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Everything posted by grammer_police

  1. I know that there are some people on the board from the RDU area, does anyone know if there are any bars around here that Bills fans go to watch the game at?
  2. This must have been a pretty emotional game for paul to play. How much did this game help him?
  3. Does anyone know if there is a way to hear the game tonight on the internet? Im in N.Carolina and NEED my fix. Go BILLS!!!
  4. You want to know what is so disappointing? This team is supposed to be a "team of character." With Marv, and Dick, (probably Brandon too, i'm not sure) character seems to be an incredibly important factor with who they let on this team. But when this offseason is talked about in the future, it will always be known as the "offseason of distractions."
  5. Actually i'm not trying to get into another "WGR Sucks" thread, i'm just curious what he said, since i've been listening to both him and WGR for so long.
  6. For those who heard his show tonight: Another post says that he basically spilled the beans on the WGR situation tonight on WECK. I missed that part of the show, could someone fill me in?
  7. doesnt winning rather than stats make a team money? The stats will always give fans a reason to buy the jersey, but if a guy can win, then the teams will throw money at him.
  8. apuszczalowski on Jason Peters possibly wanting more money: "I agree. But its buisness. No one wants to be "underpaid", even if they agreed to the previous deal and played better. The buisness doesn't want to overpay, and would rather underpay (ie have a person paid fairly working above their potential and pay). The problem is, Peters, like many players, knows he is good and could get what he wants on the open market. So he can threaten to hold out and eventually get what he wants because he knows the Bills don't want to lose him. The thing is that I don't think that he is going to hold out and will play, but would like to rework the deal. Personally (and I know the Players association would never agree to it), I think that salaries and signing bonuses should all be based off of a flat rate plus incentives. An NFL QB would make, say $750,000 (this pay could also be on a scale based on experience and years in the league) a year just for being on a team, then would receive bonuses for certain stats. You would then have players giving 150% every game because they want the money, no one would be overpaid because they are paid based on production. You could remove the cap on salaries, and cap only the signing bonuses, this way it would limit teams with bigger incomes/markets from being able to steal all the big names because the teams would ahve to take into account how mauch they give in signing bonuses. I know its all a pipe dream though and would never happen though, but it would be the best way to run things. Another option could be to do like the NHL and say that you can not renegotiate a deal, and can not sign a player to an extension until the final year of the deal"
  9. Look, here's the deal. Here are the options for a rookie: 1. bust(sort-of common) 2. average back(very common) 3. star(pretty rare) Here are the options for Turner: 1. bust(he has already proven that he has something) 2. average back(possible outcome) 3. star(very possible outcome) Drafting a rookie in the 1st round(lynch or if we are lucky youKnowWho) could be our savior, but isnt there a better chance that Turner could be something special, than some rookie who has never played a down in the NFL. Marv, spend your first on Turner if that's what it takes. We have taken enough chances, it's time now to start filling our holes.
  10. yeah, I know that we have had some players who sought the spotlight(especially in the super bowl days), but I think that a real buffalo hero(for the bills as well as the sabres), is a hard working, quiet, blue collor guy who would rather win games than be hollywood. willis is not a one of these guys. I dont know if we will get a great trade for him(I think a first would be fair), but get him, and his attitude, off this team!
  11. bump, this is important for bills fan's: be posititve, marv said "go bills"!
  12. according to my sources, a wealthy business man has decided to buy the team. details coming...
  13. simon is an ass
  14. once again proving my point, making me laugh harder. i have given you the opportunity to post so many times tonight already you owe me a dollar!
  15. the only sane person here.
  16. you see once again you stoop down to my level. you keep on wasting your time posting, and with every response i get i laugh harder. if you really didnt care you would just leave BUT YOU CANT. this is great!
  17. ahh! i can see that my intention has come to fruition. 1. to piss you off 2. to make you waste your time writing back! ps. i actually did you a favor, because now your post count is one number higher. this means that your ego is one point bigger!
  18. which word in this sentence is vulgar? find it and then post again big shot.
  19. number one: "fag" is vulgar. "coming out the closet" is not. number two: unrelated but just wondering: why do you have so many posts? do just post all day or something? when is the last time you saw sunshine? number three: i do sleep in your bed...with your wife!
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