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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. Isn't that Todd Collins job, something like a decade between starts? Btw, has Collins retired yet...
  2. Increased Vertical Impact Forces and Altered Running Mechanics with Softer Midsole Shoes Jennifer Batlich , Christian Maurer, Benno M. Nigg PlusONe April 21, 2015DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125196
  3. My 3 kids, 5, 3, 2 get stuff from fanatics. 2 have Bills names, the girl doesn't... mum stood firm....
  4. We've our podiatry conference next month, interesting to see if they make an appearance. Certainly nothing in the podiatry arena that I've seen.
  5. I used to think Bears and Bengals looked different....
  6. He's pedigree is a little more than "some" BTW. We did try our own Northman experiment in 2000 Leif Larsen, the shot put turned football turned boxer, picked 5 spots before Brady...
  7. ...he's not even looking off his receiver... (was that discussed in a Bucky Brooks article or was it Tasker breaking it down the film of EJ a throwing)
  8. No chance Carcharhinus leucas had been seen in those waters? I did notice that there is a bit of a lag from the quoted height and the time to hit the water and I'm not certain if someone hadn't deflated gravity a little bit...
  9. If we're doing a Late Rd guess a spot, Ellis McCarthy, DT depth... Marcel re-signing doesn't go accordingly...
  10. His game has holes so he's average if he were to be expected to start all 16 so he's a backup. As a backup, he's holes are fewer than some backups we've seen, so we'd hope he could be serviceable, if he had to play a few games.
  11. I think it was the Dockery- Walker deals as well, but also Fred & Kyle joining the team. May have been the Lynch draft but I'm too lazy to look right now. Marv's last year.
  12. As someone mentioned, there's always 2 of them on the field, every snap. You either draft or pay them. Offensive lines account for 5 guys, every snap, every play, sign or pay seems to be the principal.
  13. It's on live, giving updates. Kind of odd situation. Apparently 1 guy, but went down the street prior with a couple others... Escorts? some have done a belter, good on them. There's only so long someone can stay awake, I guess.
  14. Ath There was a guy at my Coles wearing a Polamalu jersey. I asked him if he liked Troy & he said who and I said Polamalu & he said who & I said the blokes names on your back! He said, oh, I just liked the top. I kind of felt bad for Polamalu. There was a time, long, long ago, a mate & I would go to a concert or similar big evet & see who could see a Raiders 81... Tim Brown.
  15. I was @ my daughters kinder Christmas functiion and there's a kid running around in a Paul Polusny #51 T-shirt! I'm wearing a Bills T as well, so @ this function there's the 2 of us in Bills gear. Well my kids thought it was cool and the boys wished they'd worn Bills T's too. Mum, not so much... ...I should add, this is in a suburb of Melbourne, Australia!
  16. They're from Tasmania, c'mon, brothers and sisters fight all the time!
  17. Crusader, crusader, please take me with you The battle lies far to the east Crusader, crusader, don't leave me alone I want to ride out on your quest I'm waiting, I'm waiting, to stand by your side To fight with you over the sea They're calling, they're calling, I have to be there The holy land has to be free
  18. Scooby Doo doin adult movies...
  19. Couple weeks ago we had the Sepultura down under. Respect for Cassagrande, worked freakin' hard. I'm old enough now that I find 80-90's metal "easy listening"!
  20. Definitely taught, but then those with a natural feel incorporate it more often, a little like linemen putting their hand up rushing the passer, not everyone does it and some do it more successfully. I guess they're the 1% that make up a play.
  21. Australian Rules- Sydney Swans went nearly 70 years without success. The Western Bulldogs last won in 1954. St. Kilda Saints won in 1966. Aussie Rules has quite a few droughts.
  22. He beat CG for a pressure on a ferocious spin, had CG spinning on his heels. The next play though I locked on those 2, CG had great control of Freeney. Will watch the game again, competition will make or break you, I liked that it didn't seem to unsettle CG though.
  23. ...um, isn't it a Goonie Goo Goo?
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