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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. He had 2 big holding penalties last week 2, missed the final 1... that went for a score. He seems mugged a lot coming around under the tackle.
  2. Yeah, he could've taken some Ron Burgundy advice, but not fussed in this PC world. Here in Oz there was a question from a footballer to the media around the issue of "fans" leaning over the fence and giving a serve, where else is this happening to a professional with all the OH&S, the HoF commentator replied along the lines of when you pull on a Guernsey to be paid to play a game.
  3. Woods clearly had his arm covering numbers. Mario is tackled out of the play by Smith, who obviously points him out just before the snap is not. Smith was pointing out Mario pre snap with his arm then coming in to tackle and seal off the end. Even in real time the pointing was obvious as well as the arm around Mario's back, hugging him out of the play for the 1st rushing TD.
  4. Wow, Wishing him well.
  5. Wasn't it Tim Timdale?
  6. You may not know but concussion issues in AFL are beginning, certainly no protective equipment there except maybe a mouthguard. http://www.aflcommunityclub.com.au/index.php?id=66
  7. There's a research article from some university, with city ties, looking at this and advising the NFL. Bills faired the worse and Bengals the best from memory. Also I think we're playing NE on 10 days, being a MNF, giving NE an 8 day break too... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/ub-engineers-try-to-iron-out-wrinkles-in-bills-schedule-20150227
  8. It's not A-aron is it (Key&Peele)
  9. Perfect for me, Melbourne Oz, late AM work start Mon anyways too.
  10. I think it was the front 4's worse game to that point too.
  11. We're already here, been here for years too.
  12. Brady prefers Samsung for durability* Brady loves FLAT balls
  13. Samuel Johnson WAS right. Judge Berman WAS wrong.
  14. Does the quick glance test at these 2 NFLers show some similarity? We've done the E.Woods and Bad Santa kid thing again, have we...
  15. Can we suit Greg Lloyd up for 1 game this week?
  16. Or an asterisk hiding amongst the letter.
  17. Except our mums and sisters... Of course.
  18. Wow, hope all else are ok, if that's possible. Hope Erik, fam, buddy and friends ok.
  19. In the book, Snuka wrote how his personal life began "getting a little crazy" in 1983 because of his frequent use of alcohol, steroids and cocaine... sounds like he went TypeO Negative crazy. I know crims who've done serious crap, know they're in the cops radar, find a dealer, load up, turn up to the cops & confess psychosis, "took some bad schitt, feel like they've done something, better lock me up before I go crazy, better do a tox screen" getting the defence already, well, they boast anyways. Sick.
  20. I'm sure there's someone who's go keratinophillia or something...
  21. Maybe she hadn't finished keying? Here's one for ya. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/dog-sex-charges-after-videos-allegedly-found-on-womans-phone/story-fnn8dlfs-1227106382502
  22. The interactive whiteboard wasn't working at my kids school, teacher had to use iPads instead. Whilst on my paid long service leave, I effectively lost a day of this leave because it ran concurrent with a paid public holiday.
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