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Everything posted by grammer_police

  1. are you 12? why would anyone (especially a supposed "respected" member of this forum) use the word "fag" to knock on someone. i know that my post was anti bills, but it was really half funny and it's suprising how childish your post is.
  2. after being a loyal bills fan for 20 plus years i cannont hide the fact that uncouncously I have fallen in love with a new one. watching the heroic play of the patriots these last few years has changed me, and todays heroic win seals the deal. i now leave buffalo, for a new future with the beloved pats with such heros as tom brady, teddy, and dillion. good bye now for i will never show my face in bills nation again...
  3. lee evans on front page of espn right now!
  4. bout time! http://nfl.com/news/story/9018928
  5. Close to perfect on field goals on the season. Even forcing a touchback today. and his little problem of not hitting field goals past the 40 yard line? I think today should quiet that thought for a little while
  6. my vote: Great Northern in williamsville
  7. http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=3167 scroll down to middle of page
  8. for the buff area
  9. corey simon is great and all, but dont we already have depth there? if we are going to be spending money on a player put it towards something resembling a LT. (and still have money for NC)
  10. http://www.local6.com/news/4809394/detail.html
  11. i hate this this guy just as much as any of you but i will give him one undeniable prop: he has character. a##hole character, but at least he is not one of the drones. my biggest problem. HE ALWAYS TALKS LIKE THIS.
  12. Buffalo is a great choice for sleeper for next season, as jp could potentially be great. cardinals seem to be another sleeper that the anaylists are speaking of. teams that have sucked in recent memory that could turn heads this season imo 1. buffalo 2. bengals (not sure they would be considered a sleeper though) 3. cards 4. lions
  13. for people who were a little young in the eary 90's, (or just drank themselfs silly) this is a pretty cool website with some great pics of classic bills http://www.geocities.com/bflobuzrd_2000/glory.html
  14. arn't athletes already awarded for their fine play with MVP awards, offensive player award, etc? The whole idea of an espy seems just a big marketing thing. and one more thing, DESTINY'S CHILD??? give me a friggin break!
  15. american idol close second
  16. you are so pitiful, you're like the bills at the superbowl god knows ive heard variations of that one a few times
  17. thanks for the info.
  18. shaun alexander is saying that holding out will be an option if he doesnt get that extra million or so. this is a slap in the face to the fans of seattle. if, and hopefully not if, willis holds out sometime in the future, this will be a slap in the face of buffalo. yes players should have rights, but holding out directly hits the fan, when the regular season starts. there has to be a different option. perhaps players that hold out should be fined 10,000 $ per game or something.
  19. i didnt word it clearly. vlade divac is the connection and i remember my dad telling me that he went to either his highschool or his college. (yes, i know he is from yugoslavia, but he must have moved to somewhere in the western ny region
  20. a future vlade divac (with buffalo connections) as the first pick in the draft. wonder who toronto will pick...
  21. No. There are a couple of posts below on the issue of resigning Clements which make the point in a comparison that was not the central topic of the thread that Denney is a "mediocre" NFL player. Since this claim was not the centrak topic of the thread and quite frankly is unsubstantiated by any logical evaluation I thought it was worth posting as a separate thread. Look, I know folks were disappointed in Denney sack production after he signed a big contradct and rightly so in terms of the lowering of his sack production, but to jump to the conclusion that he is somehow a mediocre player (a worse than average NFL player) simply is unsupported as a football opinion. Consider this: 1. Denney was the DE on one of the second ranked statistically D team in the league. Do you really think they achieved this lofty position and result even though they got "mediocre" play from their RDE? 2. If memory serves me correctly the team led the league in sacks and Denney diddnt do so bad himself. His personal totals disappointing for fans yes, but mediocre no. 3. A big part of his low sack total strikes me as the flexibility the athletic Denney offered the Bills which allowed him to do the short zone pass coverage credibly in the run blitz so others could rush effectively. 4. Denney's big problem as he developed was his being weak at the point of attack on runs and sometimes taking bad tackling angles (particularly as a rookie) however, by using him well in the run-blitz this both plays to Denney's strengths and away from his weaknesses. he struck me as more effective and better used in 2004 than in previous years. 5. For me the really big deal about the job Denney did last year was that his play and that of Kelsay and Schobal allowed the Bills to carry only 3 DEs when the import of this position and the rotation the Bills use on the DL really dictated that they keep 4 DEs. Thw great play and athleticism of all three DEs led by Denney (who strikes me as a better player than either Kelsay or Schobel) allowed the Bills to devote a valuable roster spot to keeping a designated long snapper and even shop for a long snapper after Dorenbos was injured. Their play gave us the flexiibility to activate rather than lose Jason peters because we had an extra roster spot. Th notion that Denney for some reason should be judged mediocre has nothing to do with a good football judgment in my mind. By no means is he perfect and their can be great improvements in his play, but the notion that the 4th leading tackler on the #2 D in the league is a mediocre player is nothing short of laughable.
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