Made the 3rd Rd. Apparently the court wasn’t to her liking, compared it to a clay court.
To be honest, there’s not been a lot of media even here about it, so it seems, other than a local reporting upsetting Djokovic.
I grew up in Warrnambool and for NY it was our Summer holidays. Was always a blast. When too young we’d be at mate’s homes watching movies. When older, the foreshore is a party place. I moved to the city and worked in nightclubs and NY was always fun then too. Then marriage and kids and it wasn’t a thing. Divorced and re-partnered and we had a great time down at Cape Paterson this year.
My kids will watch this guy eat challenges. I know. In this one in Wilmington Nth Carolina, at about the 5min mark, a Bills fan jumps in for a selfie. My kids call for me to watch because there’s a Bills fan!
What’s the strangest place/ show you’ve seen a Bills fan?