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Everything posted by Shamrock

  1. And the Cowboys got a free pass? Aikman (did you know spell check comes up with ailment for Aikman...), Emmit, Larry Allen, Deion, Charles Haley, Woodson, Irvin... some pretty decent roster names, depth as well, Novacek, Maryland, Moose, Williams, Newton ☹️????
  2. No, his twins doing well enough from comedy, though I do wonder how the D would go with Bill Burr coaching?
  3. There was an original series from the 80’s, ‘Prisoner’. It’s a modern showing. The original was huge out here in its day. I was too young to watch and we weren’t allowed!
  4. Those arapaima are insane!
  5. There are few words, take care.
  6. Actually mine are Border Collies off of my Uncle’s Farm. One of his recent dogs got him a 4th in the World Championships for Working Dogs recently. Anyways, his dogs come with a full year guarantee, satisfied or return, no questions asked. It’s on the pedigree certificate that comes with them. We always send him a photo of the dogs relaxing in style with a comment, we’re not returning to the farm, ever! Good dogs. That’ll do, that’ll do.
  7. Lynch had a small bit on Brooklyn 99, a segment with Tanked, which he had a fish tank built. Meant less when he left ?. Oh and Brooklyn 99 has an episode up in Rochester with the Buffalo PD, Buffalo PD got busted for some corrupt activity... FWIW... ?
  8. My analogy was just a kid with a learning difficulty, you know, struggled with the alphabet or counting, but bailing out of jail... Lfod, that escalated my parenting anxiety. ?
  9. Have you heard a possum (ring tail) @ nite? Scares the crap out of the kids. Koala’s have an impressively intimidating growl at nite, if you didn’t know it was a koala...
  10. Photoplethysmograthy has the most annoying sound. I usually have the volume on for but a moment during assessments.
  11. Remember when Jim Kelly knocked a Falcon out of bounds & a moment or so later his leg snapped? About ‘95. Bills @ home to Falcs. Kelly cut him off, after a pick, pass to maybe Russel Copeland or Billy Brooks... knocked his stride out of bounds and his leg just wobbles up behind him. Can’t remember the Falc name but felt bad for Jimbo. ...the other one was Tim Krumrie snapping his leg in the Super Bowl, Bengals v 9ers. They kept circling on TV the moment his leg snapped, commenting, circling it... aghhh, once is enough!!!!
  12. Is he still seeing Dr Anderson and is it the same ongoing ankle issue? Not just practice for the game, but I wonder how he trains in the gym to keep functional strength up with a dodgey ankle?
  13. https://www.google.com.au/amp/www.dailynews.com/2017/10/11/darnay-darick-holmes-turn-ucla-vs-arizona-into-family-affair/amp/ www.joeburns.myflowindustry.com. Was playing Beyblades with my 6 year old, they all have names. We started, well I, started giving them names of backup Bills RB. The better ones ended up being Darick Holmes and Joe Burns! Couldn’t help it and did a where are they now google search.
  14. Typical crook behaviour here is to not sh$t in your own nest ie. do crime not in your own neighbourhood, youd be likely robbing from family, friends etc. Though this doesnt seem to hold true for dealers...
  15. Any news on how his 4 legged friend is doing?
  16. Tomorrow yeah? Is it still on? Read Corrales missed weight, by a fair amount. He needs to wear a Bills hat next time, maybe swop with his PR hat 👍
  17. Can I claim TGIF as a microagression since I work 6 days a week?My son, aged 4, asked the crocodile keeper @ the zoo Why the little crocs arent afraid to swim with the big crocs and if the big crocs are hungry, why not just eat a little croc than wait for a kangaroo? My 6 year old asks questions such as whod win, a gorilla or a bear? And so on, or a shark, or a crocodile, or a.... the 4 year old wants to know the rules of the fight first...
  18. https://www.google.com.au/search?client=safari&hl=en-au&biw=375&bih=553&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=8AHrWaHhLMKe0gSM25qIAw&sjs=3&q=hugh+hefner+at+heaven%2C+cartoon&oq=hugh+hefner+at+heaven%2C+cartoon&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3...18337.24051.0.24712.
  19. It looks like the ref flags himself for an illegal hold, his arm was clearly over Lynchs shoulders as Lynch was rushing...
  20. The Ford adds have done well. Dawn Ngaire is the actress used. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=dawn+ngaire&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-au&client=safari#imgrc=J5z2vn1Xrx4CaM:
  21. Were always at the 8 items or less register and have to put a few things back, those QB aisle purchases stay in the trolley.
  22. I live in a cul de sac. Id say almost 80% of neighbourhood participates. Young and old. Folk down the street have been having a house party for the last few years. It becomes a long weekend here running into the Melbourne Cup.
  23. Saw an electrician yesterday, nice # of Fibula coming off a ladder. That was about 3 months ago. Ice and pain killers before consultation. No Drs. No medical review. Hes scheduled for surgery Wednesday, will need plating it to hold it together.
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