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Everything posted by grammer_police

  1. Also remember that the o-line is better now. Can't fault him too hard for all those sacks because he had nothing protecting him. I really feel that JP could be the missing link to the puzzle
  2. Ok, First thing is, we all know that Trentative sucks. In fact he's the worst kind of QB with our type of offense. We need a gun slinger to get deep balls to Lee and TO. Ok, now who fits these categories: 1. Strong arm 2. Not afraid to take chances deep down the field 3. Has NFL experience 4. Low learning curve, since already famillier with the area and many of our players 5. Would be willing to give his all 6. Cheap salary The answer is JP LOSMAN. He was horribly coached at the beginning of his career, but he's a veteran now, and still has that cannon arm. Remember how him and Lee hooked up all those times for long TD's? Well double that with TO in the picture. Go JP!!!
  3. are you bills fan? You sound like a cowboy fan or something.
  4. The fact that both JP and Trent started out with very promising starts, and both rapidly regressed points to the coaching staff. Get rid of the entire front office!!!
  5. MNF should stay with the current crew for a while. They are not perfect but SO much better than Miller, Theisman(god I hate the hell out of that guy), Madden, Kornheiser, etc...
  6. God they were so bad this week. It seemed like every 10 minutes John Lynch would say "Well, it's time for the Offense to pick it up." Of course it's a true statement but I got the point the first time! It was as if he ... didn't know anything. I also liked how they pronounced Andy Levitre's last name about 5 different times throughout the game. Is it really so hard to find a good announcer? You could seriously pick some drunken fan and it would be more informative.
  7. Well, to be honest - everything! I'm kind of a hardcore fan, I wouldn't expect everyone to like everything he's ever done, but I don't think he has a dud in his catalog. That first Modern Lovers album is really the oddball in his catalog however. He did that when he was aroudn 17-18, and he quickly grew out of his "punky" phase. My favorite albums by him are his early-to-mid 80's work. To hear some great (and rare) songs by him, I wrote a fan webpage with plenty of mp3 songs on it. Check out songs like Bundle of Joy, and It's Afternoon (and the range is calling). <a href="icecoldnugrape.com">icecoldnugrape.com</a> EDIT: can you use anchor tags somehow here? You can even request songs on my page, and I dig up rare live versions of them(I have over 100 of his live bootleg shows)
  8. Whether or not it was a catch I think most of us can at least (grudgingly) agree that it was a superb effort by Watson. I wonder if Nelson could pull something like that off.
  9. Yes! He's my favorite artist.
  10. I think my attempt at putting a little flavor(humor) into this thread flew right over you're head!
  11. I need to stop, you know, well that thing that Beast Mode is probably doing right now.
  12. Sorry, I forgot that I was the one that started the thread.
  13. Good point. Still hurts though.
  14. Sorry, my grammer was really bad there. really drunk, and re-watching the game. Why do I do this to myself?
  15. Yeah I did notice that. Mabey if we petition the Roger Goodell, he'll just "give it to us" and we will be the win!
  16. Didn't it look like the ball hit the ground, and he just covered it up with this body? It was challenged, and perhaps the replay wasn't conclusive, but when they showed the replay I actually thought it had a decent chance of being overturned. Anyone else notice this?
  17. So, a Bills fan walks into a bar. He sits down at the very end and order's a Blue. Another customer looks over at him and notices that he looks sorta down. He say's "What's gotcha down partner?", with a slight grin on his face. The Bills fan glances over, and sorta growles under his breath "Football team's got me down". The other customers says "Ahh, who's your team?". "Bills." "Well, you know ", he chuckles a little, the red cursive "B" on his hat shimmers in the pale light, "no pain, no gain". Now the Bills fan has an arrest record, and the other customer, well, he's different now. - When "keeping it real" can backfire.
  18. I cried a little inside
  19. You shouldn't be punished for this. This defeat hurts so much that I'm having a hard time typing. I want to blame Dick. I can't. I want to blame AVP. I can't. I want to blame ANYONE. I can. One person. LEODIS. Selfish Leodis. Just down it you f!@#$k head. You don't need the yards. This is one of the worst moments of my life.
  20. I Love Jonathan Richman!!!!!!! I even wrote a fan webpage for him, which has a ton of rare songs: icecoldnugrape.com
  21. I am so pissed. I emailed them a few weeks ago(I posted their response in this thread word for word except for taking out my name) and they said that the 1:00 games would be available 1 hour after they ended. Who can stay up to midnight to watch a full game when you gotta go to work the next morning? One day these problems will be solved. One day pigs will fly.
  22. You know, I really like AVP, and he doesn't seem like a douche like Turk, but we REALLY need to get qualified professionals in here. Dick was great for what he was supposed to be: A temporary fill-in to steer a turbulent ship after Malarky-Mark left. He should have been given that season after MM resigned, and then a serious coach brought in. Instead we got stuck with this zombie. So... I like AVP for what he is, a temporary fill-in this season at OC. Someone that is a true Bill, and is liked by the players, and won't bring any more turbulence. Then next season we need to get a real OC. But I think we all know that chances of that happening are pretty slim.
  23. Ok fair enough. I'll make a deal with you. If we win then you give me the 100 bucks, and if we don't lose then I give you the 100 bucks.
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