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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. This. All day long. To beat KC we have to get contributions from younger, cheaper talent, particularly on the defensive side of the ball. Many are down on this season because we didn’t win the whole thing. The outcome hurts, but we’re in good shape moving forward. We need to refresh the receiver room, but the offense on the whole is well-positioned for the future. We discovered this year that we have a burgeoning star in Kincaid, and a stud slot receiver in the making in Shakir. Cook arguably is a star. On the other side of the ball, LB is set. Corner is set. We’re going to get younger in at least one safety position. Oliver is a stud. There’s some work to do on the defensive side of the ball, and the Miller contract hurts. But all things considered we’re in good shape. White, Hyde, Davis, maybe Siran Neal, and maybe Morse are goners. But that’s OK. The pieces are there, and we are going to be back next year.
  2. Me too. He was right last offseason. But he didn't hold up his end this year. At all. That drop was killer. I don't know if it cost us the game, but man he's gotta have that. He gotta have it. It took THE WHOLE GAME to set up that shot play. And it literally went right through his hands.
  3. That drop was killer. It took all game to set up that shot. Just inexcusable. on the bright side, Shakir and Kincaid are studs. We’re really not that far away. This hurts, but we had a MASH unit on D and overall the game plan was really effective. We just couldn’t close at the end.
  4. I think Ed and Daquan are the key to the deal today. I really do.
  5. I know those guys at that store. I don’t doubt it for a second. A lot of them were plowed out as of yesterday. No. You’ll get towed or ticketed. Unless you’re in that little nook across from stepping stone. Which is not a bad idea. Also beaching it at stepping stone might work, too.
  6. I’m gonna guess either Airmont (where you will not get a ticket) or the MAC (where you’re likely to get a ticket today). Stadium lots. Should be better than last week. Based on how the sheriffs had Abbott closed yesterday, I think the bills will open the bus lot to cars for this game. Should create hundreds of additional parking spots.
  7. If I had to guess I’d say Klein is in the middle so that Dodson stays as WLB and they don’t change two positions. I’d imagine they had Klein there all week at practice given the uncertainty and the stability he would bring relative to Williams slotting in there. But who knows. That is a fluid situation for sure.
  8. I don’t know where you are but I’m five minutes from the stadium and we have easily four feet of snow here.
  9. Good point. Trying thawing the snowblower and then see what happens.
  10. 90 to 400 to union to southwestern. You’re welcome.
  11. Was that the KK food mart? Or the Mobil? I wouldn’t patronize either of those businesses.
  12. Playoff win = everyone gets a game ball. Special mention: josh klein elam shakir mcdermott Kincaid
  13. Because bass had low trajectory on three kicks prior to that point. He was not hitting it well today.
  14. Trajectory was low tonight. I think he struggled with footing. Was the last one blocked or shanked? Couldn’t tell from where I was in the stadium,
  15. Not recently. He just returned. He stood tall.
  16. I just got home from the game and I’m very surprised it wasn’t a break. He was writhing and I saw the air cast get inflated. Good brews that it’s not a break.
  17. He struggled in warmups during the break. But it was huge he gutted it out. Bass is the emergency punter, and it was taking him a loooong time to hit it after receiving the snaps from Ferguson,
  18. Haack is a FA, right?
  19. I agree. I can’t believe this much is done. I plan on standing on two feet of snow.
  20. Be early. Traffic is terrible near the stadium.
  21. They don't know what they're missing. The sunny morning after storms like this one is beautiful. OP is gorgeous right now. Stunning beauty. Now let's win a beautiful football game this afternoon!
  22. Oh yeah. They were met. The spinning brushes fiasco was Pittsburgh 2015.
  23. You will be late to your seat. Three feet of snow = far fewer parking spots available.
  24. I don’t know. I’ve never taken it. It’s a new thing done to accommodate those who might have otherwise parked in the ECC log where the new stadium is going.
  25. They aren’t. Grin and bear it. Snow gets shoveled down and taken out through the field by hauler. At some point they have to get the field open for the game. When that happens, it’s over and the seats are in ten condition they’ll be in for the game.
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