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Everything posted by grammer_police

  1. I swear that this is not a joke but... Why was that poster "pissing" over the memory of TR? Yeah, I know he was impersonating him, but how is that bad? He was trying to fill a certain caricature(sp?), and wasn't being overtly offensive. btw. Russert rules
  2. Lori, Thank you so much for putting so much time into this site. It really makes a lot of people happy. But your attitude like this really makes this place less fun
  3. The poster who metioned Retetta is right. Everyone just ganged up on bf. It was similar to how everyone is ganging up on Leo... I think he did nothing wrong, and I commend him for being steadfast.
  4. Good to see you back. Hope you've learned what words to not use
  5. I have read the billsdaily news at least twice a day for around 5 years. Keep up the great work!!! Its great to get a summarized story from knowledable bills fans. Who cares about the occasional spelling error
  6. No denying that he is a dynamic player. Maybe we trade Lynch to pick up another player in a position of need
  7. What you think? Great player...not what we need though.
  8. Bryan Bulaga, Tim Tebow, Eric Decker
  9. No. For the love of the Bills. And really.
  10. I was under the impression that Chan was referring to our first pick. If i'm mistaken than I take back what I said.
  11. I'm trying not to freak out. 10 years has really worn me down with this team.
  12. Billsdaily's front page has a new update saying that Chan has stated that we want to draft a third running back. WHY? This is our strongest position. We need OT, NT, QB... anything but a RB. He also implied that donte-poo will be starting. WHY CAN'T THE GHOST OF JAURON JUST DIE DIE DIE
  13. I wish I had chosen a different name, but I know that when he gets drafted by the Bills I can sell this username for a lot of $$$$$$
  14. He can come to Buffalo as long as he leaves the political and religious stuff behind
  15. IE is second best because of the arrow next to the address bar where you can see the last urls that were typed in. I don't know why Chrome, Opera, or Safari don't have this. Anyone every messed with Lynx?
  16. 1. Firefox 2. IE 3. Chrome 4. Opera 5. Safari 6. Netscape 7. Deepnet
  17. I dont recall anything about his time with the Bills. How come he didn't work out, this website has him as the largest NFL player ever. http://thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatth...largest129.html "If you ever find yourself carrying the ball in an NFL game, one person we're sure you would not like to run into is 6' 6" Aaron Gibson. Aaron Gibson started his NFL career with the Detroit Lions in 1999, at which time he was listed at a feathery 375 pounds, but after missing the 2005 season he joined the Buffalo Bills in 2006 and weighed in at a Quarterback-flattening 410 pounds, making him the largest, or heaviest, NFL player ever."
  18. fair enough. Just used to general bad attitudes around here. enjoy the game
  19. I would guess that 75% of my posts are content-filled with opinions on the state of the Bills. Replies you will never see from tebow-era: 1. get r dunn ralph/russ/nix 2. lol/rofl/smily-thing 3. +1, nm, belinda(thanks for the explanation just jack) 4. sarcastic waste of time posts(similar to the post that i'm replying to, wait a second...)
  20. Ok, maybe this is a stupid question but what does "Belinda" mean?
  21. what does nm mean?
  22. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=4877119&bn_r=ecc (2:43 in) Phil Simms said that the key to playing well in the super bowl is to: "Play a defense that isn't that good". This has got me hotter than a firecracker on the 4th of July
  23. Good point. This is probably the only reason why I would rather have Vick
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