 way through when gaping plot holes appear, repeatedly, huge holes, that make you wonder why you see it but those associated with the movie didn't. Worth it for SJ though.
  3. They're still digging precious metals from ghan as well as precious stone, stuff they're been using on Tutankhamun's sarcophagus, I'm sure the odd robbery occurs.
  4. I guess there was no body/ organ & tissue trauma, signs of poisons etc. with the death ie. medulla oblongata trauma giving overt signs. Too much Sherlock Holmes...
  5. I was reading a comedy science book & it got to flatulence in the operating theatre & an outbreak of flatulence colonising infections. Turned out an urban myth, but the dude was caught up in the sphincter thing. How the hell does your sphincter know to let out a few bubbles when backed up behind it is a mix of wets & solids, but somehow it holds all that back for a burp!
  6. In the 90's this neoNazi- dude had the swastika head tattoo, celebrated Hitler's birthday, well he stuck an axe into a guys head, cut his legs off & dumped the body, got caught & did 20 in Pentridge. He was into bashing gays, Asians & being a general !@#$, including a conviction of rape on a 16 year old boy. In jail was a general a$$, ran a Nazi crew of stand over men, often preying sexually on younger offenders. The story goes that 4 hard men of Pentridge had a sit down meeting & told him that his time was marked. The next day he asked to be in protective custody & his behaviour markedly improved. Journey of life...
  7. One witness, a grandmother who was there with her grandkids, filmed part of their escapades and shared it with local media, who aired an edited version of the clip, in which Alvarez appears astride her companion. Is the grandmother complaining or planning to sell...
  8. It's "Marly & Me". Loyal to a fault, man's best friend- not wife, nor partner, nor mate, but a dog. Hang in on the good dog memories, peace.
  9. Seen them play a few pubs. Aussie Rock n' Roll royalty... Great musical supporter of Australian troops serving in country... am I ever gonna see his face again...
  10. Don't quote me but it think the Oz Navy ordered a frigate from Spain. Hull sections made over there & welded here. Apparently the sections didn't fit together.
  11. We had this guy from our gym do a stretch, apparently he'd smear so he wouldn't get beat up. The others would keep well clear, kind of like a skunk. He was in Barwon prison here.
  12. "Warner, who now awaits execution, was convicted in 2003 for the first-degree rape and murder six years earlier of his then-girlfriend's 11-month-old daughter, Adrianna Waller." ...Being second and finding out what had happened to Lockett whilst sitting in contemplation in the dead mans cell, waiting for your turn... That little child, 11 freakin months old! So how did you spend your time in Earth Mr. Warner? Contributing anything worthwhile? Awful man. Awful history to leave as your signature if your efforts. Shameful scum. Sorry, have 3 kids under 4...
  13. Bon. So, what if you just said: "I love really thin pancakes"? That is a fair compromise, no?
  14. It's non stop reporting in Oz. His health is pretty poor, let alone play guitar, a stroke, from accounts here. Oh and the rumoured pact was if someone should need to leave the band. I guess Bon's exit wasn't optional. Searchlights...
  15. There's no way he's defying Father Time. He's up there in father times face taken ol time on & ol time may one day win the war but will need serious disability benefits to keep on time...
  16. Of course, in nice china too. Thoughts with you cgf.
  17. Pretty clear nite for it in Melbourne, Oz.
  18. I remember a chop block he gave in the 1995 win v Cleveland, that's how uncommon (to my recollection) that play is. BTW, was it Justin Armour who had a great game that night? We beat Belicheat then I think Pepper had moved on as well.
  19. Pretty much anyone who rushes the passer, well. For some reason that's the thing that makes football exciting. You've got a guy going against typically a much bigger guy who has the play & snap count in his favour. The end has to react in a second, go through his assignment & get to a QB in around 3 sec. The great ones are amazing athletically (that's a tautology I know)!
  20. RIP Mr. Wilson. My thoughts for your family, Bills family & to the passing of another WW2 veteran.
  21. if you weren't alive of course you'd be dead, unless...you're the undead!
  22. Try tackling tackling the salt water kind,
  23. The feather tickling the ol' fella of the "DC" is wrong. Actually the Chiefs feathers looks like thatMel Brooks film where he pretended he was a Eunich... Cowboys, Rams look like they've named they're weiners. AFC North looks bad, the Bucs map of Florida is just wrong, Panthers are wrong too, actually what is with the crutch logo? I have no idea what they're doin with the cardinals. But the Falcs looks good...
  24. The feather tickling the ol' fella of the "DC" is wrong. Actually the Chiefs feathers looks like thatMel Brooks film where he pretended he was a Eunich... Cowboys, Rams look like they've named they're weiners. AFC North looks bad, the Bucs map of Florida is just wrong, Panthers are wrong too, actually what is with the crutch logo? I have no idea what they're doin with the cardinals. But the Falcs looks good...
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