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Everything posted by grammer_police

  1. Ok, we all know that Ralph is getting pretty old (and thats an understatment) I seriously hope he lives forever, but the fact is that he wont. My question: What if he suddenly got sick and just died? Would the team instantly be put up for aution and immediatley move (assuming the new owner want to move which is almost a certanty). Or, would there be some kind of waiting period? I mean...what if he passed away today for example? Would this season even be played in Buffalo? Sorry for the dark question, and once again: LONG LIVE HOFer RALPH
  2. Hell Yeah! My third favorite artist behind Jonathan Richman and Daniel Johnston
  3. I have been "tricked" many a time into going to the peter pan website. Usually each time I was tricked I would check out a page or two of his site just for kicks, but after a while I realized that while this guy's interests are...lets say a little different... - This guy is awesome! He doesn't give a flying fu** that his interests are laughable to most in this society. I even got his album and it's pretty good! ALL HAIL PETER PAN GUY
  4. I left off Brohm because it's too early to tell with him. What if one of the failed Bills QB's would have been successful if they entered the league with a team like Brady had, or Pig Ben had? I would say JP with his rocket arm and quicks. Perhaps a hall of fame coach could have instilled enough smarts in him to get over his atrocious awareness.
  5. fat fake sammy skooby
  6. There is the classic story about how Ralph originally wanted a team in Miami, but for some reason end up with the city of Buffalo. Here's my question... Let's say that Ralph actually got the Miami gig, and Buffalo was left without a team. Was Buffalo a big enough city back then where it was virtually guarenteed that we would eventually get a team? I mean, if Las Vegas got the next expansion team over LA, it is still almost a certanty that LA will get a team soon. So, did Ralph really bring football here because of his actual wishes, or were we simply the next biggest city to get a team?
  7. Sometimes when I want to scare young children I simply put this video on a loop and employ clockwork orange techniques. Seriously, who is this guy? Does anyone know him? Give this guy the trophy for most hardcore fan ever. Way to support the team!!!
  8. More absurd things have happened then the Bills finding a spark and making the playoffs. I didn't necessarilly say we would win the SB and start a dynasty - just be markedly better and give us our best season since the Wade years
  9. Wow, I hadn't had this connection yet. Great post
  10. Who would have predicted the Rams would win the Super Bowl the year when Kurt Warner came out of the woodwork? Who would have thought that the Jets would reach the AFC championship last year? Who expected the Seahawks to go the superbowl a few years back? Ok. I know that we look like a team that is doomed, but EVERY year a team or two just for some reason shoots out of the gate(broncos last year), and does something special. Name one single year where a team does not come out of nowhere and I'll be impressed. It must be our year. It's simply our turn. The most likely scenerio: Edwards gets hurt week one when he breaks a nail and Brohm comes in and pulls a Joe Flacco, and our D(led by 15 pics from Byrd) get's us 13 wins.
  11. “It’s cool,” he said. “I appreciate it, but I have to focus on this year not last year.” ----------------- Hell Yeah!
  12. Maybe you should learn how to spell too. fail v2.
  13. I couldn't even get past the first sentence. fail.
  14. Have you noticed this? Steve Christie, M. Anderson, G.Anderson(he was a Bill for a very short period of time!), P. Stoy, The Grammaticas. They all look wierd, and somehow similar. In fact the only kicker that I can think of that doesn't look weird is Rian Lindell. (but he spells his first name wrong - so that weird as well.)
  15. dude. natch is the man. whoooooo!
  16. Could our "plan" actually be to simply have insane depth at one position? Will this really be able to even out the negative that comes out of the QB position? If this is actually our plan, then it is a gutzy attitude.
  17. Oh... so does RAID 10 combine both data striping and redundency? And the tradeoff is the maintaince to keep the copies of disk in sync?
  18. What advantages of 10 RAID provide? I'm kind of a novice, but I know that it has to do with redundency, efficiency, and concurrency (any or all or more)
  19. I really dont think I could put that much a positive spin on it. Yes, Leonidas was a little off-base with his comments. But cmon on... they were nothing compared to some other posters comments!
  20. You know what? I think you actually make a really good point here. Also, I think I know the real reason that there is so much negativity here lately. It's because OUR TEAM FRIGGIN SUCKS AND HAS SUCKED FOR TOO FRIGGIN LONG. Ok, had to get that out. All this frusteration has been building and building. Luckily we can release it all after we win the big one this year. (I'll be running naked through the ECC parking lot)
  21. It's posts like this that really make me have no respect for you. I'm sure your a nice person, but your attitude on this board really brings things down way more than some of the more colorful posters (darthice)
  22. I officially proclaim this thread epic
  23. Well, here is something that we definitly agree on. and who said I like Tebow just b/c I have him in my username. It's actually a mocking reference.
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